Achievement | How to unlock
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| - Complete the Bari Campaign.
| - Convert the Cathedral in Milan without acquiring a single Villager in the third Barbarossa mission "Pope and Antipope".
| - Complete the Francisco de Almeida Campaign.
| - Win a game with every civilization.
- An Army Marches on Its Stomach
| - Complete all secondary objectives and destroy all of Dagnajan's smaller bases before Dagnajan and his army march in the third Yodit mission "A Fallen Crown".
| - Train 1,000 Condottieri as a non-Italian civilization.
| - Win a game playing as the Aztecs.
| - Beat an AI opponent on "Hardest" difficulty in a 1v1 game.
| - Complete all Historical Battles.
| - Win the Historical Battle "Lepanto (1571)" without allowing any Turkish Transport Ship to unload on your shores.
| - Win a game playing as the Berbers.
| - Kill an enemy Scout Cavalry with your Town Center.
| - Win a game playing as the Britons.
| - Win a game playing as the Bulgarians.
| - Destroy a Trebuchet with another Trebuchet.
| - Win a game playing as the Burmese.
| - Win a game playing as the Byzantines.
| - Complete the Bayinnaung Campaign.
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| - Lose an unfinished Castle that is at least 95% complete.
| - Win a game playing as the Celts.
| - Blow up an enemy Demolition Ship with a Demolition Ship of your own.
| - Kill King Takayutpi before 5 minutes have elapsed in the first Bayinnaung mission "The Burmese Tigers".
| - Win a game playing as the Chinese.
| - Win the second Kotyan mission "The Battle at the Kalka River" without advancing to the Castle Age.
| - Win a game playing as the Cumans.
- Custodian of the Holy Land
| - Complete the Saladin Campaign.
- D-Day (D stands for Demo)
| - Destroy an enemy Transport Ship with a Demolition Ship.
| - Eat 2 Wild Boars in the Dark Age.
| - Kill 20 Villagers with Militia in the Dark Age.
| - Complete the Yodit Campaign.
- Diplomacy is for the Meek
| - Kill the Scythian Prince and defeat the Scythians in the first Attila the Hun mission "The Scourge of God".
| - Complete the Pachacuti Campaign.
| - Beat an AI opponent on "Standard" difficulty in a 1v1 game.
| - Complete the El Cid Campaign.
| - Train 40 War or Battle Elephants in a single game.
| - Complete the Montezuma Campaign.
| - Complete the Tamerlane Campaign.
| - Encounter a Penguin in the Historical Battle "Vinlandsaga".
| - Win a game playing as the Ethiopians.
| - Create 500 Longbowmen in a single match.
| - Destroy an opponent's Wonder with less than 100 years remaining on the Wonder Victory countdown.
| - Amass 10 Condottieri, 10 Genoese Crossbowmen, and 10 Bombard Cannons in the fifth Dracula mission "The Night Falls".
| - Complete the Genghis Khan Campaign.
| - Win a game playing as the Franks.
| - Create 100 Throwing Axeman in a single match.
- Friends, Countrymen, Lend Me Your Ears
| - Convert Afonso de Albuquerque without killing a single Portuguese unit in the fifth Francisco de Almeida mission "A Son's Blood".
| - Defeat all opponents instead of collecting the required Relics in the first Barbarossa mission "Holy Roman Emperor".
| - Win a game playing as the Goths.
| - Complete the William Wallace Campaign.
| - Assist King Bela and defeat the Austrian Duke Frederick in the fifth Kotyan mission "A New Home" before 45 minutes have elapsed.
| - Delete your starting Town Center and still win the game.
| - Prevent Tabasco from being defeated in the third Montezuma mission "Quetzalcoatl".
| - Scale an enemy wall using a Siege Tower.
| - Burn down 200 buildings with Tarkans.
- Huney, I Shrunk the Romans
| - Complete the Attila the Hun Campaign.
| - Win a game playing as the Huns.
| - Defeat the Jin before they start constructing a Wonder in the third Genghis Khan mission "Into China".
| - Win a game playing as the Incas.
| - Win a game playing as the Indians.
| - Complete the Joan of Arc Campaign.
| - Complete the Gajah Mada Campaign.
| - Kill 25 units with Trebuchets.
| - Win a game playing as the Italians.
| - Win a game playing as the Japanese.
| - Kill 1,000 enemy units using Demolition Ships.
| - Spam the enemy with 500 Karambit Warriors in a single game.
| - Win a game playing as the Khmer.
| - Complete the Sundjata Campaign.
| - Complete the Suryavarman I Campaign.
| - Demolish 200 buildings with Battering Rams.
| - Win a game playing as the Koreans.
| - Win a game playing as the Lithuanians.
| - Win the Historical Battle "Kurikara (1183)" without forming an alliance with the Hojo clan.
