Do not save any pictures that you snap in the game. After ten pictures are saved your camera will be full and will cause a glitch where it cannot be cleared and your saved game file will be unusable due to it being corrupted.
Search the indicated location to find the corresponding memento.
Memento | Location
| - Through the Dark Woods; in a dresser at the hunting lodge.
| - School Days; in the frog at the Biology lab.
| - Through the Dark Woods; in a cabinet at the hunting lodge.
| - Arriving in Silent Hill; in the Good Old Days Tavern or 52 Diner.
| - School Days; in locker 1037 at the locker room.
| - Through the Dark Woods; near the water tower.
| - School Days; in a cabinet above a fire extinguisher at the school.
| - Letting out Your Inner Child; inside Cybil's glove compartment.
| - Lisa's Apartment; in a box at the bathroom.
| - After Hours Shopping; in the hamster cage at The Family Pet.
| - After Hours Shopping; in the safe at Fun And Games.
| - School Days; in the freezer in Wonderland Burg.
| - A Nightmare Hunt; Bryant Overlook, in the trunk of the car.
| - School Days; in a jewelry box at The Cat House.
| - Exploring Downtown; in a copy machine.
Dial the indicated number on Harry's cell phone to call the corresponding person or location.
Person or location | Number
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- Silent Hill Customer Service
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- State Dept. of Natural Resources
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- State Water & Sewer Authority
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Successfully complete the game. Load your cleared game file, then call "555-3825" to get a quest to photograph thirteen UFOs. Take pictures of all thirteen UFOs to view the UFO ending.
Search the following locations to find the thirteen hidden UFOs. Take a picture of all thirteen UFOs to unlock the UFO ending.
1. In the alley, outside the playground, under a street light.
2. In the boathouse, through a hole in the roof.
3. Outside the Orion Hunting Lodge, on top of barrels.
4. Between the goal post at Midwich High.
5. On top of a roof after you leave the Cat house.
6. On the statue, in the courtyard at Midwich High.
7. In a tree, outside the gym.
8. Below the bridge to the mall entrance.
9. "The Family Pet" in the fish tank.
10. In the "Green Lion Pawn Shop", on a shelf, left of the door.
11. In the storm drain/sewer, right of the exit ladder.
12. After the amusement park, on the jettie.
13. Offshore of the lighthouse.
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