Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding event.
Event | How to unlock
| - Obtain R.O.B. and complete the Subspace stage in Subspace Emissary.
| - Complete ten Co-Op events and unlock all hidden characters.
| - Complete all 20 Co-op events.
| - Complete five of the first ten events.
| - Obtain R.O.B. and complete the Subspace stage in Subspace Emissary.
| - Unlock all hidden characters.
| |
Unlock all the hidden characters.
If you do not have any trophies and on item select you activate assist trophies, you will not be able to use them. |
Submitted by spazzzerSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Assist trophy:
Advance Wars: Brawl 300 times.
Barbara: Unlock 25 CDs.
Gray Fox: Unlock Snake.
Isaac: Brawl 200 times.
Ray MK III: Brawl 100 times.
Shadow The Hedgehog: Unlock Sonic The Hedgehog.
Big Blue stage: Outrunning cars
Go to a Special Brawl and set up a Bunny match. Select Sonic and the Big Blue stage. This will require some practice. Flick and hold the Analog-stick in the direction of the moving cars and hold it. You can now outrun the cars. Note: Make sure not to actually touch the cars or you will be run over.
If you get a Hothead and use Ness' PK Fire, the Hothead will get bigger.
Play the Bridge Of Eldin stage with Jigglypuff. Break the Smash Ball, and wait until the ground breaks. When the ground is ready to return, go between the gap and press B. When it returns, Jigglypuff should be huge.
To make Jigglypuff even bigger when she is already huge, have Yoshi eat her. She will get twice as large.
This trick requires an SD Card and two Wiis with Super Smash Bros. Brawl saved game data. One system must not have all the music outside of the challenges unlocked. The other system must have all music outside of the challenges unlocked. Play several Brawls with a time limit of three minutes. Turn items on. Keep playing brawls under these rules until a CD appears. Get the CD. Finish the match and save the replay on the SD memory card. Note: You cannot save a replay if a Sudden Death match begins. Remove the SD card out and insert it into the Wii that has all the Super Smash Bros. Brawl music unlocked. Play the replay in the vault. When the CD should appear, it now will not. The character will attempt to grab the CD that is not there. When the time limit reaches thirty seconds, the characters will stop moving and the game's speed will increase. If a Sudden Death match starts in this now glitched replay, the characters will simply stand there until killed by the environment or dropping bombs.
Some characters have (often tweaked) built-in items as special moves, smashes, or standard moves:
Bowser: Fire Flower (Fire Breath)
Charizard: Fire Flower (Flamethrower)
Falco: Franklin Badge, Ray Gun (Reflector, Blaster)
Fox: Franklin Badge, Ray Gun (Reflector, Blaster)
Link/Toon Link: Bob-omb (Bomb)
Peach: Parasol, Mr. Saturn (Parasol, Turnips)
Samus: Super Scope (Charge Shot)
Sonic: Bunny Hood (Running)
Wolf: Franklin Badge, Ray Gun (Reflector, Blaster)
Zero Suit Samus: Fan (Paralyzer and Down Smash)
When playing as Sonic, start a Spin Dash (side B) while standing on a slope. He must not be on flat ground by the time he is done moving backwards while charging the Spin Dash. An example of this would be on the Hyrule stage (stand on the flat part between the two sets of stairs), or on the Pokemon Stadium stage (when it gets Ground-type themed, start the Spin Dash from the middle of the "ramp"). If done correctly, Sonic will not be able to do the "jump" at the beginning, and will "fly" through the air until either you jump or he hits someone. If he hits a wall while "flying", he will hover for a while, then stop. If he hits someone, he will teleport either back or up then back and will skid (through mid-air) to the place where he hit them.
Rotate the D-pad clockwise while using the following characters in the appropriate stages to trigger mid-battle conversations:
Fox/Falco: Lylat Cruise, Corneria (Melee stage)
Snake: Shadow Moses Island
Wolf: Lylat Cruise
To perform Solid Snake, Fox, Falco, and Wolf's Smash Taunt, do the following. For Snake, go to the Shadow Moses Island stage, and quickly and repeatedly tap D-pad Down. Snake should crouch down and put his hand to his ear, occasionally nodding and seeming to speak to someone. He will then stand up and a beeping noise will be heard. Then, Snake and one of three characters (Colonel Roy Campbell, Mei Ling, or Otacon) will talk to Snake about the character you are fighting. For Fox, Falco, or Wolf, go to the Lylat Cruise stage, and quickly and repeatedly tap D-pad Down. Fox, Falco, or Wolf will bend down and start to rapidly shake his fist. After a brief period of time, Fox, Falco, or Wolf will stand up and salute someone off-screen. However, nothing will happen until you pass through the warp. Afterwards, Fox, Falco, or Wolf's team will start talking about the fight. What all the characters will say depends on where you are, leading to a total of five different conversations for all three characters. Note: This can also be done with Fox and Falco on the Corneria Melee stage.
