Dancing soldiers in Nanosuit Showroom
At the "Extras" menu, choose the "Nanosuit Showroom" selection, then hold RB on an Xbox 360 controller for a few seconds. Models of a deer, a frog, mobile turret, and Ceph will appear. Scroll to the end to see two CELL soldiers dancing.
In Mission 6: Only Human, at the first Ceph Anti-Air waypoint, crawl underneath using the underground tunnels to reach an area below the battery, with Ceph enemies. Enter stealth mode so you do not alert the Ceph. Watch for one of the Ceph leaving the enclosed area to stand near a cliff's ledge with a strategically placed dumpster nearby. Then, power kick the dumpster into the waiting Ceph. If done correctly, the Ceph will go flying far into the distance, and you will hear a roar of applause. Psycho's voice can then be heard saying, "That's how you do it!"
Easy "Bang For The Buck" achievement
In Mission 2: Welcome To The Jungle, immediately after getting the first Nanosuit upgrade at the beginning, enter the jungle, and equip the Predator Bow with explosive tipped arrows. Immediately cloak, and use the low draw strength to shoot your bow at the buck directly in front of you to get the "Bang For The Buck" achievement.
Easy "Can You Hear Me Now" achievement
At the end of Mission 2: Welcome To The Jungle, you will leave a building and enter an area with very tall gras and Ceph Stalkers. Your Nanosuit will be jammed, and you get the secondary objective to disable the jammer. However, the objetive will not appear on your HUD. The jammer is just a little machine, located in the south-eastern corner of the area. Ignore the Ceph Stalkers, and run straight to the jammer. Press the jammer switch to turn it off and get the "Can You Hear Me Now" achievement. Note: You can also see a small world map with all objectives in the pause menu.
Easy "Clever Girl!" achievement
In Mission 2: Welcome To The Jungle, you will encounter Ceph Stalkers for the first time. Shortly after entering the underground area, you will enter a room with tall grass, and a cutscene will begin to play. Go down the stairs, and stay away from the grass. Activate the cloak ability, and stand still until a Ceph Stalker is close to you. Then, quietly sneak up from behind, and perform a stealth kill to get the "Clever Girl!" achievement.
Easy "Improviser" achievement
In Mission 1: Post-Human, there are many opportunities to get double kills by shooting explosive barrels. A good place to do this is in the outside area where the attack helicopter comes in as enemy backup, shortly after obtaining the Predator Bow. The last two Cell Operatives will be sitting behind a barricade, and there are two explosive barrels next to them. Shoot the barrels to get an environmental double kill and the "Improviser" achievement.
Easy "Ping Pong!" achievement
In Mission 6: Only Human, there are three total Pingers. All of them can be found on the way to the Defense Battery Bravo main objective. Pingers are basically tanks on legs. There are lots of explosives in the weapon caches of this area. Use the rocket launchers and C4 explosives. Your Predator Bow will also work well. The explosive arrows and electric arrows are very effective. If you are having trouble, set the difficulty to Recruit.
Easy "Post-Human Warrior" achievement
Just before the final Boss fight in Mission 7: Gods And Monsters, reach the checkpoint before entering the Ceph wormhole at the end of the mission. Your Nanosuit will become supercharged, and enemies will begin spawning. Go back through the large alien area, and keep killing the enemies until ten are killed with one supercharged shot to get the "Post-Human Warrior" achievement.
Easy "Roadkill" achievement
In Mission 5: Red Star Rising, when you go down some stairs and a cutscene begins to play, you will be on a mountain when it ends. Jump down, and a buggy will be right in front of you. There are four soldiers in the first area. They are on a metal structure that resembles a ship wreck. Run over all four of them, and continue to the next area. Keep driving until you reach a closed gate. There are some more soldiers hiding behind containers to the right of the gate. Run over a total of five soldiers to get the "Roadkill" achievement.
Easy "White Rider" achievement
Proceed through Mission 3: The Root Of All Evil until you exit a cave into a large open area, with a fallen tree at the cave's exit. Look to the left to find a tan donut life raft on the shore of the river. Interact with it to push the life raft into the water. Jump on it, and ride it on the river for twenty seconds to get the "White Rider" achievement. Crouch to avoid getting knocked off.
