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Diablo 2

Unlimited imbues and socket equipment for Diablo 2 - PC

You can have unlimited imbued item - You can keep em and unlimited socketed item without cheating or hex editing. You need 2 computers or a one with 2 simultaneous copies of Diblo 2 running, 2 different characters say a paladin and an amazon.Lets say the Paladin has been granted an imbue award. But he wants 2 objects to be imbued lets say a shield and a scepter. Make a copy of the paladin save game before you do this. Now go to Charsi and imbue the shield. Trade this shield to the amazon for safe keeping. Exit. Copy the backup save game you made earlier over the current one. Trade back your shield, and now you can even have the scepter imbued and get to keep it. So you have unlimited imbues.
The same can be done for socketed equipment.

An excellent loop hole in the diablo 2 sytem , too bad i discovered it when i unlocked hell.

You can even make copies out of your equipment. You can do this to get more runes,More life(The golden bird in act 3 can be duplicated) | Submitted by Rishabh

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