Play on the Shadow Moses Island stage as Snake in Training mode and select Falco your CPU opponent. Quickly and repeatedly tap D-pad Down. When Snake kneels down, instead of Colonel Roy Campbell, Mei Ling, or Otacon calling him, Slippy from Star Fox will call him.
Select Fox or Falco. Go to the Lylat Cruise stage. Using the Nunchuk and Wiimote, press 1 + 2. Do this until your character kneels down. This action takes a while, so you may want to do this in Training mode. When he is done he will salute. Soon either Peppy, Slippy, Falco, Fox, Wolf, Leon, or Panther will start talking as if you are playing a Star Fox game. This also works on the Corneria stage, but only Fox, Peppy, Falco, and Slippy will appear. You can also do this with Wolf, but only on the Lylat Cruise stage.
Classic mode: Fight against Crazy Hand
Reach the Master Hand with a time less than 9:00 without using any continues under the Hard or higher difficulty. Crazy Hand will appear with Master Hand at the start of the match.
Unlock the final Co-op challenge. Have player one choose Snake and player two choose any character. When you start the battle, which you will fight everyone with no stop, have Snake stand under the middle platform and keep pressing Up + A to do his Upward Grenade Launch move. This works because as he keeps doing this, the enemies keep spawning on the middle platform. The bombs will blast them out with one shot. Player two can attack the ones that player one missed.
Custom Sonic vs. Mario stage
Go to the stage creator. Select a big stage and put in a long ledge with no holes or pits and some stairs. Above the ground, place three of the moving floor things side-by-side. Place ladders at both ends of the lower platform, leading high enough to jump from the ladder to the moving platform. Make sure the ladders are not under the moving platform. The only items that should be put in are Super Smash Balls, Cracker Launchers, and Bunny Ears. Place a few small platforms between the moving platforms and the lower platform with the ladders. This is a great arena for Sonic's Spin Dash move and Homing Attack, as well as for Mario because there are no walls to stop either one from being knocked out of the arena. The best game play mode for this stage is Team Brawl, with two Sonics vs. Mario and Luigi, another Mario, or Dr. Mario.
Exceed 10 hours of play time.
When on the drawing level (white with black drawings) the hazards drawn will hurt you, whereas if a house or eyes with eyebrows is/are drawn, you can use the roof and/or eyebrows as platforms. If a face is drawn with a little squigle out of it's mouth, it represents wind and you will get blown in the direction the wind is appearing to go to. |
Submitted by spazzzerEasy 1500ft in home run contest
This code works for any character and is helpful if you want trophies. First, when the contest starts, pick up the bat and throw it at the sandbag. This can be done by pressing the throw button and by holding down the control pad/joystick direction of the sandbag. This does about 20% damage, and then the bat should go near you. Pick it up again and repeat the process. In the end, the sandbag should have like 100% damage. Then use the home run swing to send sandbag flying about 1500 ft. I have achieved this with every character! |
Submitted by NathanJEasy CD and Sticker Drops
First, acquire Stage Builder Parts Set B (Make 5 custom stages). Make a level where there are conveyor belts running into a wall, and a platform somewhere in the level that a player can stand on and stay there. Plug in a second controller. Go into options, and set every item EXCEPT Sandbag off. Set items to high. Go into your conveyor-belt-level in a regular Brawl and have the second character jump and stay on the platform, so it's not in the way. Now, when the Sandbags fall, they'll stay at the wall. Use your character (Kirby's basic A attack, repeatedly, recommended or another character that can hit many times quickly.) to hit the Sandbags over and over. Since all other items are turned off, only stickers and CDs will appear. This is the easiest way to get a lot of CDs/Stickers quickly.
Unlock Stage Builder Edit Parts B. Then, create a level where there are conveyor belts running into a wall, and a platform somewhere in the level that a player can stand on and stay there. Plug in a second controller. Go into options, and turn every item except "Sandbag" off. Set items to high. Play in your "conveyor belt" created level in a regular Brawl. Have the second player jump and stay on the platform, so it is not in the way. When the Sandbags fall, they will stay at the wall. Use your character (Kirby's basic A attack, repeatedly, is recommended or another character that can hit many times quickly) to hit the Sandbags repeatedly. Since all other items are turned off, only CDs and Stickers will appear. This is the easiest way to get a lot of CDs and Stickers quickly.
The following is a quick way to get the 1,000 and 5,000 coin challenge. You must have two controllers. Start a Coin Match. Select Sheik as player one, and someone of medium scale (Link, Ganondorf, Sheik, Zelda Captain Falcon, Marth, Ike, and Snake) as player two. Choose "The Temple (Melee)" stage. Once it starts, have player two stand at the corner where there is a standing slab and a slanted slab (player two should spawn here). Get Sheik and put her next to player two. Hold A or 2 (depending on the controller configuration) and she will start to do endless amounts of punches. This works because player two is up against the wall and keeps bouncing back, and you keep punching. Keep this up, and once player two's damage reaches 999% they will move out of your way; so blast them out. Then put them back in the spot and start again. Set the time limit to about ten to fifteen minutes.
