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Diablo 2 Expansion: Lord of Destruction

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Diablo 2 Expansion: Lord of Destruction on PC

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Diablo 2 Expansion: Lord of Destruction Cheats

In 1.10, to view the framerate, cache, and memory information, input ''/framerate''. It shows the same stuff as typing ''/fps'', but also shows cache figures and memory figures.

In 1.10, to view FPS rate you have to press ''/fps''. To increase player count IN SINGLE PLAYER/OTHER MULTIPLAYER ONLY you must type in ''/players n'' where n = number of players you want. The number set will be verified after typing it in to make sure. Note that you can only have 1-8 players typed for increased/decreased player count.

Type in: /nopickup and the only way you can pick items up from the ground is by holding ALT down. This allows you to move more freely in heavily cluttered areas, such as right outside the Rogue Encampment where people are dueling, therefore you won't accidentally pick up a whole bunch of ears.

To put colors in your profile, minimize the game (ALT+TAB) and open up Notepad. Hold ALT and press 00255 on num pad. You should get a y with 2 dots. Copy it and open up profile. Hold control and press v to paste it. Then press c and they should disappear. Press 1-0 (not on num pad). And to get purple, press ;

When dueling as a hydra sorc in blood moor, go into one of those small houses. Fill the house with hydras. When an enemy comes in, teleport out for the house so your enemy can meet their toasty demise. note: this doesnt work well when dueling zons.

Note: You need a Paladin to do this. First You should have a lvl 4 Zeal a good very fast weapon and a life steal item. Go to Memphisto and rapidly use Zeal. You should take his life and give it to you making you practicly invincible. | Submitted by Dodge

To hear every sound recorded for Diablo 2 press ''enter'' in a game to open the chat box and type in ''soundchaosdebug''.

My account name is ddhkjb318. Add me and when im on I'll rush any of your charcters for free or email me saying "free diablo rush" on the title of email. If you email me please tell me what your account name is and ill add you and message you when im on. | Submitted by Derek

The only character that can make this glitch work is a Barbarian. In edition, he must be at Level 71 or higher, have at least one skill in Leap, have 185 strength, and 87 dexterity. (The stat requirements have to be met before a weapon is put on.) If all the criteria is met, aquire a Flamebellow Balrog Blade (Unique) and put it on your Barbarian. Next, set Inferno on the left-click hot key which Flamebellow gives you. and set leap on the right-click hot key. Go out of town, use leap and while you are in the air, hold shift and left-click (Inferno). If you are sucessful, when you are attacked by a monster or another player, they can only get you down to 1 life (Invincible). You can tell if it worked by checking your gear, the backround will be red like when you use Whirlwind. WARNING: If you use this glitch, your Barbarian may only use Inferno as an attack, nothing else. Once you leave the game, your Barbarian will go back to normal. Also, if your opponent continuously trys to kill you, your gear may be damaged.

This glitch can allow you to cast 2 of the spells (Inferno [Sorc] and Arctic Blast [Druid] only) without depleting mana for a period of time. When you use the skill, start the ''click-n-hold'' inside the mana meter ball. Your mana will drain as normal, however, when it reaches low numbers it will stop draining, but you will still continue to cast. This glitch seems to randomly not work, although it works more often then not.

On your shortcut to diablo ii, right click on it and go to properties. Then in the target line, at the end of where it is targeted press space then enter -w, this will run diablo in a window and not in full screen. It has less lag and it helps!

Rune Word Allowed Items Rune Order Completed Stats

Make sure you put the runes in in this order.

