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To activate cheatmode, type in "set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True" without the quotes in the console. Now you may type any of the codes listed below: Code Result god God Mode invisible Invisibility iamwarren Turn on EMP Field allskillpoints Gives All Skill Points allweapons Give All Weapons allammo Refill Ammo allaugs All Basic Augmentations tantalus Kill Current Target opensesame Unlock Targeted Door legend Secret Menu allhealth Full Health allenergy Full Energy allcredits 10000 Credits allimages All Images summon X Summon Item X (See List Below) spawnmass Spawn a Mass of Enemies Summon Objects Lockpick basketball MultiTool AcousticSensor Ammo10mm AmmoDart AmmoDartPoison AmmoDartFlare AmmoNapalm AmmoPlasma Ammo3006 AmmoRockets WeaponPistol WeaponRifle WeaponStealthPistol WeaponShuriken WeaponSawedOffShotgun WeaponProd WeaponPlasmaRifle WeaponAssaultShotgun WeaponFlameThrower WeaponGasGrenade WeaponLAM Weaponmodaccuracy Weaponmodclip Weaponmodlaser Weaponmodrange Weaponmodrecoil Weaponmodscope Weaponmodsilencer AugBallistic AugCloak AugDatalink AugEMP AugEnviro AugIFF AugShield AugStealth AugTarget
Open 00_Training Open 00_TrainingCombat Open 00_TrainingFinal Open 01_NYC_UNATCOHQ Open 01_NYC_UNATCOIsland Open 02_NYC_Bar Open 02_NYC_BatteryPark Open 02_NYC_FreeClinic Open 02_NYC_Hotel Open 02_NYC_Smug Open 02_NYC_Street Open 02_NYC_Underground Open 02_NYC_Warehouse Open 03_NYC_747 Open 03_NYC_Airfield Open 03_NYC_AirfieldHeliBase Open 03_NYC_BatteryPark Open 03_NYC_BrooklynBridgeStation Open 03_NYC_Hangar Open 03_NYC_MolePeople Open 03_NYC_UNATCOHQ Open 03_NYC_UNATCOIsland Open 04_NYC_Bar Open 04_NYC_BatteryPark Open 04_NYC_Hotel Open 04_NYC_NSFHQ Open 04_NYC_Smug Open 04_NYC_Street Open 04_NYC_UNATCOHQ Open 04_NYC_UNATCOIsland Open 04_NYC_Underground Open 05_NYC_UNATCOHQ Open 05_NYC_UNATCOIsland Open 05_NYC_UNATCOMJ12lab Open 06_HongKong_Helibase Open 06_HongKong_MJ12lab Open 06_HongKong_Storage Open 06_HongKong_TongBase Open 06_HongKong_VersaLife Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Canal Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Garage Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Market Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Street Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Underworld Open 08_NYC_Bar Open 08_NYC_FreeClinic Open 08_NYC_Hotel Open 08_NYC_Smug Open 08_NYC_Street Open 08_NYC_Underground Open 09_NYC_Dockyard Open 09_NYC_Graveyard Open 09_NYC_Ship Open 09_NYC_ShipBelow Open 09_NYC_ShipFan Open 10_Paris_Catacombs Open 10_Paris_Catacombs_Tunnels Open 10_Paris_Chateau Open 10_Paris_Club Open 10_Paris_Metro Open 11_Paris_Cathedral Open 11_Paris_Everett Open 11_Paris_Underground Open 12_Vandenberg_Cmd Open 12_Vandenberg_Computer Open 12_Vandenberg_Gas Open 12_Vandenberg_Tunnels Open 14_OceanLab_Lab Open 14_Oceanlab_Silo Open 14_OceanLab_UC Open 14_Vandenberg_Sub Open 15_Area51_Bunker Open 15_Area51_Entrance Open 15_Area51_Final Open 15_Area51_Page (note that number is the level number and then the city it is in and then the specific place in the city. For example: "Open 03_NYC_BatteryPark" is level 3 at Battery Park in New York City.)
To return to first person mode, type 'behindview 0'.
You will then tell him that you have no room, he will drop the aug upgrade on the ground but he will still have it next time you talk to him. This is also possible with medkits from the terrorist prisoner in level 4 UNATCO HQ when you break out of prison.
1. Open inventory 2. Drag a big item away. do not release mouse button! miportant! 3. Close inventory by pressing I 4. Pick up another item. 5. Laugh at the fact that the game has put the new item underneath the first. move it away to check. The computer will put items in the first available space, going left then down, so stack in top left corner to avoid useing squares. Unlimited items may be stacked in one place, but they still need the same amount of squares, a 4 by 2 gun will need that much space, but can be ontop or under a 2 by 2 weapon, as long as the extra squares are free.
Open 00_Intro Open 99_Endgame1 Open 99_Endgame2 Open 99_Endgame3 Open 99_Endgame4 (note: "Open 00_Intro" is the Introduction cinema and the others are each four different endings to Deus Ex)
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