Easy combos in Training mode
Enter Training mode, and choose any character and stage. Select "Help on", and choose the smart bomb from the menu. Pick it up, go beside the other player, and throw it at them. Quickly pause the game, then select the smart bomb again. Then, choose only one smart bomb every second. If you select them too fast, you will run out. This will save you a lot of time.
Go to a stage where there is a wall that you can push the enemy up against (for example, Corneria, Temple). Push the CPU character up to the wall. Drop three of the Superspicy Curry items. Move forward to get the curry to move towards you. Duck (hold Down) and get the curry. It runs out after 155% (155 combos). As it gets close to that number, pick up the next curry and repeat. While doing the second curry, a third curry will disappear; pick it up in the middle. It is possible to get 367 combos on Marth by doing this.
Easy home runs in Home Run Contest
This trick works for any character. Immediately turn around, pick up the bat, and throw it at the Sandbag. You should not have to move much to pick it up again while it is still in the air. Throw it again. Repeat this process until you have about two seconds remaining. Then, go behind the bag, and smash it. You should be able to get at least 1,500 feet every time. Note: Do not hesitate or wait until the bag is stopped. You will lose precious time. Also, you will have to turn around to face the bag after each hit.
Use the following trick to unlock all characters in under two hours. Enter VS. mode, and select Special Match mode. Set it to Stamina and Flower modes. At the character selection screen, give the CPU 1 health and your character anything over 1 health. Also, make sure that it is on 1 Life Stock mode. Set the stage to Shadow Moses Island, at least until Snake appears and you defeat him. Keep playing this way for approximately two hours and you have around 500 VS. mode games played. By then, you should have unlocked all characters. Note: Make sure you are using a character you are good with because after a certain number of rounds, you will unlock each character and have to face them in a fight. It is 1 vs. 1 -- so it is recommended that you use a character like Ike, who hits very hard. However, do not worry if you lose; after one more VS. mode round, you will get to try again. -From: Austin Graham
Setup a Special Brawl. Choose the options "Stamina" (matches are based off of HP) and "Flower" (characters will have a health-draining Flower on their heads at all times). Play against a single CPU character, and set their HP to 1, leaving your HP anything higher than 1. When a fight starts, your opponent will automatically die from the flower (this is a self-destruct) and the match will end. This method is very useful for unlocking anything that requires "Brawl on [stage name] a certain number of times" or "Brawl with [character name] a certain number of times", etc. It can also be used to easily increase the number of Brawls played to unlock characters and Assist trophies. The only thing it cannot unlock is anything requiring standard Brawl victories, as it is a Special Brawl and not standard.
To unlock the 75m stage, you must play as Donkey Kong twenty times. To easily unlock the stage, go to Special Brawl. Change the settings so that you have a flower on your head and stamina is at 1 HP. Then, choose DK and any stage. When the match begins, you will instantly fall down and the match will end. Do this twenty times to unlock the 75m stage. Note: You can do this to unlock other stages too as long as you meet the requirements.
Larger characters, such as Bowser, have very powerful attacks but a slow recovery. Using slow and fast attacks as a combo can help you win or lose a battle. Grabs are useful for throwing an opponent off when he or she is weak, but if they come back using a Smash attack (depending on which one) can fling them farther, thus getting a kill. Alsom using Smash attack combos can lead to fast wins, but if not timed correctly can result in defeat.
Play 10 vs. matches on Stage Builder Stages.
Create 5 Stages in Stage Builder.
Create 15 Stages in Stage Builder.
Use one of the following methods to unlock Sheik. Select Zelda/Sheik area at the character selection screen. Hover the pointer over your section then press one the following buttons to toggle between Zelda and Sheik.
With a Wiimote, press 2.
With Wiimote and Nunchuk, press A.
With a Classic controller, press A.
With a Gamecube controller, press A.
Use one of the following methods to unlock Zero Suit Samus. Select Samus at the character selection screen, then hold the following buttons at the "Ready to Fight!" message, when you usually press Plus to start the match.
With a Wiimote, hold Minus and press Plus.
With Wiimote and Nunchuk, hold Nunchuk Z and press Plus.
With a Classic Controller, hold R and press Plus.
With a Gamecube controller, hold R and press Start.
Fight Crazy Hand in Classic Mode
To fight Crazy Hand in Classic, you must reach the Master Hand in under nine minutes and without using any continues. Also, it must be completed on Hard mode or higher. If these conditions are met, Crazy Hand will appear alongside Master Hand at the start of the match.