Easy "Who Needs Rockets?" achievement
Proceed through Mission 1: Post-Human until you leave the computer room and enter a large open area. Follow the catwalks to walkways with CELL soldiers. Kill as many soldiers as possible so they call for a helicopter for back up. You will see its searchlight on the right side of the main causeway when it arrives. Use the Predator Bow with the strongest draw to get the best range and accuracy for your arrow. Select the explosive or electric arrow, and destroy the helicopter in one shot to get the "Who Needs Rockets?" achievement.
Happy Mushroom Easter Egg
In Mission 3: The Root Of All Evil, after the dam collapses, go down the river, and stay to the left. There is a small mushroom hidden in the foliage. It is approximately 471 meters from the "Infiltrate CELL System-X Harvesting Facility" primary objective. Interact with it to use it, and you will begin hallucinating.
Ketchup Briefcase Easter Egg
In Mission 3: The Root Of All Evil, once Psycho opens the elevator door, enter the shaft, and the elevator cables will break. Go back outside to encounter a CELL patrol. Kill the enemies, then move towards the dam. On your way to the dam, there will be an area with ruined buildings to the left in the dark before entering a wide open section. Search those buildings to the left. Climb on some rubble, and jump up to reach a difficult to see ledge. The ledge is approximately 165 meters from the "Infiltrate the Dam Control Towers" primary objective. Pull yourself up to enter the ruins. Turn around, then keep jumping up from one level to the next until you reach the top. Notice the broken wall with the floor missing in the corner ahead. Jump into the alcove to the right of the hole to find a glowing suitcase on the ground. Open it to get a ketchup packet fountain.
Nanosuit upgrade kit locations
Search the indicated locations to find all 25 Nanosuit upgrade kits. Note: Scan with your visor often to mark nearby Nanosuit upgrade kits.
Mission 2: Welcome To The Jungle
1-4. During a Nanosuit malfunction while on your way out of the facility, Psycho will point out an upgrade kit. The first four Nanosuit upgrade kits cannot be missed.
5. Proceed through the jungle until you get an optional objective to hack a CELL pod. Hack the CELL pod past the crumbling highway to find an upgrade kit.
6. While exploring the train station, an objective marker will appear over a zipline. Use the zipline, then turn right, and explore the train car to find the upgrade kit.
Mission 3: The Root Of All Evil
7. While go towards a large dam early in the mission, there will be a bunker on the left with alarm lights. Go through the open doors, and hack the CELL pod to find an upgrade kit.
8. An upgrade kit is inside the far northern tower of the dam, inside a generator room behind a series of terminals.
9. After leaving the dam, you will get an optional waypoint leading to a crashed helicopter. Go to the location to find an upgrade kit in the wreckage.
10. Past the previous module, defeat the CELL squad, then look for an underwater cave path just beyond. Inside the cave is a path leading to the right with more items, and an upgrade kit.
11. Behind the huge dome-shaped facility is a pool of water with an upgrade kit below the surface.
12. Search for a blue building on the catwalks around the very center of the CELL facility to find an upgrade kit.
Mission 4: Safeties Off
13. While going through the Chinese market at the beginning of the mission, you will pass a CELL resupply cache on the second level of a destroyed building. Look inside to find an upgrade kit on a counter.
14. After going up a flight of stairs to reach the zipline marked as your primary objective, explore the open doorway to the left to find an upgrade kit on a table inside.
15. Inside the CELL lab facility, look for a small blue supply shack attached to the center ring of catwalks to find an upgrade kit.
16. After going down the stairs to meet Psycho on the bottom floor of the lab, you will pass by a room on your right with an upgrade kit hanging on a wall, just after exiting the stairwell.
Mission 5: Red Star Rising
17. To the right of the large tube that acts as a bridge across the rooftops, jump up to the roof on the right, and drop through the ceiling to find an upgrade kit.
18. While in the open, search behind a building before reaching the Ceph objective to find an upgrade kit in a small clearing.
19. When you reach some destroyed vehicles (right after Claire's distress call), look near one of the destroyed APCs to find an upgrade kit.
