Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| |
| - Spoke with King Meinolf in Chapter 16.
| - Defeat 3 enemies with the Apostate.
| - Defeat 3 enemies with the Bastion.
| - Complete Chapter 21 with only one return to Arberrang.
| - Put Gudmundr and Petrus into battle together 5 times.
| - Reach the end of Chapter 20 with 300 clansmen.
| - Defeat 3 enemies with the Castaway.
| - Put an end to the warped Sundr.
| - End the game with all possible playable dredge alive.
| |
| - Salvage a treasure trove in the darkness.
| - Successfully hold out to the bitter end.
| - Complete the game on Hard difficulty level without losing a single battle.
| - Return to the godstone Denglr.
| - Visit the godstone of the dredge.
| - Talk to at least 15 allies in Arberrang and the darkness.
| - Complete the game with all possible heroes still alive.
| - Complete the game on Hard difficulty.
| - Minimized casualties during 'disagreement' over horseborn.
| - Now we see the violence inherent in the system.
| - See Rook or Alette safely to the end of the Saga.
| - Finish the game with Hakon and Canary allied to you.
| - Promote a hero to rank 15.
| - Defeat the final wave of every wave battle in the game.
| - Win a battle with at least one human, horseborn, varl, and dredge in the fight.
| - Complete the game on Normal difficulty.
| - Put Bolverk to rest once and for all.
| - Pass Juno's Weaved Energy buff 4 times before it expires.
| - Use items and heroic titles to have 3 passive abilities on one character.
| - Reunite dredge baby with its own kind.
| - Listen to Aleo's recitation.
| - Never let the Ravens stop for rest.
| - Fail to learn your lesson the first time.
| - Defeat Ruin on the battlefield.
| - Complete the game with both caravans alive, but with fewer than 16 characters.
| - Defeat 3 enemies with Ubin.
| |
| - Arrive safely at Ridgehorn.
| - Juno wanders alone for all eternity.
| - Convince Eyvind to do the right thing.
| - Import Save Game from Banner Saga 2.
| - Survive the trek across the frozen sea.
| - Trap two enemies in sinkholes.
| - Fight 30 battles in a single playthrough.
| - Reunite separated family.
| - Alfrun joined the the caravan.
| - Defeat 3 enemies with Alfrun.
| - Keep Folka from losing her head over Bolverk.
| - Do you like me? O-Yes / O-No.