Ancient's Pledge 3 Socket Shields Ral + Ort + Tal +50% Enhanced Defense
Cold Resist +43%
Fire Resist +48%
Lightning Resist +48%
Poison Resist +48%
10% Damage Goes To Mana

Black 3 Socket Clubs/Hammers/Maces Thul + Io + Nef +120% Enhanced Damage
40% Chance Of Crushing Blow
+200 To Attack Rating
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage - Cold Duration 3 Seconds
+10 To Vitality
15% Increased Attack Speed
Magic Damage Reduced By 2
Level 4 Corpse Explosion (12 Charges)
Fury 3 Socket Melee Weapons Jah + Gul + Eth +209% Enhanced Damage
40% Increased Attack Speed
Prevent Monster Heal
66% Chance Of Open Wounds
33% Deadly Strike
Ignore Target's Defense
-25% Target Defense
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
6% Life Stolen Per Hit
+5 To Frenzy (Barbarian Only)
Holy Thunder 4 Socket Scepters Eth + Ral + Ort + Tal +60% Enhanced Damage
-25% Target Defense
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
Adds 21-110 Lightning Damage
+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
+10 To Maximum Damage
Lightning Resistance +60%
+5 To Maximum Lightning Resistance
+3 To Holy Shock (Paladin Only)
Level 7 Chain Lightning (60 Charges)

Honor 5 Socket Melee Weapons Amn + El + Ith + Tir + Sol +160% Enhanced Damage
+9 To Minimum Damage
+9 To Maximum Damage
25% Deadly Strike
+250 To Attack Rating
+1 to All Skills
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
Replenish Life +10
+10 To Strength
+1 To Light Radius
+2 To Mana After Each Kill

King's Grace 3 Socket Swords/Scepters Amn + Ral + Thul +100% Enhanced Damage
+100% Damage To Demons
+50% Damage To Undead
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage - 3 Second Duration
+150 To Attack Rating
+100 To Attack Rating Against Demons
+100 To Attack Rating Against Undead
7% Life Stolen Per Hit

Leaf 2 Socket Staves (Not Orbs) Tir + Ral Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
+3 To Fire Skills
+3 To Fire Bolt (Sorceress Only)
+3 To Inferno (Sorceress Only)
+3 To Warmth (Sorceress Only)
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+ (2 Per Character Level) +2-198 To Defense (Based On Character Level)
Cold Resist +33%

Lionheart 3 Socket Body Armor Hel + Lum + Fal +20% Enhanced Damage
Requirements -15%
+25 To Strength
+10 To Energy
+20 To Vitality
+15 To Dexterity
+50 To Life
All Resistances +30
Lore 2 Socket Helms Ort + Sol +1 To All Skill Levels
+10 To Energy
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
Lightning Resist +30%
Damage Reduced By 7
+2 To Light Radius

Malice 3 Socket Melee Weapons Ith + El + Eth +33% Enhanced Damage
+9 To Maximum Damage
100% Chance Of Open Wounds
-25% Target Defense
-100 To Monster Defense Per Hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+50 To Attack Rating
Drain Life -5
Melody 3 Socket Missile Weapons Shael + Ko + Nef +50% Enhanced Damage
+300% Damage To Undead
+3 To Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
+3 To Critical Strike (Amazon Only)
+3 To Dodge (Amazon Only)
+3 To Slow Missiles (Amazon Only)
20% Increased Attack Speed
+10 To Dexterity
Memory 4 Socket Staves (Not Orbs) Lum + Io + Sol + Eth +3 to Sorceress Skill Levels
33% Faster Cast Rate
Increase Maximum Mana 20%
+3 Energy Shield (Sorceress Only)
+2 Static Field (Sorceress Only)
+10 To Energy
+10 To Vitality
+9 To Minimum Damage
-25% Target Defense
Magic Damage Reduced By 7
+50% Enhanced Defense

Nadir 2 Socket Helms Nef + Tir +50% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
+30 Defense vs. Missile
Level 13 Cloak of Shadows (9 Charges)
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+5 To Strength
-33% Extra Gold From Monsters
-3 To Light Radius

Radiance 3 Socket Helms Nef + Sol + Ith +75% Enhanced Defense
+30 Defense Vs. Missile
+10 To Energy
+10 To Vitality
15% Damage Goes To Mana
Magic Damage Reduced By 3
+33 To Mana
Damage Reduced By 7
+5 To Light Radius

