As Ed, stun and catch the hidden chicken in each Scam to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Big Heads: Scam 1
Small Heads: Scam 2
Space Suits: Scam 3
Movie - Plank: Scam 4
Movie - Recording: Scam 5
Movie - Special: Scam 6
Get a 100% game completion by collecting all the jawbreakers. The "Unlimited Stealth", "Unlimited Damage", and "Fast Run" cheat options will now be unlocked.
Complete the Revenge Of Edzilla level until you hit the Chunky Puff Factory. Then, press Triangle and throw it at Kankerator ten times. Note: Do not pick up a piece of the Chunky Puff if Kankerator does the same move you used to pick up the Chunky Puff.
Ed on Arrival: Invisible squirrel:
When you find a squirrel throwing acorns at you, have Eddy attack it twice and it should disappear as usual. However, it will not leave blue things behind. If done correctly, you should see nothing throwing acorns. If you try to stand where it is throwing acorns, it will just throw an acorn directly at Eddy's face.
Ed On Arrival: Jawbreaker in the building:
The only way in the building is to get the power cells in the following order: blue, green, orange, and red.
Go behind Nazz's house when you run out of Almongo Stinkbombs. You will get unlimited stinkbombs.
In Scams 4, 5, and 6, dig a hole in the sandboxes.
Collect all the Edzilla pieces in the first three sandboxes.
At the house that Kevin dares you to go into, the Kanker Sisters take Jimmy's stuffed animal, Mr. Yum-Yums. They will trade you for something. Just listen to them. After that, give Jimmy Mr. Yum-Yums, and he will give you a Gum-Gum flavored jawbreaker.
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