Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
- A statue for the poor quarter
| - Provide the funds to decorate the poor quarter.
| - Provide the funds to build a statue in the park.
| |
| - Become friends with August Thompson.
- Beneath the shadow of the stellar void
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| - Provide the funds to clean the streets of the poor quarter.
| - Become friends with Dana Allen.
| - Become friends with Doris Chapman.
- Dreaming for the first time
| |
| - Become friends with Emily Pierce.
| - Provide the funds to prepare the city for the upcoming celebration.
| - Become friends with Florence Peyton.
- Fully alive for the first time
| |
| - Become friends with Gail Hoyt.
- Getting rid of the vermins
| - Provide the funds get rid of the rats.
- Ghosts of a long-lost dream
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| - Become friends with Giles Stanbury.
| - Become friends with Harriet Clinton.
| - Provide the funds to decorate the church.
- In memory of my old friend
| - Provide the funds to prepare the city for the build a statue of Henry Allen.
| - Become friends with Juliet Allen.
| - Become friends with Lloyd Kingston.
| - Become friends with Lucas Weston.
| - Become friends with Myles Stout.
| - Become friends with Saul Quinlan.
| - Provide the funds to promote the Union.
- The Black Pharaoh had summoned you
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- The Master is waiting for you
| |
| - Become friends with Thomas Everett.
| - Become friends with Wallace Zimmer.
- Written on your skin lay the true metropolis
| |
| - Become a creature of the new world.