Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - You reached the Ramparts for the first time!
- Finally, a moment of rest...
| - You reached the Black Bridge for the first time!
- It rubs the lotion on its skin!
| - You reached the Prison Depths for the first time!
| - You reached the Promenade of the Condemned for the first time!
- My only wish, to catch a fish, so juicy sweeeeet!
| - You reached the Stilt Village for the first time!
| - You have unlocked 10 active skills.
- Please stand clear of the doors!
| - Kill an enemy with an elevator.
| - You have unlocked 10 weapons.
| - You destroyed "The Incomplete One"!
- The dead center of the island...
| - You reached the Fog Fjord for the first time!
| - You have assimilated the Vine Rune!
- Well this is a cheerful place...
| - You reached the Ossuary for the first time!
- What are you rubbing at anyway?
| - You have assimilated the Teleportation Rune!
| - You reached the Toxic Sewers for the first time!
- Who needs an Italian plumber?
| - You reached the Old Sewers for the first time!
| - Cheat death with a beating heart.
- You've got nothing, elites!
| - You slayed 100 elites. Badman.
- You've got something in your eye
| - You destroyed "The Watcher"!