Achievement | How to unlock
| - Finish Discovery mission three.
| - Upgrade the cargo hold of the Sparrow.
| - Upgrade the cargo hold of the Sparrow ultimately.
| - Upgrade the cargo hold of the Sparrow again.
| - Upgrade the tank of the Falcon.
| - Upgrade the tank of the Falcon ultimately.
| - Upgrade the tank of the Falcon again.
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| - Upgrade the cargo hold of the Falcon.
| - Upgrade the cargo hold of the Falcon ultimately.
| - Upgrade the cargo hold of the Falcon again.
| - Finish Tutorial 2: Buy airplane!
| - Finish Discovery mission 8.
| - Transport Artist craftsman.
| - Upgrade the tank of the Pigeon.
| - Upgrade the tank of the Pigeon ultimately.
| - Upgrade the tank of the Pigeon again.
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| - Upgrade the tank of the Sparrow.
| - Upgrade the tank of the Sparrow ultimately.
| - Upgrade the tank of the Sparrow again.
| - Finish Tutorial 5: Refuel airplane!
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| - Upgrade the engine of the Sparrow.
| - Upgrade the engine of the Sparrow ultimately.
| - Upgrade the engine of the Sparrow again.
| - Upgrade the engine of the Pigeon.
| - Upgrade the engine of the Pigeon ultimately.
| - Upgrade the engine of the Pigeon again.
| - Upgrade the engine of the Falcon.
| - Upgrade the engine of the Falcon ultimately.
| - Upgrade the engine of the Falcon again.
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| - Finish Tutorial 1: Movement, Interaction!
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| - Finish Discovery mission 1.
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| - Transport Protective Clothing.
| - Finish Discovery mission 4.
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| - Finish Tutorial 3: Mission!
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| - Finish Discovery mission 9.
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| - Transport Medical Instruments.
| - Transport Replacement parts.
| - Finish Discovery mission 2.
| - Finish Discovery mission 5.
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| - Buy the airplane Sparrow.
| - Finish Discovery mission 7.
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| - Upgrade the cargo hold of the Pigeon.
| - Upgrade the cargo hold of the Pigeon ultimately.
| - Upgrade the cargo hold of the Pigeon again.
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| - Finish Tutorial 7: Take-off!
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| - Finish Tutorial 10: Discovery!
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| - Finish Tutorial 6: Upgrade airplane!
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| - Finish Discovery mission 6.
| - Finish Tutorial 4: Move airplane!