Buy Any Magic Book Easily
Go to Adria's hut and buy whatever magic item that you desire. Save, and load the game again. Adria will have restocked her items. Note: The old items will no longer be there. Make sure you buy the item that you want the most when it appears before saving and reloading. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeType SOS in the game. |
Submitted by Rambo1. place item you want duplicated on th ground.
2. walk away, straight line if possible.
3. with inventory closed and a potion in your belt, click on item.
4. the moment it is picked up click on the potion.
5. drop the potion, if this is done right, it should be a copy of the item.
6. this will take awhile to perfect, but its well worth the trouble. |
Submitted by PondscumWhile in town you can find some cows near the upper bridge to Adria the witch's hut. Click on the cows and they should moo. Keep clicking on the cow and your character will eventually should say something similar to "Yes, that is a cow". |
Submitted by RobertWolfeFirst, meet up with him in his room. Then, lead him to one of the walls that look like cage walls. Go on the other side of the wall and close the door behind you. Shoot him with a bow or use magic. Since he cannot open doors, he will just stand there. Just keep shooting him until he is defeated.
Find the Butcher. Open his door and run away from him. He should follow you. Lead him to a staircase and run around it, but stay close to it. He should follow you in circles around the it. Eventually, after about thirty seconds to a minute, he should get stuck in the staircase. From there, shoot him with magic or a bow. You should also be able to melee attack him. Note: He can get away from it if you go onto the side of the staircase that you need to be on if you were to enter it.
Open the door, cast Fire Wall immediately, then close door after the spell. The Butcher will be stupid and stand in the flames provided you stay at the doorsteps. He will die almost always before the flame goes out, even if spell is cast by a Warrior. Note: You must be fast and need to proceed a few levels down in the dungeon to learn Fire Wall. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeHere's how to dupe an item without any hacking:
1. Use Town portal.
2. Set any item in front of the portal.
3. Click with the mouse on the item and step through the portal.
4. When you reach the town the item will be in your inventory.
5. Go back through the portal and the item will be where you left it.
After completing the game online, hold [Alt] and press [Tab] to skip the ending sequence. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeAfter starting a new or saved game play until your character gets to a level status that you want. Save the game and click "New game" Click on your character, then click "OK". When the screen appears again, do not click on "Load Game". Instead, click on "New game" to start with all your stats and items intact from the previous game. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeAfter you have gotten Odgin's Sign, give it to the fallen ones. Then a lot of fallen ones will attack you. Kill them all and look around the ground for The Needleer which is a crossbow. |
Submitted by CharlesMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements