Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Conquer the final land of Doki Doki Ragnarok, and become a legend!
| - Make an old companion admit their failings.
| - Spread the good word about Odin.
| - Win the furry beast's loyalty.
- Conquer Buddies with Benefits
| - Suggest an unlikely team-up.
| - Wait, there's non-village dating???
| - Conquer England, the first land of Doki Doki Ragnarok!
| - Confess your true feelings in the most unlikely romance.
| - Conquer France, the second land of Doki Doki Ragnarok!
| - Even if you're failing miserably, miracles DO happen...
| - Pursue friendship at all costs.
| - Warm Bjorn's heart with promises.
| - Be extremely annoying about snakes.
| - Have a fun round of boardgames.
| - Find that one weird trick to stop a hiccup. Doctors hate it!
| - Conquer the final land of Doki Doki Ragnarok, and find your true frenemy!
| - Unleash the most powerful raid imaginable!
| - Find inner peace with an unexpected viking friend.
| - Don't play along with a certain someone's question games.
| - Let Odin witness a new upcoming artist.
| - Discover the ravens' secret.
| - Conquer the final land of Doki Doki Ragnarok, and defy all expectations!
| - Be rude, have some 'tude.
| - Become BEST friends with the COOLEST creature!!!
| - Just keep screaming. Keep picking that option.
| - Be an irredeemable monster to a fluffy creature.
| - Try an unusual display of power.
| - Conquer Sweden, the third land of Doki Doki Ragnarok!
- The Beginnings of Foeship
| - Every good foeship begins with hating on someone.
- The Beginnings of Friendship
| - Every good friendship begins with finding common ground.
| - Seems like your beatboxing career won't take off anytime soon.
| - Get the worst advice. Why would you even ask THEM...?
| - Commit a major fauxpas while pillaging.
| - Be incredibly stubborn towards an incredibly stubborn village.
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