Rhyme 2 Socket Shields Shael + Eth 20% Increased Chance of Blocking
40% Faster Block Rate
All Resistances +25
Regenerate Mana 15%
Cannot Be Frozen
50% Extra Gold From Monsters
25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Silence 6 Socket Weapons Dol + Eld + Hel + Ist + Tir + Vex 200% Enhanced Damage
+75% Damage To Undead
Requirements -20%
20% Increased Attack Speed
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
+2 To All Skills
All Resistances +75
20% Faster Hit Recovery
11% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
Hit Blinds Target +33
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Smoke 2 Socket Body Armor Nef + Lum +75% Enhanced Defense
+280 Defense Vs. Missile
All Resistances +50
20% Faster Hit Recovery
Level 6 Weaken (18 Charges)
+10 To Energy
-1 To Light Radius

Stealth 2 Socket Body Armor Tal + Eth Magic Damage Reduced By 3
+6 To Dexterity
+15 To Maximum Stamina
Poison Resist +30%
Regenerate Mana 15%
25% Faster Run/Walk
25% Faster Cast Rate
25% Faster Hit Recovery

Steel* 2 Socket Swords/Axes/Maces* Tir + El 20% Enhanced Damage
+3 To Minimum Damage
+3 To Maximum Damage
+50 To Attack Rating
50% Chance Of Open Wounds
25% Increased Attack Speed
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+1 To Light Radius

Strength 2 Socket Melee Weapons Amn + Tir 35% Enhanced Damage
25% Chance Of Crushing Blow
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+20 To Strength
+10 To Vitality

Venom 3 Socket Weapons Tal + Dol + Mal Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
Prevent Monster Heal
Ignore Target's Defense
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Level 15 Poison Explosion (27 Charges)
Level 13 Poison Nova (11 Charges)
+273 Poison Damage Over 6 seconds
Wealth 3 Socket Body Armor Lem + Ko + Tir 300% Extra Gold From Monsters
100% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+10 To Dexterity

White 2 Socket Wand Dol + Io Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
+10 To Vitality
+3 To Poison And Bone Skills (Necromancer Only)
+3 To Bone Armor (Necromancer Only)
+2 To Bone Spear (Necromancer Only)
+4 To Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)
Magic Damage Reduced By 4
20% Faster Cast Rate
+13 To Mana

Zephyr 2 Socket Missile Weapons Ort + Eth +33% Enhanced Damage
+66 To Attack Rating
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
-25% Target Defense
+25 Defense
25% Faster Run/Walk
25% Increased Attack Speed
7% Chance To Cast Level 1 Twister When Struck

1.10 Rune Words Allowed Items Rune Order Completed Stats

Beast 5 Socket Axes/Scepters/Hammers Ber + Tir + Um + Mal + Lum Level 9 Fanaticism Aura When Equipped
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+240-270% Enhanced Damage (varies)
20% Chance of Crushing Blow
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+3 To Werebear
+3 To Lycanthropy
Prevent Monster Heal
+25-40 To Strength (varies)
+10 To Energy
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
Level 13 Summon Grizzly (5 Charges)
Bramble 4 Socket Body Armor Ral + Ohm + Sur + Eth Level 15-21 Thorns Aura When Equipped (varies)
+50% Faster Hit Recovery
+25-50% To Poison Skill Damage (varies)
+300 Defense
Increase Maximum Mana 5%
Regenerate Mana 15%
+5% To Maximum Cold Resist
Fire Resist +30%
Poison Resist +100%
+13 Life After Each Kill
Level 13 Spirit of Barbs (33 Charges)

Breath of the Dying 6 Socket Weapons Vex + Hel + El + Eld + Zod + Eth 50% Chance To Cast Level 20 Poison Nova When You Kill An Enemy
+60% Increased Attack Speed
+350-400% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+200% Damage To Undead
-25% Target Defense
+50 To Attack Rating
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
12-15% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
Prevent Monster Heal
+30 To All Attributes
+1 To Light Radius
Requirements -20%

