Go to Shifting Land Land and do the "Another place for a second hat" trick. Now go back to the start and pick up a Bob-omb. He'll magically disappear, and you are holding your hat! The smoke sounds wil still be there, but Mario will be holding his red cap like a Bob-omb. Don't press B and wait. Woah! The ticking sound stopped, and no explosion happened. Where did the bomb go? Now, go to one of those tornados in the quick sand and keep on going into it until---the Bob-omb comes out of you and explodes! Cogratulations! Mario has done his first magic trick!
Another place for a second hat.
In the sandy world go to any star past number 1 and get your hat stolen by the big bird that was carring the star (you can usualy find him near the pink bomb-bomb's pillar) then go punch or kick or just jump on the bird WITHOUT getting the hat next go to the palm tree near the pink bomb-bomb and warp the more times you warp the more hats there are. eventualy after about 50 hats are on the screen the game will freeze. if you grab your hat when there are 2 or three there you get to wield your hat as a weapon. I think its kinda funny beating up those two hands with your cap he he.
Bob-omb Battlefield Warp 1
There is a warp in Bob-omb Battlefield that lets you get from one side of the level to another quickly. After going up the first slanted bridge, go right and stand in the flower bed. The game will warp you to another flower bed, near the mountain. You can also warp from the flower bed next to the mountain to the flower bed next to the slanted bridge.
Bob-omb Battlefield Warp 2
There is a warp in Bob-omb Battlefield that allows you to go up the mountain quickly. Begin by heading up the mountain until you come to the first indentation in the mountain that metal balls come out of. Go into the indentation, and stand there. The game will warp you to another indentation higher up in the mountain.
Gain all 120 stars, then go back and face Bowser. You'll see a new message.
Control camera during credits
To control the camera during the end credits, simply beat the last Bowser with a controller pugged into port #2. During the credits use the controller in port #2 to control the camera.
Control the speeds in the Tick Tock Clock.
In order to control the speeds in the Tick Tock Clock, you will need to play close attention to the minute hand. When the hand is on the 3, the platforms in the clock will be slow. Like wise 6 will be medium speed and 9 will be fast.
At the beginning of the level, turn around, and you should see a broken bridge. Walk to the very end of it, and you will transport to the bottom of the level, near the big penguin. Stand at the end of the broken bridge you end up at, and you will warp back to the top. You can use this warp to get between the top and bottom of the mountain easily.
Easy 1up Mushroom/ Infinite 1up Mushroom
In the level "Vanish Cap Under The Moat" you can gain 3x 1up mushrooms on the first hill. Then you can jump off the edge of the level and not loss a life. This gives you three lives in a matter of seconds.
If you have taken damage just jump in some water that you can be submerged in and rise to the surface then you will have your enegy filled up.
Whenever there is a post in a level, if you run around it 5 times and some coins will pop out. These are good if you need more health or need to collect 100 coins.
After getting 120 stars, go to race the pengiun in the 3rd world (The snow one) and he'll be fat, harder to beat, and have a new message for you.
How to get a second hat for Mario.
Go to snowman's land, the one with the big snowman. Climb up the moutain and let the snowman blow your hat off. Then go to the two warping trees next to the frozen pond. Go through them and the cap will have another hat on top of it. Once you get your hat, there will be another one on the ground. Go get that one and Mario will have it the rest of the level or untill you exit the game. Mario can use his hat as a weapon, it does double damage to enemies.
Infinite 1-up mushrooms in 6th level
While in the Hazy Maze Cave, get into the Hazy Maze itself. Kill eight of the moles in a row, you will get a 1-up. Make your way to the lone mole on the other side of the maze, kill him eight times, get a 1-up. Now go back to the first pair of moles, kill eight in a row and a THIRD 1-up mushroom will appear! Continue going between the moles for the desired amount of lives.
At the beginning of the level, turn left and jump to the island with the Wing Cap block on it. Stand in the center of the island, and you will warp to a hole in a metal wire platform, right under an eyeball enemy. You can warp back and forth between the hole and the island.
In Shifting Sand Land, head over to the tree that is next to the oasis. Stand under the tree, and the game will warp you to a metal platform in the quicksand area. The cannon is there, as well as a black brick block. You can also warp from the metal platform to the tree.
Get 120 stars and the lives from Yoshi on the roof of the castle.
Stop the Tick Tock Clock.
In order to stop the gears and platforms in the Tick Tock Clock, simply jump into the clock when the minute hand is on the 12.
In Tall, Tall, Mountain, there is a warp that makes it easy to get to the cannon. In the area with all of the mushrooms, you will see two tiny mushrooms that are next to each other. Jump to the second tiny mushroom, and you will warp to a hidden area below the mountain. From there you can head to the cannon. You can also warp from the hidden area to the mushroom if you decide not to use the cannon.
Note: This trick only works in the Japanese Version. If you can manage to collect 1,000 or more coins in a level (This is possible in the "Bowser in the Dark World" level), you will have a green "M" appear next to your lives and you will instantly have 25 "M" lives. "M" lives work opposite of the normal lives. Whenever you'd normally lose a normal life, you'll gain an M life, and vice versa. If your M lives top M128 or go below M0, you'll go back to normal lives.
Water Rise in Wet Dry World
There is a way to control how high the water level is in Wet Dry World when you enter it. If you jump high into the painting, the water level will start off high. If you jump low into the painting, the water level will start off low. There are several differents water levels that it can start as, and these are determined by how high you jump into the painting.
There is a warp in Whomp's Fortress that makes going up the fortress a lot easier. Go until you reach the area where a Thwomp is pounding the ground. There are several regular boxes and a red ! box there as well. Stand in the corner between the wire wall and the fortress wall. The game will warp you to a ledge coming out of the fortress, next to a large pole. You can also warp from the ledge to the area where the Thwomp is.
Once you have gathered 120 stars, jump into the now open cannon outside the castle. Shoot onto the roof and talk to Yoshi. He will give you 100 lives and an improved triple jump.
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