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SelfDefenceAgainstFreshFruit Note the difference: 'fruit' is singular, no 's'. That works for invulernabililty. Could not get 'motorhead' (supposedly Instant Kill) to work, only 'TheSpanishInquisition' seems to work for Instant Kill mode. A lot of the cheats you have listed on your site for this game do not work, at least, not in the N. American version that I just bought. So you might want to change these. I think they were just copied from other sites, and I am letting them know too. Seriously, I have been testing them all over the last hour and a half, they don't work, except a couple that I have mentioned. There are a few, like 'BicycleRepairman', that were acknowledged by the game when I typed them in, but seemed to have no effect. The only ones I didn't test were the points-related cheats. Oh yeah, the instant win scenario cheat- 'DirtyHungarianPhrasebook' - does, in fact, work. | Submitted by jeremy
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