2001: A Space Odyssey reference
Go to Triton Flats and use the jump pad to travel up to Stanton's Liver. Immediately after entering, move up the rocky bluffs and find the rock platform to the right that has a glowing blue jump pad. Jump over the lava, land, and enter the Ventricles. Drop down into the cave to find train tracks and a level 12 enemy. Defeat it, then continue to the rear of the cave. Jump into the narrow "L"-shaped tunnel that turns to the right. A purple glow object shaped like the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey will come into view in Higgin's Gully. Defeat the waves of enemies that appear, then approach the monolith. Step into it to teleport through a psychedelic tunnel before landing on rocky area that has breathable air, similar to the prehistoric area featured at the start of 2001: A Space Odyssey. A second monolith can be found below. Enter it to teleport to a closed white room, as featured at the end of the film. The room also contains a large chest. Leaving will start a video sequence that references another scene from the film. The monolith will no longer teleport you after it is used.
Donkey Kong Country reference
Reach the buildings at the south end of Regolith Range. Use the ledges and pipes to climb on top of them. You can find some treasure and the letters "D" and "K" on top of the buildings.
You can fight a hidden level 30 Kraggon Boss named "Iwajira", that resembles Godzilla, has a similar radioactive beam attack, and is named closely to her original Japanese name, "Gojira". From Janey's Workshop at Serenity's Waste, run forward and use the U-turn to your right. Jump to the rocks on the left of the tall building up the hill. Use them to jump on the edge of the building. Follow the curved ledge to reach a narrow platform above some magma. Jet jump from high ledge across the streaming lava and land on the small platform on the other side. Enter the cave behind the streaming lava and continue deep inside until you find a hole. Drop into the cavern to enter the "Pyroclast Grotto" and encounter Iwajira.
Infinite XP, Moonstones, and loot
Proceed through the main missions until you get the "Let's Build A Robot Army" mission (Level 14). In this mission, you will be tasked with letting turrets kill 12 Scavs. Follow your waypoint until you get to a closed door, which is where the Scavs come out to be shot by the turrets. When the door opens, start ground slamming in front of the door to kill the enemies before the turrets can kill them. This will cause an infinite number of Scavs to come out of the door. When the turret kills get too high, pause the game, and select "Save and Quit". Once you are back at the main menu, select "Continue", then run back to the door to start farming again. If the turret gets the 12 kills, the mission will proceed, and you will not be able to farm this area any longer. This glitch works best with multiple players so you can have more people killing the Scavs to prevent the turrets from killing them.
During the final mission, "The Beginning of the End", you will enter an Eridian structure with a large circular chamber with elevators rising up through the force field on the floor. Notice that one of the elevators in this room does not have a force field at the top. Use it to rise up to a new room that has blocks, lava, and pipes that are reminiscent of the Mario series. You can also find a few chests in this room.
The Fifth Element reference
A legendary weapon named the "ZX-1" is a rare drop from one of the enemies on the moon. Its description reads "Replay!" This is a reference to the "ZF-1" weapon in the film The Fifth Element, which allowed its shooter to designate a target that every shot would follow to hit in the exact same location.
Weapon attachment abilities
The following abilities can be obtained on weapon attachments.
Bayonet: Increases melee damage.
Boominator: Increases grenade damage.
Fast Learner: Bonus experience from kills.
Foregrip: Increases stability.
Harden Up: Improves maximum shields.
Higher Bullet Speed: Faster bullets to improve long-range performance.
Higher Damage: Increases base damage of weapon.
Improved Accuracy: Increases accuracy of weapon.
Increased Magazine Size: Holds more bullets.
Oxygenator: Damaging enemies will restore oxygen.
Piercing Rounds: Chance to penetrate enemy shields.
Punisher: Increased critical hit damage.
Reload Speed: Lowers the time required to reload.
Safeguard: Restores some shield capacity with each kill.
Serenity: Reduces oxygen consumption rate.
Wild: Creates a wider spray of bullets.
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