Fighting against Peach: Avoid falling asleep
When Peach uses her final smash, if you stay airborne, you will not fall asleep.
In the end of the subspace emissary, you fight an end boss, Tabuu. To beat him, use the fast and powerful characters (Link, C.Falcon, Samus, Snake, Marth) and only use Sonic if you have previous experience using him. When Tabuu attacks, it's usually near impossible to dodge, so just get ready to recover or counterattack or something like that. Samus' third jump works nicely against Tabuu! Other than that, just use strong midair attacks to kill Tabuu. |
Submitted by NathanJFox: Alternate victory sequence
When Fox defeats Falco, instead of the regular winning phrases that he says, he will instead say "Better luck next time, Falco".
Beat SSE having used captain Falcon.
First beat the story mode than, go to the forest level and you will see a door that wasn't there before go in it, Toon link will be waiting to brawl. |
Submitted by HunterOnly three characters can "glide"; Metaknight, Pit, and Charizard. To glide with these characters, do the following.
With the Nunchuk, sweep the Analog-stick in a three quarter circle from up to right or left.
With the Wiimote, sweep the D-pad in a three quarter circle from up to right or left.
With a Gamecube controller, sweep the Analog-stick in a three quarter circle from up to right or left.
With a Classic Controller, sweep the D-pad in a three quarter circle from up to right or left.
If you pick up the golden hammer and tap B rapidly you will float in midair. |
Submitted by afmasterHave all players choose the same character skin
1. In Standard Brawl Mode, choose the character and skin desired for all players to use; use in P1's slot (or 2, 3, 4: doesn't matter).
2. Once you chose the skin everyone wants to use, drop the player with said skin.
3. Choose the same character and skin for the other players, dropping all one at a time but the last.
4. Switch to Team Battle.
5. Add all other players back.
6. Switch back to Standard Battle.
High Score in Classic/All Star
When playing in Classic Mode and All Star Mode, your score for your character depends on a couple of factors:
1) How fast you defeated your opponents.
2) How much damage you dealt out during the fight.
3) If you used a continue.
4) What difficulty level your on.
Using a continue will cut your score in half each time, and you will receive a significant penalty at the last "clear" screen for the mode. You will receive extra points if you play on harder difficulties. For example, if you beat All Star mode on Intense Difficulty, you will get an extra 500,000 points at the end.
If you want a score even higher, for whatever reason you may have, its obscenely simple. simply run around the stage, fighting occasionally if desired, and wait for a Fan to appear. Simply beat your opponent with the Fan until they have 999% damage and kill them. you will get a HUGE score for that one fight. And the more people getting hit from the fan at the same time, the better. Some characters cannot use it well however, and the opponent may be able to escape.
Homerun Contest: Easy homeruns
This can work for any character. Immediately turn around and pick up the bat. Throw it at the Sandbag. You should not have to move much to pick it up again while it is still in the air. Throw it again. Repeat this process until you have about two seconds remaining. Then, go behind the bag and smash it. You should be able to get at least 1,500 feet every time. Note: Do not hesitate or wait until the bag is stopped. You will lose precious time. Also, you will have to turn around to face the bag after each hit.
You should play 450 brawl matches to get wolf. |
Submitted by GhanshyamPatelComplete Classic Mode on Normal with 3 lives with 10 different characters. After you beat Master Hand with the 10th person, Sonic will appear and you will have to beat him. |
Submitted by SomeonenamedTJCYou need to get the Smash Ball. Press [Grab] on any opponent except big heavy ones. Throw the opponent down. When the opponent comes up, use your special Up + B move. Just when the special move is done, immediately use your Smash Ball special. This should result in an automatic kill.
Ike: Stopping knockback effects
This trick allows you do endure a hit that usually causes knockback effects when using Ike. When about to be hit by an objects such as a smart bomb, press Up + B to do Ike's special move, Aether. Your sword must still be alone in mid-air when hit. If done correctly, you will continue to jump upwards toward your sword after the hit has landed and finish the move. This is very useful and can be much easier to time and execute than sidestepping.
When at the Bridge Of Eldin stage, use R.O.B.'s final smash in the middle of the bridge as the spaceship starts to reform it. R.O.B. will trip, but now will be invincible.
Invisible blast box in Training mode
Select Training mode. Play as Captain Falcon and select anyone as your opponent. Press Start and get the Smash Ball when you use your final smash. Press Start during it. Go to the Blast Box and press A or 2 as many times as possible. The blast boxes will be invisible. If you want to find out where they are, just keep Falcon Punching to the left of the screen.
If you play any kind of Brawl on the "Smashville" Animal Crossing stage when your Wii's internal clock is set to a Saturday between the hours of 8:00 PM and midnight, K.K. "Totakeke" Slider will appear in the background of the stage and serenade your brawl.