20. When you get the optional objective to destroy the Command Center defense system, look under the catwalks at the base to find an upgrade kit.
Mission 6: Only Human
21. An upgrade kit can be found at a CELL ammo cache just pass your first objective.
22. On the way to destroy the second Ceph aerial defenses, scan often to find an upgrade kit and ammo cache.
23. Complete the first secondary objective to find an upgrade kit inside a nearby cave.
24. An upgrade kit is inside a crashed VTOL, which is set as your second optional objective.
Mission 7: Gods And Monsters
25. When entering the Ceph sections of the underground, you will pass through a narrow corridor with a small alcove above and a CELL ammo box on the ledge. Scan and check the ledge to find the final upgrade kit.
In Mission 4: Safeties Off, look for Thor's Hammer in the shallow water, near some mines and between two building south of the "Avoid the CELL Searchlights and Make your way to the Park" primary objective. The hammer is exactly 81 meters away from the primary objective when looking back at the waypoint. When you pick up the hammer, electricity will surge through your body. It can be carried like a piece of debris. Throwing the hammer at CELL soliders will instantly kill them.
Various Steam Achievements
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Complete Welcome to the Jungle.
| - Kill 10 enemies using the mounted weapon on the VTOL (Public Match only).
| - Single Player: End an enemy's career as a CELL operative by wounding him in the knee with an arrow!
| - Single Player: Kill a deer using explosive arrows.
| - Single Player: Kill 10 enemies with each arrow type.
| |
| - Air stomp someone from a height of 15 meters (Public Match only).
| - Complete a match in every location in New York (Public Match only).
| - Single Player: Retrieve all CELL Intel.
| - Complete the campaign on Veteran difficulty.
| - Complete Red Star Rising.
| - Welcome to the Jungle: Disable the Nanosuit Jammer.
| - Single Player: Stealth kill a Ceph Stalker.
| - Single Player: Unlock all weapon attachments.
| - Get a primary weapon, secondary weapon and explosive kill in one life (Public Match only).
| - Complete 3 of 7 levels on Supersoldier difficulty.
- Hit me baby one more time
| - Melee someone with a ripped off shield in Spears (Public Match only).
| - Single Player: Retrieve 10 arrows from pinned enemies.
| - Kill 10 Hunters as a C.E.L.L. operative (Public Match only).
| - Single Player: Rip off and use all alien weapon types.
| - Single Player: Kill two enemies in one strike using the environment.
| - Single Player: Kill 10 enemies using hacked sentry guns.
- Kicking off the training wheels
| - Complete a match using manual armor mode only (Public Match only).
| - Kill 25 enemies with the Pinger (Public Match only).
| - Single Player: Kill 25 enemies using only the Nanosuit's enhanced powers instead of guns.
| - Single Player: Perform 20 Stealth Kills without alerting nearby enemies.
| - Complete 3 of 7 levels on Veteran difficulty.
| - Get two kills with one throw-able object in the same match (Public Match only).
| - Complete The Root of All Evil.
| - Single Player: Save a Nanosuit module package.
| - Only Human: Kill all Pingers.
| - Single Player: Kill 10 enemies with thrown objects without being detected.
| - Single Player: Kill 10 enemies in a single Supercharge boost.
| - Complete the campaign on Supersoldier difficulty.
| |
| - Red Star Rising: Crush five enemies with the Buggy.
| - Rip an enemy player out of a Pinger (Public Match only).
| |
| - Single Player: Using the Predator Bow, pin 10 enemies to walls with arrows.
| - Single Player: Upgrade all Nanosuit modules to Maximum level.
- Taste Of Your Own Medicine
| - Single Player: Kill 25 enemies while supercharged.
| - Single Player: Complete 20 hacking challenges.
| - Get a stealth kill, a rip and throw kill and an air stomp kill in the same match (Public Match only).
- The True Measure of a Hero
| - Complete Gods and Monsters.
| |
| |
| - The Root of All Evil: Surf the donut down the river for 20 seconds.
| - Post-Human: Take out an attack helicopter using the Predator Bow.
| - Finish the campaign in any difficulty.
| - Accept and complete 25 unique challenges.
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements