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Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Assassin's Creed Odyssey on PC

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Assassin's Creed Odyssey Cheats

The Arena is found in Pephka, the region in the bottom right of the world map. Defeat all five enemies in the Arena to become Champion and get the "Are You Not Entertained?" achievement. The last enemy is Level 50, but you can defeat him at Level 45 with good gear. At Level 50, the enemy is not too difficult to defeat. Note: Defeating just the Level 50 arena champ is not enough to get the "Are You Not Entertained?" achievement -- you must defeat all five enemies. | Submitted by Neto

Grab the contract missions that can be found on a town's message board and on the mast of the Adrestia whenever they are available. These are not story quests but rather tasks that you will complete anyway during gameplay so are basically free experience points. These tasks may be simple one-off assassinations or ongoing tasks that could take hours to complete. | Submitted by Neto

During certain dialogues in main and side quests, you can choose dialogue lines with a Heart icon on them. If you always select those, they will lead to romances. An easy way to get this early is by doing the "Age Is Just A Number" side quest in Phokis (Grand Mount Parnassos sub-region). It requires you to loot a deer and bear, which are both found in the same region as the quest. When returning to the quest giver at the end of the quest, select the "Let Me Satisfy You" dialogue with the heart icon to get the "Aphrodite's Embrace" trophy after the resulting cutscene. Alternatively, at the end of Sequence 4 in the "Perikle's Symposium" main quest, you will go to a party and can sleep with Alkibiades. Select the "Let's Get These Clothes Off" dialogue with the heart icon after getting oil for Alkibiades. | Submitted by Neto

Markos's questline starts with the "A Business Opportunity" side quest on Kos Island ("Highlands Of Asklepiades" sub-region). It begins by finding Markos in a cage inside the enemy fort, where the quest marker is displayed. You must free him and carry him back to his house to continue the questline. At the end of the questline, he will give you a nice axe and you will get the "Everybody Benefits" trophy. | Submitted by Neto

First, unlock the "Warrior Ability: Overpower Attacks" and "Hunter Ability: Overpower Bow Strike" skills. Only the first tier of the skills are required. Once you have the skills, press R1 + R2 to perform an overpower attack (consumes three full adrenaline segments). Do this with the following weapon types to get the "I Have The Power" trophy: Sword, Dagger, Heavy Blunt, Heavy Bladed, Staff, Spear, Bow (requires "Overpower Bow Strike" skill). Note: There is also a Bare-Handed takedown when you unequip the weapons from inventory, but it is not required for this trophy. | Submitted by Neto

First, get a female crew (cosmetic ship skin). There are multiple of these in the game, but the following are the easiest options:

Get "The Assassins (Female)" from Ubisoft Club for free, as it just requires a Uplay account. In the map menu, press Left and select the "Ubisoft Club" option.
Find "Bandits (Female)" at the "Sunken Wreck Of Datis" underwater location, southwest of Delos Island.
Complete the "Olympian" questline ("Going For Gold" trophy).
Complete the "Daughters Of Artemis" questline ("Master Of The Hunt" trophy).

In the ship menu, select the Female Crew cosmetic item in the bottom right corner. Leave the lieutenants blank (no female lieutenants required for this). Then, disable a ship at sea. Shoot it until it is disabled, but do not board it. Ram it at full speed at its center (hold X to speed up) to break the ship in half and get the "Ramming Speed" and "Wrath Of The Amazons" trophies for cleaving a ship in half and for cleaving it with a female crew. | Submitted by Neto

First, successfully complete Sequence one of the story. At the end of the sequence, you will encounter the "Cyclops" boss. There will be a funny cutscene in which your character puts the Cyclop's eye in a goat's rectum. You can later find this eye again. Simply return after Sequence 1 and kill some random goats anywhere on Kephallonia (starting region). After approximately 10-20 goat kills (it is a random drop), it should drop. Goats can easily be killed with the bow from a distance. Make sure to loot the goats after killing them. Goats are found everywhere in that region, and the eye can be dropped anywhere on the island. | Submitted by Neto

Legendary NPCs are usually the Captains/Polemarchs at enemy Forts. You can use your eagle to see if an enemy is legendary. Press Up to use eagle view and L2 to scan the enemies. In the top right corner, it will display the NPC rarity. The ones you want are colored yellow. Simply go to a fort and scan everyone before attacking. To recruit the NPCs, you must knock them out. Either use the Sparta Kick skill as the finishing blow or unequip your weapon in the inventory to fight with bare fists. You can use weapons to weaken the enemy, just the final hit must be from bare hands or Sparta Kick. When the enemy is knocked out, stand over them and press L3 to recruit. You cannot do this while in combat. If other enemies are still alive, kill them, then recruit the knocked-out enemies. Then, open the ship menu, select "Special Lieutenants", and hire the NPC for some money. | Submitted by Neto

When you start the game you will have a choice to play either Guided mode or Exloration mode. Guided mode is the Assassin's Creed maps as they have apperared in previous games while Exploration mode makes you ask around and get hints about an objective's location and forces you to find it on your own. You will find that playing Exploration mode will give you a much more satysfying experience as you will have to do the work yourself rather than rely on the game to do all the legwork. | Submitted by Neto

As with Assassins Creed Origins this game offers three upgradable skill trees to customise your character (Hunter skills, Warrior skills, and Assassin skills). When you take into account that the best strategy to approach almost any enemy encampment is stealth where you pick off the enemies individually and engage the last few head-to-head it makes sense that the Skills you need to invest in to employ this tactic are Assassins skills such as Critical Assassination, Stealth Master and Shadow Assassin. | Submitted by Neto

Remember that it is not necessary to undertake every side quest and complete every optional objective that is presented to you. The easiest way to level up and acquire better equipment is to simply advance in the main stoy. Following the main and side quests will often take you into unexplored areas anyway. | Submitted by Neto

Poseidon's Trident is a legendary spear found in AC Odyssey. It can be found at the Temple of Poseidon, a very small island on the right hand side of the map. The legendary chest here contains Poseidon's Trident. It has a unique perk which allows you to breathe underwater forever. This is particularly helpful for the underwater locations required for the Child of Poseidon Achievement. | Submitted by DayleJ

To romance someone in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, you just need to find them and complete their side or main quests. Watch for a "romance" option, which just means sex. The following is a list of all characters you can sleep with. There will be a quick cutscene that shows how your character seals the deal. Note: Romance has no effect on future romances. You can romance all characters in the game, if desired. There are no repercussions or negative effects from romancing any character, even if you romance women and men. Your gender selection at the start of the game also does not change who you can romance.


Odessa: She is a young relative of Odysseus. She can be found and rescued on Ithaka, in Odysseus's Palace, to begin her quests.
Auxesia: She is an elderly woman that gives you a quest. She can be found in Phokis, on Mount Parnassos.
Xenia: She is a bronze-skinned pirate that sends you on quests to locate hidden treasures.
Roxana: She is a tough fighter. She can be found on the small island of Hydrea, where she is sparring.
Kyra: She is a long-hair Spartan rebel soldier. She is located in the Silver Islands region, on the isle of Mykonos. She can be found in the Porphyrion Cave.
Daphnae: She is a young "Daughter of Artemis". She can be found near the Temple Of Artemis, in the Phokis region.


Kosta: He is a thick, bearded blacksmith that is located on on Lokris Island. He can be found in the port town on Red Lake Bay.
Alkibiades: He is a lean, silver-haired young man. He can be found in Athens, in the Attika region. You will meet him in Perikles's house in Sequence 4.
Lykaon: He is a lean, rugged healer. He can be found in Phokis, in a town in the Sacred Lands of Apollo. | Submitted by Neto

Don't buy the pegasus set at low level, you'll never be able to afford the upgrade costs, even buying out of the helix store for resources. It looks cool, but don't do it, wait till 50.

It is easiest to find crafting materials that are outside (amongst trees, etc.) at night. They sparkle quite a bit, and that sparkle is harder to see in the daylight. You're going to need a lot more than you probably realize.

If you have to clear a restricted area, and you don't want to kill someone you need to eliminate to clear the area (maybe you've sided with Sparta and don't want to kill any Spartans, but you want to clear a Spartan held restricted area), you can sometimes recruit that person as a lieutenant. Recruiting that person will still complete the area. This doesn't always work, as you have to be able to completely knock the person out to be able to recruit him.

Break down all gear you won't use. You'll need those resources for engraving at the blacksmith, upgrading your ship etc.

Restats aren't free, you spend some drachmea doing it. Depending on your level and the amount of skills you invested in will affect the price of redoing it.

Parrying stuns your opponents and gives you a temporary damage boost. Dodging at the right moment is what slows down time, not parrying.

You can toggle the helmet visuals on and off in the Inventory menu so that you still get the defence and effects but you won't see it on your character.

When a higher ranked bounty hunter or base captain is giving you trouble lure them on top of a tall building, edge or near a cliff and spartan kick them off. Insta kills them when they hit the ground. But be weary because the heavies do not get pushed back from it too much. However they are slow and easy to dodge.

There is a God of War Easter egg near megaris in a cave called the cave of kratos where you get a familiar chest piece with a leather shoulder pad with some really familiar red paint on your skin.

The Spartan Kick in Assassin's Creed Odyssey is actually very helpful because it allows you to break an enemy's guard. You can also use it to kick an enemy off a cliff without killing them, not that that's necessarily the aim of the game with all the assassinating involved.

Another reason to pick the Spartan kick early on is that the kick itself is non-lethal, which can be used to knock mercenaries unconscious and recruit them afterwards.

If you dodge at the right time you also get the slow motion moment. You do not have to parry all the time. Plus if you dodge correctly you get behind enemies so you can launch your attacks and blast through them and maybe hit more than one enemy in a straight line. | Submitted by Neto

If you've played previous Assassins Creed games you will know that Viewpoints show you all of the optional objectives in the surrounding area and also act as fast-travel points. Assassin's Creed Odyssey is one of the biggest titles in the series so make sure you save yourself a lot of time in the long run by synchronizing all the veiwpoints you see, even if you have to go out of your way to sync it. | Submitted by Neto

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

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