K.K. Slider concert in Smashville stage
Set the system time between 8:00 p.m. and 11:59 p.m. on a Saturday. Play any kind of Brawl on the Smashville stage from Animal Crossing, and K.K. Slider will play a concert in the background of the stage.
Take out your hammer and hit your opponent twice. Note: This works most, but not all, of the time.
On the level Green Hill Zone, if you keep a sharp eye on the background, you'll see Knuckles run by.
Ocarina of Time - Use Toon Link over 10 times.
Beat Classic Mode twice on Easy or once on Medium.
Beat Classic Mode twice on Medium or once on Hard.
Beat Classic Mode twice on Hard or once on Very Hard.
Beat Classic Mode twice on Very Hard or once on Intense.
When fighting any battle, if a Hot Head appears, you can attack it without picking it up and make it bigger. Once it is at its full size, it will electrocute people and burn them at the same time.
When using meta knight, hold A and you will slash like crazy all over the place. another cool thing is if you get the final smash little floaty orb thingy. get near your opponent, do not press anything, then hold B. Your cape must hit them for it to work. The screen goes dark and then you hear laughing and then the screen goes back to normal and your opponent gets hit with a lazery thing and it causes a lot of damage and might KO them. |
Submitted by spazzzerGet 200 KOs in Standard Brawl to unlock the "More Rules" option at the bottom of the "Rules" menu.
Do the following to hear the sounds:
Unlockable | How to Unlock
| - Unlock all Assist trophies.
| |
| |
| - Unlock All-Star and Boss Battle mode.
- Subspace Enemies and Bosses
| - Successfully complete SSE (Subspace Emissary) mode.
Unlockable Stage Builder Parts:
Unlockable | How to Unlock
| - Play 10 vs. matches on Stage Builder Stages
| - Create 5 Stages in Stage Builder
| - Create 15 Stages in Stage Builder
Person falls out of Link's Final Smash
Play in Stamina mode. Damage one fighter until they hit 40 HP or lower. Have Link do a Final Smash. The fighter will fall out before Link even finishes his attack. The Triforce also will not shatter. It will vanish when Link is finished.
When battling the Piranha Plant in either Subspace Emissary or Boss Battles mode, you only need to defeat one of the cages to win the battle. If your character has a high damage percentage, try focusing on one of the cages to complete the battle faster. |
Submitted by FellySelect samus at the character-selection screen, hold down a shield button then proceed to the next screen. |
Submitted by BrenPort Town Aero Dive stage: R.O.B appearances
There are two R.O.B. appearances in the Port Town Aero Dive stage. To see his first appearance, pause game play just after the platform passes the finish line and begins traveling down the series of ramps. There should be a large tower behind you. Rotate your view and look at the top of the tower. To see his second appearance, pause game play after the platform passes over the large black ship with the turbines on it then look to your right. Note: The second R.O.B. is much easier to see because it is huge.
When you have unlocked ALL 40 of the stages in the game you will then get the option to exclude stages from the random stage selector that you don't want to play on.
To unlock random stage switch under the rules option, you need to unlock all the stages with additional rules enabled.
Load up a Special Brawl. Choose the options "Stamina" (matches are based off of HP) and "Flower" (characters will have a health-draining Flower on their heads at all times). Play against a single CPU character and set their HP to 1, leaving your HP anything higher than 1. When a fight starts, your opponent will automatically die from the flower (this is a self-destruct) and the match will end. This method is very useful for unlocking anything that requires "Brawl on
10 times" or "Brawl with 20 times," etc. It can also be used to inflate the amount of Brawls played, possibly unlocking characters and Assist Trophies. The only thing it cannot unlock is anything requiring "standard Brawl victories", as it is a Special Brawl and not standard.Scoring unlimited hits on Sandbag
To do this, you must first create a stage with one open row in between it. For example, have four blocks going to the right, one block below the first block set, and six blocks under the two blocks about it. Once the Sandbag is back in the corner, use anyone very fast attacks (for example, Falco) and hold down [Physical Attack] (A on a Gamecube controller or 1 on a Wiimote). Sandbag will be off the ground while hitting it. Normally without a wall, it would eventually back away too far and you could not hit it. However with the wall, you can keep hitting it as long as desired. This is useful for getting the combo challenges on the Challenge Board.There are three more secret charecters after you unlock all of them and these are paratroopa, shadow, and crystal and you unlock them by beating everything on intense even the SSE
and after that you face all three of them in a fight in final destination. | Submitted by Julio13Selecting Zero Suit Samus
To use Zero Suit Samus at the start of a match, select Samus on the character screen and hold the following button before the match starts with the corresponding controller that is being used:
Gamecube/Classic controller: Hold the R button
Wii Remote with Nunchuk: Hold the Z button
Wii Remote: Hold the Minus (-) buttonSmashville stage: K.K. Slider concert
Set the system time between 8:00 p.m. and 11:59 p.m. on a Saturday. Play any kind of Brawl on the Smashville stage from Animal Crossing. K.K. Slider will play a concert in the background of the stage.Snake's Down + B (or Down + 1 on a Wiimote) move creates a detonator in a rectangular shape. However, he may occasionally send out a Butterfly C3 as well. It still has the same effect.Sonic - Beat Classic With 10 Different People
Tails - Beat Cruel Brawl As Sonic(KO 30 Guys)
Knuckles - Same As Tails
Marth - Beat Classic As 3 Different People
Lyndis(Lyn) - In Endless Brawl Get Lyn's Help 100 Times(Same As Assist trophy Move)
Hector - Beat Classic And All-Star as Lyndis
R.O.B. - Join In SSE
ROB Blaster - KO 1000 R.O.B. Blasters In 1 Day
Baloon Fighter - Unlock Tails Hector R.O.B. Blaster And Item Flipper
Flipper - Beat SSBM In Wii 90 Times
NES Mario - As Mario Beat A Mii In SSBB | Submitted by SSBDikComplete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding parts
Edit Parts A: Play ten Vs. mode matches on Stage Builder stages.