Call To Arms* 5 Socket Weapons Amn + Ral + Mal + Ist + Ohm +1 To All Skills
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+250-290% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+2-6 To Battle Command (varies)*
+1-6 To Battle Orders (varies)*
+1-4 To Battle Cry (varies)*
Prevent Monster Heal
Replenish Life +12
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Chaos 3 Socket Claws Fal + Ohm + Um 9% Chance To Cast Level 11 Frozen Orb On Striking
11% Chance To Cast Level 9 Charged Bolt On Striking
+35% Increased Attack Speed
+290-340% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 216-471 Magic Damage
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+1 To Whirlwind
+10 To Strength
+15 Life After Each Demon Kill

Chains of Honor 4 Socket Body Armor Dol + Um + Ber + Ist +2 To All Skills
+200% Damage To Demons
+100% Damage To Undead
8% Life Stolen Per Hit
+70% Enhanced Defense
+20 To Strength
Replenish Life +7
All Resistances +65
Damage Reduced By 8%
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Crescent Moon 3 Socket Axes/Swords/Polearms Shael + Um + Tir 10% Chance To Cast Level 17 Chain Lightning On Striking
7% Chance To Cast Level 13 Static Field On Striking
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+180-220% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
-35% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+9-11 Magic Absorb (varies)
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
Level 18 Summon Spirit Wolf (30 Charges)

Delirium* 3 Socket Helms Lem + Ist + Io 1% Chance To Cast Level 50 Delirium* (morph) When Struck
6% Chance To Cast Level 14 Mind Blast When Struck
14% Chance To Cast Level 13 Terror When Struck
11% Chance To Cast Level 18 Confuse On Striking
+2 To All Skills
+261 Defense
+10 To Vitality
50% Extra Gold From Monsters
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level 17 Attract (60 Charges)

Doom 5 Socket Axes/Polearms/Hammers Hel + Ohm + Um + Lo + Cham 5% Chance To Cast Level 18 Volcano On Striking
Level 12 Holy Freeze Aura When Equipped
+2 To All Skills
+45% Increased Attack Speed
+330-370% Enhanced Damage (varies)
-(40-60)% To Enemy Cold Resistance (varies)
20% Deadly Strike
25% Chance of Open Wounds
Prevent Monster Heal
Freezes Target +3
Requirements -20%
Enigma 3 Socket Body Armor Jah + Ith + Ber +2 To All Skills
+45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 To Teleport
+750-775 Defense (varies)
+ (0.75 Per Character Level) +0-74 To Strength (Based On Character Level)
Increase Maximum Life 5%
Damage Reduced By 8%
+14 Life After Each Kill
15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+ (1 Per Character Level) +1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level)

Eternity 5 Socket Melee Weapons Amn + Ber + Ist + Sol + Sur Indestructible
+260-310% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+9 To Minimum Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
20% Chance of Crushing Blow
Hit Blinds Target
Slows Target By 33%
Regenerate Mana 16%
Replenish Life +16
Cannot Be Frozen
30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Level 8 Revive (88 Charges)