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| - Win a game playing as the Magyars.
| - Win a game playing as the Malay.
| - Win a game playing as the Malians.
| - Kill 500 units with Mangonels.
| - Explore 99% of a ludicrously sized map.
| - Complete the Tariq ibn Ziyad Campaign.
| - Win alone against 3 human opponents.
| - Win a game playing as the Mayans.
| - Win a game playing as the Mongols.
| - Reach the King before 10 minutes have elapsed in the second Gajah Mada mission "Unconditional Loyalty".
| - Shoot 100,000 arrows with your Chu Ko Nu.
| - Destroy every enemy Wonder before it is completed in the sixth Attila the Hun mission "The Fall of Rome".
| - Win without losing any of your four heroes in the fifth Le Loi mission "A Three-Pronged Attack".
- Numerous As the Grains of Sand
| - Win the second Alaric mission "Razing Hellas" while training no military units aside from infantry.
- Offense Is the Best Defense
| - Defeat all opponents before constructing a Wonder in the sixth Saladin mission "The Lion and the Demon".
| - Destroy a ship using a melee unit.
| - Kill an enemy King with a Petard or Demolition Ship.
| - Win a game playing as the Persians.
| - Successfully defend Cuzco without constructing any new walls or gates in the second Pachacuti mission "The Field of Blood".
| - Build 1,000 Farms in total.
| - Win a game playing as the Portuguese.
| - Beat an AI opponent on "Extreme" difficulty in a 1v1 game.
| - Conquer Delhi at least 5 minutes before the timer expires in the fourth Tamerlane mission "Sultan of Hindustan".
| - Complete the Le Loi Campaign.
| - Collect all Relics on the map in the fifth Suryavarman mission "Nirvanapada".
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| - Complete the Sforza Campaign.
| - Beat an AI opponent on "Peaceful" difficulty in a 1v1 game.
| - Win the fifth Sundjata mission "The Lion's Den" on Hard difficulty.
- Rome Was Destroyed in One Day
| - Destroy all Roman Castles before 30 minutes have elapsed in the fourth Alaric mission "The Giant Falls".
| - Beat an AI opponent on "Hard" difficulty in a 1v1 game.
| - Win a game playing as the Saracens.
| - Gather 20 Sheep in a Random Map game.
| - Win a game playing as the Slavs.
| - Purchase 20 Dragon Ships in the Historical Battle "Lake Poyang (1363)".
| - Win a game playing as the Spanish.
| - Win a match as the Spanish while only creating Villagers.
| - Build 30 Japanese Fishing Ships.
| - Win a game playing as the Tatars.
| - Win a game playing as the Teutons.
| - Complete the Prithviraj Campaign.
| - Complete the Ivaylo Campaign.
| - Complete the Barbarossa Campaign.
| - Defeat the Hungarians before Subotai has arrived in the sixth Genghis Khan mission "Pax Mongolica".
- The King Is Dead, Long Live the King!
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- The Kushluk Assassination
| - Kill Kushluk before 20 minutes have elapsed in the second Genghis Khan mission "A Life of Revenge".
| - Collect all Relics in the first El Cid mission "Brother Against Brother".
- The Thicker the Hay, the Easier Mowed
| - Complete the Alaric Campaign.
- The Wonder, the Wonder, Noooooo...
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- The Wonder, the Wonder, the...Oh, Never Mind
| - Prevent the Korean Wonder from being destroyed in the "Noryang Point (1598)" mission of the Historical Battles.
| - Loot 500 gold with Keshiks.
| - Defeat all opponents before 30 minutes have elapsed in the fifth Attila the Hun mission "The Catalaunian Fields".
| - Win the Historical Battle "Bapheus (1302)" by defeating all other Turkish factions without forming an alliance with any of them.
| - Win a game playing as the Turks.
| - Convert 100 units using Spanish Missionaries.
| - Win a game playing as the Vietnamese.
| - Win a game playing as the Vikings.
- Vladislav, Baby Don't Hurt Me
| - Complete the Dracula Campaign.
| - Beat an AI opponent on "Moderate" difficulty in a 1v1 game.
- With the Help of My Sisters
| - Amass an army of at least 100 Gbeto Warriors in the fourth Sundjata mission "Blood on the River Bank".
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| - Complete the Kotyan Khan Campaign.