Edit Parts B: Create five stages in Stage Builder mode.
Edit Parts C: Create fifteen stages in Stage Builder mode.
Stage | How to unlock
| - Brawl as Donkey Kong twenty times.
- Big Blue (from Super Smash Bros. Melee)
| - Play as Captain Falcon ten times in brawls.
| - Play on any Melee stage 10 times in VS Mode
| |
| |
| |
- Green Greens (from Super Smash Bros. Melee)
| - Play as as Kirby in twenty times in VS mode.
- Hanenbow (from Electroplankton)
| - Complete Event Match #28 (Flower Blooms In The Echoes).
- Jungle Japes (from Super Smash Bros. Melee)
| - Play any Melee stage ten times.
| - Complete Classic Mode on Easy
| |
| - Play on Pokémon Stadium 2 10 times in VS Mode
| - Play as Captain Falcon 10 times in VS Mode
| - Complete Event Match #25 (The Aura Is With Me).
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding sticker:
Boo from Mario Tennis: Hit over 900 feet in the Home Run Contest.
Liquid Snake from Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes: Defeat ten Alloys in Cruel Brawl mode.
Phyllis from Animal Crossing: Wild World: Successfully complete All-Star mode on the Normal difficulty.
Running Chibi-Robo from Chibi-Robo: Successfully complete Classic mode on the Easy difficulty.
Ryuta Ippongi from Duendan 2: Successfully complete the 100-Man Brawl with a time less than 3:30.There are certain stickers in the game you cannot randomly collect off the ground, in which you must meet specific requirements to achieve these stickers.
Unlockable | How to Unlock
| - Hit over 900 ft. in the Home-Run Contest
- Liquid Snake [Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes]
| - Defeat 10 Alloys in Cruel Brawl
- Phyllis [Animal Crossing: Wild World]
| - Clear All-Star mode on Normal difficulty with any character
- Running Chibi-Robo [Chibi-Robo]
| - Clear Classic mode on Easy difficulty with any character
- Ryuta Ippongi [Duendan 2]
| - Clear 100-Man Brawl in under 3 minutes, 30 seconds
Stopping knockback effects with Ike
This trick allows you to endure a hit that usually causes the knockback effects when using Ike. When you are about to be hit by an objects such as a Smart Bomb, press Up + B to do Ike's special move, Aether. Your sword must still be alone in mid-air when hit. If done correctly, you will continue to jump upwards toward your sword after the hit has landed and finish the move. This is very useful and can be much easier to time and execute than sidestepping.Win in VS mode with Peach over 5 times.Play yoshi's Island (melee) over 3 times.Super Suicide Sudden Death match
A Super Suicide Sudden Death match is a special match you can put together that is a lot of fun and has non-stop action. Start by going to the stage builder. Make a small size stage with only four block at the very bottom of the screen. Try using "hyper" music such as Waluigi Pinball with it. Go to the Item Set screen and set only Bob-Ombs, Gooey Bombs, Smart Bombs, and Motion Sensor Bombs, along with high item appearance. After this, go to the Special Brawl screen and set 300% damage and light weight. Also, set the battle to 99 stock if you have about twenty minutes. Proceed with character choice as usual, then select the "suicide stage". If you want to make it especially crazy, on the Special Brawl screen, make the characters mini and on the Rules screen, set a 2.0 damage ratio instead of 1.0.Switch from Samus to Zero Suit Samus at any time
At any time during a match, use an Up Taunt, a Down Taunt, and an Up Taunt. You must do it very quickly, and it is not a Final Smash, so you will not do damage.Under the "My Music" settings, the Star Fox Melee stage's music themes "Corneria" and "Venom" are swapped.By clearing various difficulties of Classic, you can unlock different levels of Target Test as outlined below. Note that if you unlock a higher difficulty level before an lower one, you will unlock all the ones before it e.g. If you clear Classic mode once on Intense, you will unlock all the target tests.