Exile 4 Socket Paladin Shields (only) Vex + Ohm + Ist + Dol 15% Chance To Cast Level 5 Life Tap On Striking
Level 13-16 Defiance Aura When Equipped (varies)
+2 To Offensive Auras (Paladin Only)
+30% Faster Block Rate
Freezes Target
+220-260% Enhanced Defense (varies)
Replenish Life +7
+5% To Maximum Cold Resist
+5% To Maximum Fire Resist
25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Repairs 1 Durability in 4 Seconds
Famine 4 Socketed Axes/Hammers Fal + Ohm + Ort + Jah +30% Increased Attack Speed
+320-370% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
Adds 180-200 Magic Damage
Adds 50-200 Fire Damage
Adds 51-250 Lightning Damage
Adds 50-200 Cold Damage
12% Life Stolen Per Hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Strength
Gloom 3 Socket Body Armor Fal + Um + Pul 15% Chance To Cast Level 3 Dim Vision When Struck
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
+200-260% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+10 To Strength
All Resistances +45
Half Freeze Duration
5% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
-3 To Light Radius
Hand of Justice 4 Socketed Weapons Sur + Cham + Amn + Lo 100% Chance To Cast Level 36 Blaze When You Level-Up
100% Chance To Cast Level 48 Meteor When You Die
Level 16 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped
+33% Increased Attack Speed
+280-330% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
-20% To Enemy Fire Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
Freezes Target +3
Heart of the Oak* 4 Socketed Staves/Maces* Ko + Vex + Pul + Thul +3 To All Skills
+40% Faster Cast Rate
+75% Damage To Demons
+100 To Attack Rating Against Demons
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage, 3 sec. Duration (Normal)
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+10 To Dexterity
Replenish Life +20
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
All Resistances +30-40 (varies)
Level 4 Oak Sage (25 Charges)
Level 14 Raven (60 Charges)
+50% Damage To Undead
Kingslayer 4 Socket Swords/Axes Mal + Um + Gul + Fal +30% Increased Attack Speed
+230-270% Enhanced Damage (varies)
-25% Target Defense
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
33% Chance of Crushing Blow
50% Chance of Open Wounds
+1 To Vengeance
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Strength
40% Extra Gold From Monsters
Passion 4 Socket Weapons Dol + Ort + Eld + Lem +25% Increased Attack Speed
+160-210% Enhanced Damage
50-80% Bonus To Attack Rating (varies)
+75% Damage To Undead
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
+1 To Berserk
+1 To Zeal
Hit Blinds Target +10
Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
Level 3 Heart of Wolverine (12 Charges)

Sanctuary 3 Socketed Shields Ko + Ko + Mal +20% Faster Hit Recovery
+20% Faster Block Rate
20% Increased Chance of Blocking
+130-160% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+250 Defense vs. Missile
+20 To Dexterity
All Resistances +50-70 (varies)
Magic Damage Reduced By 7
Level 12 Slow Missiles (60 Charges)

Stone 4 Socketed Body Armor Shael + Um + Pul + Lum +60% Faster Hit Recovery
+250-290% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+300 Defense Vs. Missile
+16 To Strength
+16 To Vitality
+10 To Energy
All Resistances +15
Level 16 Molten Boulder (80 Charges)
Level 16 Clay Golem (16 Charges) | Submitted by vince

Just like the Secret Cow Level in the original Diablo II, the Secret Cow Level is in LoD as well. You must have beaten Baal on the difficulty you want to make the portal for though. 1. Go to Rogue Encampment 2. Insert a Wirt's Leg and a Tome of Townsportal into the Cube and Transmute. 3. Enter Portal. 4. Fight Cows. The cows CAN be difficult to kill with melee characters, so be careful. Paladins and Sorceresses are always helpful here. The cows do not give good experience, but the chances of finding good runes/gems/equipment is better than most places. Also, most of the ''stashes'' and ''chests'' here are good drops as well. WARNING: If you want to make the portal again, DO NOT KILL THE COW KING. If the Cow King is killed in a game where you made the portal, you WILL NOT be able to make the portal for that difficulty anymore.

Go to an offline or online game press enter to type a text, then type in fps .(no period) Then at the top left of the screen the ping (lag) frame skip , and frames per second (fps) will show.

Since 1.10 especially on ladder you will need all the help you can get. Well when your fighting hard with a weak unique weapon you found in norm, its time you upgrade its power, wouldn't you say? Whenever you want to upgrade your weapon. all you need is your weapon, a thul and amn rune, and a perfect emerald. transmute them in the cube and there you go! Your weak blood rise morning star just became a blood rise jagged star. With nice attack percs. All you need to do is upgrade again to make it a devil star. *Note* This does not mean if you upgrade your blood rise to devil star status that it will be a baranar's star. | Submitted by NickAddy

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