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Filifolia (Earth) level 14 to Caerurea (Earth) level 25 to Treant (Earth) level 35 and Statue (Ground Breaker) to Mandocello (Earth) Filifolia (Earth) level 14 to Caerurea (Earth) level 28 to Orcrot (Earth) Fungus (Darkness) level 13 to Marcoid (Ice) level 24 to Stinkhorn (Ice) Fungus (Darkness) level 23 to Toadstool (Darkness) level 40 and Statue (Ground Breaker) to Vaudeville (Darkness) Etheliana (Wind) level 13 to Shallow Grave (Earth) level 25 to Truncata (Earth) level 35 and Statue (Ground Breaker) to Dionaea (Earth) Etheliana (Wind) level 20 to Garcilis (Wind) Mandragora (Earth) level 14 to Alarune (Darkness) level 20 to Korigan (Earth) level 28 and Statue (Ground Breaker) to Lailah (Light) Mandragora (Earth) level 14 to Alarune (Darkness) level 20 to Puck (Wind) Mandragora (Earth) level 24 to Hamadryad (Earth) Beast Wolf (Fire) level 10 to Black Wolf (Darkness) level 26 to Fenrir (Ice) Wolf (Fire) level 22 to Hell Hound (Fire) level 25 to Cerberus(Fire) Wolf (Fire) level 24 to Padfoot (Light) level 30 and Statue (Feral Shadow) to Orion (Light) Bear (Fire) level 20 to Grisley (Fire) level 25 to Cave Bear (Ice) level 30 and Statue (Feral Shadow) to Galf Beast (Lightning) Bear (Fire) level 20 to Grisley (Fire) level 25 to Were Bear (Fire) level 48 to Wolf Heddin (Ice) Wild Rabbit (Earth) level 12 to Cotton Tail (Earth) level 21 to Carbuncle (Fire) Wild Rabbit (Earth) level 18 and Statue (Feral Shadow) to Peallaidh (Light) level 30 and Statue (Feral Shadow) to Gunna (Fire) Wild Rabbit (Earth) level 24 to Vorpal Bunny (Darkness) level 36 and Statue (Feral Shadow) to Miscasa (Light) Ogre (Fire) level 12 to Red Ogre (Fire) level 40 and Statue (Feral Shadow) to Titan (Fire) Ogre (Fire) level 20 to Yeti (Ice) level 23 to Firbolg (Ice) Serpent (Fire) level 12 to Lizard (Water) level 23 to Salamander (Fire) Serpent (Fire) level 12 to Lizard (Water) level 28 to Basilik (Earth) Serpent (Fire) level 22 to Viper (Lightning) level 27 and Statue (Feral Shadow) to Kosh (Wind) Chimera (Fire) level 15 to Manitcore (Fire) level 26 to Sphinx (Wind) Chimera (Fire) level 21 to Griffin (Wind) level 38 and Statue (Feral Shadow) to Hippogryph (Darkness) Kitty Kat (Darkness) Insect Bumble Bee (Wind) level 14 to Killer Bee (Wind) level 27 to Hornet (Wind) Bumble Bee (Wind) level 14 to Killer Bee (Wind) level 27 and Edge Walker to Queen (Lightning) Scorpion (Earth) level 12 to Antares (Darkness) level 28 to Girtablili (Ice) Scorpion (Earth) level 17 to Killer Mantis (Wind) level 25 to Lumber Jack (Wind) level 45 and Statue (Edge Walker) to Popsickle (Lightning) Crawler (Earth) level 16 to Embryo (Lightning) level 22 to Habetrot (Light) Crawler (Earth) level 20 to Caterpillar (Earth) level 34 and Statue (Edge Walker) to Neurotica (Earth) Stone Eater (Earth) level 13 to Rock Eater (Earth) level 23 to Earth Eater (Darkness) Stone Eater (Earth) level 22 Island Worm (Water) level 33 and Statue (Edge Walker) to Mia Culpa (Wind) Spider (Earth) level 14 to Tarantula (Earth) level 24 to Arachne (Lightning) Spider (Earth) level 14 to Tarantula (Earth) level 26 and Statue (Edge Walker) to Simoriah (Fire) Spider (Earth) level 26 to Pit Spider (Darkness) Bird Chirpee (Wind) level 15 to Jabber (Fire) Chirpee (Wind) level 20 to Peepit (Ice) Chirpee (Wind) level 20 to Raven (Wind) level 24 to Phoenix (Fire) Chirpee (Wind) level 20 to Raven (Wind) level 24 to Simurgh (Wind) Chirpee (Wind) level 20 to Raven (Wind) level 40 and Statue (Arcanum Wings) to Izimbra (Lightning) Axe Beak (Wind) level 20 to Aepyornis (Wind) level 20 to Cocatrice (Earth) Axe Beak (Wind) level 20 to Aepyornis (Wind) level 30 to Roc (Wind) Axe Beak (Wind) level 20 to Aepyornis (Wind) level 30 and Statue (Arcanum Wing) to Moon Rocks (Wind) Axe Beak (Wind) level 24 to Dodo (Earth) Harpy (Wind) level 16 to Furie (Wind) level 26 and Statue (Arcanum Wing) to Aello (Darkness) Harpy (Wind) level 16 to Furie (Wind) level 35 and Statue (Arcanum Wing) to Fenia (Fire) Harpy (Wind) level 23 to Siren (Water) Black Bat (Wind) level 12 to Light Wing (Wind) level 30 and Statue (Arcanum Wings) to Dogma (Lightning) Black Bat (Wind) level 22 to Were Bat (Wind) level 26 to Dire Bat (Wind) Aquatic Tortoise (Water) level 20 to Megalith (Earth) Tortoise (Water) level 12 to Archelon (Ice) level 22 to Dark Steel (Darkness) level 42 and Statue (Innocent Blood) to Aspidoceleon (Water) Tortoise (Water) level 12 to Archelon (Ice) level 22 to Zaratan (Water) Sea Monk (Water) level 14 to Sea Bishop (Water) Sea Monk (Water) level 18 to Kraken (Water) level 32 to Charybdis (Ice) Sea Monk (Water) level 18 to Kraken (Water) level 32 and Statue (Innocent Blood) to Lusca (Ice) Killer Fish (Water) level 13 to Sea Hog (Water) level 18 to Orca (Water) Killer Fish (Water) level 13 to Sea Hog (Water) level 28 and Statue (Innocent Blood) to Jasconius (Water) Killer Fish (Water) level 21 to Remora (Water) level 23 to Echeines (Ice) level 30 and Statue (Innocent Blood) to Barracuda (Darkness) Merrow (Water) level 24 to Selkie (Water) Merrow (Water) level 14 to Nixie (Water) level 28 to Nereis (Water) level 40 and Statue (Innocent Blood) to Rusalka (Darkness) Merrow (Water) level 14 to Nixie (Water) level 28 to Asrai (Ice) Polwigle (Water) level 12 to Bullfrog (Water) level 23 to Oannes (Ice) level 32 and Statue (Innocent Blood) to Heqet (Light) Polwigle (Water) level 12 to Bullfrog (Water) level 30 to Baal (Fire) Polwigle (Water) level 18 to Grindlylow (Ice) Free Form Slime (Ice) level 14 to Mousse (Ice) level 28 to Slime Mold (Darkness) Slime (Ice) level 20 to Jelly (Ice) level 20 to Slime Mold (Darkness) Slime (Ice) level 20 to Ooze (Water) level 30 and Statue (Damnation) to Ligeia (Lightning) Slime (Ice) level 24 to Pudding (Ice) level 30 and Statue (Damnation) to Ligeia (Lightning) Leech (Water) level 14 to Poison Leech (Water) level 26 to Leech King (Wind) Leech (Water) level 23 to Blood Sucker (Water) level 26 and Statue (Damnation) to Blood Bound (Fire) Gamat (Water) level 16 to Blue Rose (Water) Gamat (Water) level 16 to Anemone (Water) level 26 and Statue (Damnation) to Incoginto (Darkness) Gamat (Water) level 16 to Anemone (Water) level 26 to Lunatisidhe (Water) Demon Imp (Darkness) Gremlin (Lightning) level 18 to Demon (Darkness) level 25 to ArchDemon (Ice) level 35 and Statue (Lord of Chaos) to Vroom (Fire) Gremlin (Lightning) level 22 to Pit Fiend (Earth) level 25 to Cacodemon (Lightning) Gremlin (Lightning) level 22 to Pit Fiend (Earth) level 25 to Pied Piper (Wind) Lamia (Earth) level 13 to Erinyes (Darkness) Lamia (Earth) level 18 to Graeae (Earth) level 22 to Gorgon (Earth) level 45 and Statue (Lord of Chaos) to Ruby Dear (Ice) Lamia (Earth) level 18 to Graeae (Earth) level 28 to