Unlockable | How to Unlock
| - Beat Target Test in Classic Mode twice on Easy or once on Medium
| - Beat Target Test in Classic Mode twice on Medium or once on Hard
| - Beat Target Test in Classic Mode twice on Hard or once on Very Hard
| - Beat Target Test in Classic Mode twice on Very Hard or once on Intense
To unlock Toon Link after you beat the adventure mode go to the forest level there should be a door that wasn't there before go in and beat Toon Link then you can use him anytime. | Submitted by Metroid1234567Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding trophy:
Kapp'n: Exceed 300 ft. combined swim distance for all characters.
Master Hand: Successfully complete Classic mode with twenty characters.
Peanut Popgun: Successfully complete Target Smash level 2.
Stafy: Successfully complete Target Smash level 1 with ten characters.
Tom Nook: Collect 1,000 coins in Coin Matches.Two Final Smash trophies at a time
Usually you can get only one Final Smash trophy at a time. However if you play All-Star mode with two human players (because if one of the characters dies you get a game over), you can get both trophies for both characters. The clip after you defeat all the enemies will show you getting only the trophy for player one, but if you look at the trophy section you will see you also have player two's character. Note: If one of the characters dies you can restart if you have twenty coins.Unbeatable Falco Advance Techniques
If you are a falco player such as me you can play better with falco using his advance technique moves such as wavebouncing L-cancel moves and also wavedashing and much more let me explain.
Wavedash-simply tap the jump button and press down to quickly fall.
L-Cancel-this is a move only falco and snake has while running press the c stick in which ever direction ur going then press the c stick up very important that you hit the opponent to complete this.
ChainGrabing-grab someone then press down to shoot while on ground then quickly run over and grab the enemy again. you can do this trick to defeat fast fighters.
Also falco is one of the best brawlers so if u predict where your opponent is going if hes/her is to fast falco foward smash has the wind that can hit the oppenent. i hope these techniques has helped. | Submitted by DadaOK, to unlock Ness you have to do 4 things:
Play five matches in Brawl
Reflect 10 projectiles
Get Ness to join your party in The Subspace Emissary and then you have to fight him and win. | Submitted by KillakanCaptain Falcon 70 Brawl Matches OR Have him join in SSE OR Beat Classic in 12 minutes or less then defeat him in the following match
Falco 50 Brawl Matches OR Have him join in SSE OR Complete 100-man brawl
Ganondorf 200 Brawl Matches OR Collect Zelda and Link trophies in SSE to have him join you OR Clear Classic on Hard with Link or Zelda
Jigglypuff 350 Brawl Matches OR Fight her in Swamp stage in SSE after completing it OR complete SSE then Events 1-20
Lucario 100 Brawl Matches OR Have him join in SSE OR Complete all 5 Target Tests with a character
Luigi 22 Brawl Matches OR Have him join in SSE OR Complete Classic without continuing
Marth 10 Brawl Matches OR Have him join in SSE OR Finish Classic on any difficulty
Mr. Game & Watch 250 Brawl Matches OR Have him join in SSE OR Clear Target Tests on any level with 30+ characters
Ness 5 Brawl Matches OR Have him join in SSE OR Reflect ten projectiles
R.O.B. (Robot) 160 Brawl Matches OR Have him join in SSE OR Get 250 different Trophies
Snake 130 Brawl Matches OR Have him join in SSE OR Play 15 matches on Shadow Moses Island
Sonic 300 Brawl Matches OR Have him join in SSE OR Beat Classic Mode with 10 characters
Toon Link 400 Brawl Matches OR Fight him in Forest stage in SSE after completing it OR After beating SSE, finish the Classic mode
Wolf 450 Brawl Matches OR Fight him in Ruins stage in SSE after completing it OR Complete Boss Mode with Fox or Falco | Submitted by bradUnlockable Characters (True Version)
Some people have posted wrong unlockable charcters so to clear up.
Ness - Play 5 Brawls / Reflect 10 projectiles
Marth - Complete classic with any character on any difficulty / Play 10 Brawls
Luigi - Complete classic with no continues / Play 22 Brawls
Falco - Play 50 Brawls / Beat the 100-man Brawl.
Cpt. Falcon - Play 70 Brawls / Beat classic on Normal or harder in < 12 minutes.
Lucario - Play 100 Brawls / Beat all levels of Target Smash
R.O.B. - Play 160 Brawls / Collect 250 different trophies.
Mr. Game & Watch - Play 250 Brawls / Clear Target Smash with 30 different characters on any difficulty.
Ganondorf - Play 200+ Brawls / Beat Classic on hard or harder with Zelda (Shiek) or Link.
Jigglypuff - Play 350 Brawls / Beat 20+ Events after completing SE.
