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Cabinet - Code 396 - #001 483 - #003 752 - #009 586 - #013 347 - #017 531 - #023 409 - #038 102 - #039 123 - #047 123 - #048 123 - #049 246 - #054 142 - #054 (second) 972 - #063 651 - #064 364 - #078 364 - #079 259 - #103 579 - #104 538 - #112 715 - #114 972 - #116 624 - #116 (second) 624 - #117 371 - #213 298 - #215 841 - #317 836 - #386 836 - #387 571 - #452 372 - #666 468 - #669 0508 - Martian Buddies 1 and 2 734 - Weapons Storage 1 and 2
seta g_showPlayerShadow "0" and change it to seta g_showPlayerShadow "1"
"seta g_nightmare "0" and change it to: seta g_nightmare "1"
give pda admin_dorweiler give pda admin_moses give pda admin_simons give pda alphalabs1_berger give pda alphalabs1_krietman give pda alphalabs1_lipsitz give pda alphalabs1_smith give pda alphalabs2_chin give pda alphalabs2_connors give pda alphalabs3_abrams give pda alphalabs3_lamia give pda alphalabs3_nelson give pda alphalabs3_poota give pda alphalabs4_kaczynski give pda caverns1_cody give pda comm1_blake give pda comm1_finch give pda comm1_wolfe give pda comm1_wolfe give pda commoutside_holiday give pda commoutside_ridge give pda cpu_bates give pda cpu_haskell give pda cpuboss_tooloose give pda delta1_mora give pda delta1_price give pda delta2a_cinders give pda delta2a_raleigh give pda delta2a_wilson give pda delta2b_bullman give pda delta2b_erikson give pda delta2b_mcneil give pda delta2b_stemmons give pda delta3_cerano give pda delta3_lee give pda delta3_shultz give pda delta4_gilbert give pda delta5_jackson give pda delta5_swann give pda enpro_chasar give pda enpro_hammer give pda enpro_raad give pda hell_garlick give pda hell_hebert give pda marscity2_caseon give pda marscity2_duncan give pda marscity2_stanton give pda marscity2_tyson give pda mc1_berneche give pda mcunderground_baston give pda mcunderground_delahue give pda mcunderground_ryan give pda mcunderground_young give pda monorail_cullen give pda monorail_harding give pda monorail_hollies give pda monorail_ross give pda recycling1_garza give pda recycling1_sadowayj give pda recycling2_johnson give pda recycling2_moen give pda site3_davis give pda site3_rogers give video epd - Download Video disk with content give video hydrocon give video mfs give video bfg give video chaingun give video demon_museum give video ian_report give video ipn_news give video plasmagun give video recycling give video soulcube give video tablets
Change the angle your character is viewed in thirdperson. 180 is a front view - pm_thirdPersonAngle [Value] Change the distance the camera is from you in third person. 0 is a face view, 80 is default - pm_thirdPersonRange [Value] Change the height you are viewed in third person. Negative numbers are below normal - pm_thirdPersonHeight [Value] Play from third person with your HUD, crosshair - pm_thirdpersondeath 1
bind "p" "toggle pm_thirdperson"
God Mode: god All Weapons, Full Health, Full Armor: give all Walk through walls: noclip Saves a demo game to an .AVI movie file: aviDemo Game Benchmark: benchmark Skip to last level: doomhell Freeze all on screen: freeze Graphics card information: gfxinfo Invisibility to most enemies: notarget Show FPS: com_drawfps 1 Acquire all keys: give keys Your game status: status Quit or Exit: quit Weapons Machinegun: give weapon_machinegun Shotgun: give weapon_shotgun Plasmagun: give weapon_plasmagun BFG: give weapon_bfg Chainsaw: give weapon_chainsaw Rocket Launcher: give weapon_rocketlauncher Levels Mars City 1: Mars City Underground: Mars City 2: Administration: Alpha Labs Sector 1: Alpha Labs Sector 2: Alpha Labs Sector 3: Alpha Labs Sector 4: EnPro Plant: Communications Transfer: Communications: Monorail Skybridge: Recycling Sector 2: Monorail: Delta Labs Level 1: Delta Labs Level 2A: Delta Labs Level 2B: Delta Labs Level 3: Delta Labs Level 4: Hell: Delta Complex: CPU Complex: Central Processing: Site 3: Caverns Area 1: Caverns Area 2: Primary Excavation: Characters Type “spawn” and the name of the character to spawn them. Flaming Zombie: monster_zombie_bernie Chainsaw Zombie: monster_zombie_sawyer Z-sec Zombie with machine gun: monster_zombie_zsec_machinegun Z-sec Zombie with pistol: monster_zombie_zsec_pistol Z-sec Zombie with shield: monster_zombie_zsec_shield Z-sec Zombie with shotgun: monster_zombie_zsec_shotgun Commando Zombie: monster_zombie_commando Commando Zombie with Chaingun: monster_zombie_commando_cgun Fat Zombie: monster_zombie_fat2 Fat Zombie with wrench: monster_zombie_fat_wrench Bald Zombie: monster_zombie_maint_bald Zombie with no jaw: monster_zombie_maint_nojaw Zombie with Wrench: monster_zombie_maint_wrench Skinny Zombie: monster_zombie_maint_skinny Zombie: monster_zombie_maint Zombie: monster_zombie_maint2 Zombie wth Flashlight: monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight Headless Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_neckstump Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth Skinny Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_skinny Zombie in Labcoat: monster_zombie_labcoat Zombie Missing Limb: monster_zombie_limb Zombie: monster_zombie_skinny Zombie with a pipe: monster_zombie_pipe Zombie in T-shirt: monster_zombie_tshirt_bald Zombie: monster_zombie_tshirt_blown Zombie in Jumpsuit: monster_zombie_jumpsuit Zombie Eating: monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating Archvile: monster_demon_archvile Cherub: monster_demon_cherub Hellknight: monster_demon_hellknight Imp: monster_demon_imp Maggot: monster_demon_maggot Mancubus: monster_demon_mancubus Pinky: monster_demon_pinky Revenant: monster_demon_revenant Tick: monster_demon_tick Trite: monster_demon_trite Wraith: monster_demon_wraith Cyberdemon: monster_boss_cyberdemon Gaurdian: monster_boss_guardian Guardian’s Seeker: monster_boss_guardian_seeker Sabaoth: monster_boss_sabaoth Vagary: monster_boss_Vagary
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