Donate 100 silver to the priests, both in towns and in the wild to unlock various bonuses, such as movies, artwork, and songs. Use the following trick to unlock the bonuses easily. After getting at least 2,000 silver, save the game. Find a priest and make a 100 silver donation. Keep donating 100 silver until all your silver is gone. Then, pause game play and select the "Exit To Main Menu" option without saving your game. Answer "Yes" when warned that your unsaved chapter progress will be lost. Once at the title screen, enter the "Extras" menu to view the unlocked bonuses. Exit that menu and load your previously saved game. Immediately save the game again. You will still have your silver and the unlocked bonus options. There is no easy way to get all the bonuses. You must do a set amount of large donations which are listed as follows. The number indicates the number of large donations that must be made with the corresponding bonus that you will get. Note: If you save and leave the game you must redo every donation to get up to the same amount as when you saved.
1: Movie: Introduction
2: Song: Beer, Beer,: Beer
4: Art Gallery 1
6: Art Gallery 2
10: Movie: Bard's Tale Logo
15: Song: Bad Luck - Ogan
20: Art: Gallery 3
25: Song: Bad Luck - Wolves
30: Art Gallery: 4
35: Song: Bad Luck - Minion
40: Movie: InXile Logo
45: Art Gallery 5
50: Song: Bad Luck - Jail
60: Art Gallery: 6
70: Art Gallery 7
80: Song: Tale of the Nukelavee
100: Song: Here's to the Bard
120: Art Gallery 8
140: Art Gallery: 9
160: Song: You're a Fooling One
180: Art Gallery: 10
200: Song: Bad Luck - Lava Life
220: Song: Bad Luck - Lava: Death
220: Song: Bad Luck - Bard
260: Art Gallery: 11
500: Movie: Ending 2
600: Movie: Ending 1
700: Movie: Ending 3
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