Play the "Born To Be Wild" quest. Enter the hotel and talk to Mike Davies. Then, move to the next room with the workbench. Enter the next room with a computer to reboot. Look at the wall to the side of the desk with the fan on it, to see a Chrome 2 poster.
When zombies are chasing you, simply run into the water, then kick them so they drown to get easy XP instead of trying to melee them.
In the Slums there is an abandoned building at the bottom of the map. Once cleared out, you will be able to quick travel to there. In the back of the building are two rooms. Each has a fridge that may contain a bottle of champagne. If not, quick travel to another area then quick travel back as many times as desired.
Reach Ope's Cave in Act 3, then use the "Duplicate Weapons" glitch to copy your most valuable weapon. Sell the weapons to a vendor to get a lot of money, then buy Oleander from a vendor if it is available. Taking as much Oleander as you can buy, fast travel back to Ope's Cave and turn it in to the tribesman that give you the Continuous Event "Dreamtime". Each time you turn in five Oleander Blossoms, you will receive $1 and 1,000 experience points. Repeat this as many times as desired.
After you complete Act three, enter the hotel, & go down the hallways until you reach the lounge with tables & chairs. There will be about ten bottles of alcohol on the bar that you can pick up. These bottles of alcohol will respawn one time you exit the hotel & re-enter the hotel, travelling the same way you went. Collect as lots of bottles of alcohol as desired, then go to Harland, & trade the bottles of alcohol for Molotov cocktails. You will get Molotov cocktail for every bottles of alcohol. Repeat this as lots of times as desired. A Molotov cocktail can kill most zombies in a single area instantly.
Once you have discovered the Church and the Warehouse and are in the City, go to the Warehouse and get the Hammer and Baseball Bat. You then need to fast travel to the Church and sell both items. When you travel back to the Warehouse, the items will have respawned - you can repeat this unlimited times.
On Level 7, City Hall #2, you get a Diamond from the safe in the Mayor's office. If you go back into the sewers, but then turn round and check the safe again, the Diamond should be spawned back in there again. You can obviously sell the diamonds - so this is a good way to get lots of extra cash.
This trick works best if you play as Logan. Humans can use weapons, and so can you. However when it comes down to a gunfight you are both evenly matched. A good way to kill humans with little effort is to throw modded weapons. However, there are a few exceptions. The weapon Must be a sharp weapon. Blunt weapons only damage them slightly. The military machete works best. The weapon must have either a Poison mod or a Shock mod. Fire will not do anything. Make sure you upgrade the weapon to at least level 3. You may want to mod a powerful weapon because it will have minimal affect against stronger humans. Keep your distance when throwing, and have plenty of ammunition. This is one reason why Logan is better for this, because thrown objects can come back to him. However, if you have a clear view of the target, throw the weapon and they will die instantly.
If you climb on top of a car and sit on the roof, you can kick incoming zombies in the head. It is impossible for them to damage you up here, so be sure to use this technique as a fallback option when the brown stuff hits the fan!
Various Steam Achievements
Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Kill 10 zombies in a row with headshots.
| - Kill a zombie with 10 different melee weapons.
| - Kill 250 zombies with modified weapons.
| - Kill a Butcher using an axe
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| - Finish 75 quests cumulatively.
| - Use a hammer to kill a series of 15 zombies without taking damage.
| - Travel a distance of 20 kilometers on foot.
| - Kill an Infected with a grenade blast.
| |
| - Use a large medkit to heal an injury of 5% or less.
| - Kill a Suicider with a grenade.
| - Heal yourself with a medkit 100 times.
| - Finish 25 quests while playing with at least one co-op partner.
| |
- Guns don't kill but they help
| - Kill 250 zombies using firearms.
| - Kill 250 zombies using edged melee weapons.
| |
| - Play Dead Island at least 28 days after starting it for the first time.
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| - Kill 50 zombies using a vehicle.
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| - Breach a locked door with the first blow.
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| - Set 10 zombies on fire simultaneously.
| - Finish 5 quests with 3 co-op partners.
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| - Join another player's game.
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| - Kill a Ram using tackle skill.
| - Kill 5 Infected in a row with a single blow.
| - Play in a co-op team of 4 different playable characters.
| - Play with 10 different co-op partners for at least 15 minutes each.
| - Kill 100 enemies with Fury attacks.
| - Finish act 1 with 4 different characters.
| - Drive a total distance of 10 kilometers.
| - Loot 25 exceptional weapons.
| - Save 5 people besieged by zombies.
| |
| - Create weapons to rival the gods of fire or thunder.
| - Kill 150 enemies using Analog Fighting controls.
| - Kill 25 zombies with your bare fists.
| - Explore the entire island.
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| - Kill 250 zombies using blunt melee weapons.
| - Finish 5 quests in a single co-op game with the same partners.
| - Create a customized weapon.
This is easier to have just the weapon you wanna dupe equipped.
OK throw the weapon and as soon as you do go stright to you inventory and drop the equiped weapon. Leave inventory and you will see two of the equipped weapon in front of you! Reapet till you get what you want.
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