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The first part is simple. Take your sword out, as you will be fighting all your previous assassination targets. They are fairly easy to kill. Only one counter is required to kill each of them. For the second part, as soon as Al Mualim releases you, use your Eagle Vision. The real Al Mualim is the one in yellow. Focus your attacks on him. In the third part, Al Mualim takes away your synchronization bar and radar, allowing him to kill you in one hit. Take out your throwing knives. Look for the Piece of Eden in his hand. Once you see him, throw a knife at him. Thenm just counterattack/grab break him. Keep repeating this until he says, "Damn you Altair!" Finish him off with your hidden blade, or keep attacking him with your sword until he is dead. When Al Mualim gets ready for the final part of the battle immediately after his third speech, lock on to him and equip your hidden blade. Move closer to him and when he is ready to attack, counter him to score an instant kill. He will fall to the ground and you can easily assassinate him without chasing him all over the courtyard. However, only do this if you have mastered the use of your counter attacks.
When in battle, if you see a guard you are fighting physically emote in any way (for example, taunting you or cowering in fear), press [Low Profile Assassinate] while facing them to score an instant kill without having to counter. The best weapon for more than four guards or thugs is the Short Blade. Sometimes the guards will beat up on you and it would seem as if your timing is off using the counter attack. To create a little breathing room, tap [Action/Use Your Weapon/Attack] twice, then "grab and push" the guard. Disregard the guard you grabbed and pushed, and attack the others using the same technique. There are two ways you can finish them. The first is, after you "grabbed and pushed" all of them, use a strong attack. They will fall quickly. The second method is to "grab and push" them again. They will not get up again.
M O R Y M N O E S E N C E O L C H T H O N B T L O T C T D E O S A T O A P E D S N L S T F L D D U O O E T E E A I E I R I N T H S H K T T K E R T U A A A N S S A To decode this, start reading at the bottom right hand corner to the top right hand corner, so you will start at "A" and stop at "S". It will spell a real word. Do this for all of the columns and it will read: ARTEFACTS SENT TO THE SKIES TO CONTROL ALL NATIONS TO MAKE US OBEY A HIDDEN CRUSADE DO NOT HELP THEM Next, do the same thing to the mixed letters on the other side of the Amnius: A D R H O O D T M W H B I T D O E U S Y S I N S E A R O O M R E A Y N R I S E Y T N I D L M I D E T W I H W Y I E A U D A Y H T It will spell out: THEY DRAINED MY SOUL AND MADE IT THEIRS I DRAINED MY BODY TO SHOW YOU WHERE I SAW IT.
WondEr Why It is everyone Laughs at you? i'll Let you guess. let's just say she's proBably gEtTing it bigger and better from someone else tHat isn't you. how can you hope to compEte? REst asSured there are sOme gOod ways. click the liNk to see! Removing the capital letters out of the message decodes the message as WE WILL BE THERE SOON
Visit the Assassin's Guild. Scan the city by first climbing all of the view points. Rescue all the citizens from the thugs. You will need the help after a major assassination. Complete all of the informant's missions (to get all the valuable information you can). Pickpocket the shysters in all of the pickpocket missions (for information to the Guild). When all of these are completed, go back to the Assassin's Guild and get ready for the major assassination mission.
Successfully complete the game and allow the credits to end. You will be given the access code for the computer attached to the Animus. Hack the computer to access an inbox, outbox, and deleted message. Look at the inbox and choose the email about the conference room. You can go to the conference room and access it via the keypad.
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