Echidna (Darkness) Lamia (Earth) level 18 to Graeae (Earth) level 35 to Moirae (Lightning) Dragon Fire Drake (Fire) level 18 to Sea Wyvern (Water) Fire Drake (Fire) level 22 to Wyvern (Lightning) level 26 to Vouivre (Ice) Fire Drake (Fire) level 22 to Wyvern (Lightning) level 26 to Wyvern Lord (Lightning) level 32 and Statue (Bright Flame) to Bakunawa (Light) Fire Drake (Fire) level 22 to Wyvern (Lightning) level 34 and Statue (Bright Flame) to Ishrantu (Darkness) Were Dragon (Fire) level 21 to Elder Dragon (Fire) level 23 to Tiamat (Ice) level 32 and Statue (Bright Flame) to Blade Rex (Fire) Were Dragon (Fire) level 21 to Shadow Dragon (Darkness) level 23 to Fafnir (Ice) Were Dragon (Fire) level 21 to Wyrm (Earth) level 23 to Hydra (Water) Were Dragon (Fire) level 21 to Wyrm (Earth) level 32 and Statue (Bright Flame) to Jormungandr (Wind) Ghost Zombie (Darkness) level 12 to Skeleton (Ice) level 25 to Cross Bone (Ice) Zombie (Darkness) level 18 to Corpse (Darkness) level 26 to Ghoul (Darkness) level 32 and Statue (Heart Warden) to Bastiage (Darkness) Dullahan (Ice) level 15 to Night Stalker (Darkness) level 26 to Crusader (Light) level 52 and Heart Warden to Sword Dancer (Fire) Dullahan (Ice) level 20 to Dark Rider (Darkness) level 30 to Pale Rider (Ice) Ghost (Ice) level 12 to Phantom (Darkness) level 20 to Wraith (Darkness) Ghost (Ice) level 22 to Undertaker (Darkness) level 27 to Grave Digger (Earth) Ghost (Ice) level 24 to Haunt (Darkness) level 24 to Banshee (Ice) level 45 and Statue (Heart Warden) to Ravenous (Darkness) Magical Being Clay Golem (Earth) level 18 to Golem (Earth) level 18 to Mithril Golem (Lightning) level 32 and Statue (Jihad) to Ice Titan (Ice) Clay Golem (Earth) level 18 to Golem (Earth) level 25 to Talos (Lightning) Clay Golem (Earth) level 18 to Rock Golem (Fire) Poltergeist (Fire) level 22 to Living Sword (Lightning) Poltergeist (Fire) level 24 to Machina (Lightning) level 26 to Mournblade (Darkness) Poltergeist (Fire) level 24 to Machina (Lightning) level 42 and Statue (Jihad) to Made in Heaven (Light) Automaton (Earth) level 15 to Colossus (Earth) level 25 to Goliath (Lightning) Automaton (Earth) level 15 to Gargoyle (Wind) level 35 and Statue (Jihad) to Epitaph (Lightning) Mimic (Fire) level 23 to Shape Shifter (Lightning) level 23 to Pandora (Darkness) Mimic (Fire) level 23 to Shape Shifter (Lightning) level 23 and Statue (Jihad) to Jaw Breaker (Wind) Igniter (Fire) Muzzler (Ice) Enforcer (Earth) Liberator (Light) Thinker (Water) Punisher (Dark) Purger (Wind) Awakener (Lightning)
Tree Sap Fragrant Wood Philosopher's Stone Quality Stone Feral Shadow (Beast) Ogre's Blood Evil Eye Philosopher's Stone Quality Stone Edge Walker (Insect) Twisted Horn Insect Fluid Philosopher's Stone Quality Stone Arcanum Wings (Bird) Chicken Bones Harpy's Feather Philosopher's Stone Quality Stone Innocent Blood (Aquatic) Quality Shell Coral Philosopher's Stone Quality Stone Damnation (Free Form) Monster Extract Saliva Philosopher's Stone Quality Stone Lord of Chaos (Demon) Demon's Horn Hunting Horn Philosopher's Stone Quality Stone Bright Flame (Dragon) Dragon's Blood Dragon's Anger Philosopher's Stone Quality Stone Heart Warden (Ghost) Bloody Cloth Strong Bone Philosopher's Stone Quality Stone Jihad (Magical Being) Anima Animus Philosopher's Stone Quality Stone
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