Toon Link - Play 400 Brawls / Clear SE then classic afterwards.
Wolf - Beat boss battles mode with Fox or Falco after completing SE.
Sonic - Play 300 Brawls / Beat Classic with 10 different characters / Have 10 hours of brawls.
Snake - Play 150 Brawls / Play 15 brawls at shadow moses island
All can also be unlocked by them joining your team on SE, Wolf and Toon Link need extra conditions for this. | Submitted by Jonny
Music | How to unlock
| - Complete 100-Man Brawl in under four minutes.
| - Clear Target Level 5 With Anyone
- Ai no Uta (French version)
| - Hit 37,500 feet combined with all fighters' Home-Run Contest records.
- Bob-Omb Battlefield from Super Mario 64
| - Accumulate 50 hours of Vs.mode game play.
- Clu Clu Land (Kuru Kuru Land)
| - Get a distance of 1,200 feet (400 meters) in the Home Run Contest.
| |
| - Play 10 vs. matches on Port Town
- Echoes from Metroid Prime 2
| - Brawl on the Frigate Orpheon stage ten times.
| - Play ten Vs. mode matches on Norfair.
| - Complete Target Test Level 2 under 19 seconds.
| |
| - Play on the Halberd stage 10 times in VS mode
| - Play 10 vs. matches on Halberd
| - Complete Event #33 on Difficult
| - Play 10 vs. matches on Green Hill Zone
- Ice Climbers from Super Smash Bros. Melee
| - Complete Classic mode under the Easy difficulty.
- Icicle Mountain from Super Smash Bros. Melee
| - Complete Classic mode under the Normal difficulty.
| - Find Ike in the Subspace Emissary
| |
| - Get a distance of 400m in Home-Run Contest with one character
- Legendary Air Rider Machine
| |
- Love Song (commercial version)
| - Get a combined distance of 12500m in Home-Run Contest
- Mach Rider (melee version)
| - Defeat 50 alloys in Endless Multi-Man Brawl
| |
- Metroid Prime 2: Multi-Play
| - Play 10 vs. matches on Frigate Orpheon
| |
| - Complete Event #18 on Difficult
- Multi-Play from Metroid Prime 2
| - Play ten Vs. mode matches on Frigate Orpheon.
- O2 Boss Theme from Kirby 64
| - Collect more than 5,000 coins in Coin Battle Brawls.
- Peach Castle from Super Smash Bros. Melee
| |
| |
| - Play 10 vs. matches on Castle Siege
| |
- Road to Virdian City (Road to Tokiwa)
| |
| - Play 15 vs. matches on Shadow Moses Island
| |
| - Clear Classic Mode on Difficult
- Star Wolf from Star Fox: Assault
| - Complete Event Match #38 under the Difficult difficulty.
| - Clear All-Star Mode on Easy
| |
- Underwater BGM from Super Mario Bros.
| - Play 10 Vs. mode matches on Mushroomy Kingdom.
This cheat needs 3 players in order to work. Make sure somebody breaks the Smash Ball with Captain Falcon. Next, wait for a warpstar to come. Have someone get the warpstar and while this person is still zooming up or coming down ONSCREEN get ONLY the person who hasn't done anything. After you see Captain Falcon come down and everyone can move again you'll
notice that the person riding the warpstar just falls normally to the stage, for the star vanished. | Submitted by Chris
Character | How to unlock character
| - Beat Classic in 20 minutes or less then defeat him in the following match
| - Complete Classic Mode with any character other than Ike or Complete Event Match 20
| - Defeat in SSE with Meta Knight
| - Complete Classic Mode on Easy
| - Complete Classic Mode using Ike
| - Play five matches OR Reflect ten projecticles OR meet Ness in SSE.
| - Play 10 matches on Shadow Moses Island.
| - Complete the Subspace Emissary
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding trial.
Donkey Kong: Play over ten hours.
F-Zero: Have Captain Falcon join you during Subspace Emissary.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Play as Toon Link over ten times.
Super Mario Bros. 2 (Super Mario USA): Win in Vs. mode as Peach over five times.
Super Mario World: Play Yoshi's Island (melee) over three times.On the wario ware stage (all black except for chalkish drawings) be sure to do exactly as the commands tell you to do. for example, if it tells you to jump, jump quick so you don't get driven into the ground. If it tells you not to move, you could pretty much just let go of your wiimote. When it says pop it, it gets a bit confuzing, but just try to hit the thing that is most likely floating in the air. if you do the thing correctly, then it will give you a random powerup. if you don't do what it tells you to do, then nothing happens, but you may get killed if your opponent gets it and uses it against you. | Submitted by spazzzerTo unlock Wolf after you beat adventure mode go back to the ruins there should be a door that wasn't there the first time go in and beat Wolf then you can fight as Wolf any time. | Submitted by Metroid1234567More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements