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Scarface: The World Is Yours

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Scarface: The World Is Yours on Nintendo Wii

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Scarface: The World Is Yours Cheats

When doing the first mission against Gasper Gomez, take out the helicopter when you are in his lounge. Taking out one will keep both of them for pursuing you as you are attempting to get the cash to your bank in the armored car.

During the mission when you have to kill Nacho, there will be a point where two snipers will guard one area. These snipers are deadly and will usually kill you. There are four ways to defeat them. The first is to conceal yourself and shoot the fuel barrels. They will generate a cloud of smoke that you can use as cover. Move quickly when doing this because the smoke does not last too long. After you shoot a barrel, advance and dive for cover. If you die doing this, this tactic can no longer be used the Xbox version, due to unexplained reasons. The barrels will disappear and the tanker may become invisible. The other tactic is to advance quick and slow. Dive for cover, then advance very slowly up there. If you go behind boxes with nothing stacked on top of them, you will need to duck. Once you get three-quarters of the way there and if you have plenty of life, storm up there and finish them. This can also be done another way; shoot as you advance up there. This causes the snipers to hesitate slightly. Use this opportunity to get as close as you can. If all else fails, you can go back and build up rage mode. You are invincible during this. Use this as a way to kill the snipers.

If you cannot kill the man you are chasing when he is in the car, then he will be in a helicopter at the trailer park. There is a jump there. Go off the jump, and an intermission sequence will show him appearing in the helicopter. The meter that shows you how far away he is will not be there. You can now kill him without having to move. Note: It is best to bring the rocket launcher (bazooka) with you.

If you are stranded out at sea, call a boat quickly. This keeps the shark from coming after you. If you are on a mission, you might be unable to call a boat. If this happens get to an island quickly (especially if you have lots of money). This scenario will most likely happen in the islands. If you are unable to call a boat, keep moving and do not stop. Swim to the nearest island regardless how far away from the mainland it is. Observe your surroundings. Determine which island is closer, and swim there. If you survive the swim, do the same with the next. Continue with this tactic until you are safe. However, there is a 75% chance this will fail. Do not swim for the mainland unless you are sure you can make it.

If your character is ever stranded in the water, try to stay near large objects or boats in the water while swimming. As long as you are near a large object, the shark will not attack and you will even be able to sprint swim to other large objects (as long as they are not far away), until you get to a place that is out of danger. Additionally, if you have no soundtrack playing at the time the music will change to a "Jaws"-like tune. This indicates that the shark is after you; find a large object to swim to quickly.

Pause the game and select the "Cheats" option, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Mission cheats are unlocked after playing a mission.

Babylon Club Redux mission
Enter "S13" as a code.

Cabana Cigar/Oakely Drive-In mission
Enter "DW_FRON" as a code.

Deliver mission
Enter "S12" as a code.

Freedom Town Redux mission
Enter "S07A" as a code.

Marina Storage mission
Enter "F_M_SHA" as a code.

Nacho Contreras mission
Enter "S09" as a code.

Nacho's Tanker mission
Enter "S10" as a code.

The Dock Boss mission
Enter "A51" as a code.

Un-Load mission
Enter "S11" as a code.

Full health
Enter "MEDIK" as a code.

Full ammunition
Enter "AMMO" as a code.

1,000 Balls (trigger blind rage)
Enter "FPATCH" as a code.

Repair vehicle
Enter "TBURGLR" as a code.

Decrease cop heat
Enter "FLYSTRT" as a code.

Decrease gang heat
Enter "NOBALLS" as a code.

Increase cop heat
Enter "DONUT" as a code.

Increase gang heat
Enter "GOBALLS" as a code.

Ariel MK III race car
Enter "OLDFAST" as a code.

Enter "666999" as a code.

Enter "DOZER" as a code.

Odin VH88 dump truck
Enter "DUMPER" as a code.

Bodog Stampede
Enter "BUMMER" as a code.

"The World Is Yours" song by BReal
Enter "TUNEME" as a code.

Black suit
Enter "BLACK" as a code.

Blue suit
Enter "BLUE" as a code.

Blue suit with shades
Enter "BLUESH" as a code.

Grey suit
Enter "GRAY" as a code.

Grey suit with shades
Enter "GRAYSH" as a code.

Hawaiian shirt
Enter "HAWAII" as a code.

Hawaiian shirt with shades
Enter "HAWAIIG" as a code.

Sandy shirt
Enter "SANDY" as a code.

Sandy shirt with shades
Enter "SANDYSH" as a code.

White suit
Enter "WHITE" as a code.

White suit with shades
Enter "WHITESH" as a code.

Change time of day
Enter "MARTHA" as a code.

Enter "SHAZAAM" as a code.

Enter "RAINY" as a code.

Commit suicide
Enter "KILTONY" as a code.

Push your henchman, and while he is falling, call your limo. If done correctly, you should now have two henchmen.

Normally, you would have to wait until the "Fifth Reputation Upgrade" to snag the Carbine Assault Rifle, but you can get it earlier. First, enter a building, such as a bank. Start shooting, and continue the disruption until finally the police arrive. Find shelter and take out the cops as they come, without getting killed. The SWAT team will eventually arrive. Kill members of the team and pick up a Carbine Assault Rifle they drop. Now, let police officers kill you. When you spawn again, check your weapons locker and find that it now contains the desired gun.

After selling drugs to a dealer, kill him and take his money and drugs.

On the Sandman Island, look for any Sandman leads that have you in a boat. Shoot the targets, then destroy their boats to have two crates appear; one with money and one with ammunition. Collect both crates for a sizable amount of ammunition and money. This is an easy way to get money and ammunition, as you do not have any time limits on the boat missions.

In Little Havana, start at the front entrance of Pedro's pawn shop. Go south until you get to the auto clinic then turn right. At the southern end of the auto clinic building you will see a yellow pole separating the building and a wall. Run through this small doorway and go all the way to the back to a sperm bank, where you can sell your balls. Keep enabling the "1,000 balls" code and keep selling them.

To ensure you get better deals from the drug suppliers, make sure your Gang Heat is low. You will get more product for the same amount of money. This especially helps if your Gang Heat is at zero and your Cop Heat is on zero as well. 30 kg at $100,000 should net you $13 to $15 million.

On the island with the docks and winding roads, go by where the docks are located, at the top right corner of the island on the map. Follow the road to the building (the orange spot with the bank symbol on it). There should be a building with a sign that reads "Bodog" It is a bar. There should be a cage as soon as you walk in. You can bet on cock fights and people fighting. You can bet as high as $25,000. There is also a casino in that building where you can also make money.

First sell the drugs then shoot the drug dealer in the legs. Do not kill him. If you kill him you will get gang heat. Let your henchmen make the kill. You will not get any gang heat.

Call your driver and keep your henchman. Go to the small dealers and sell cocaine to them. After the sale, push them to make them shoot at you. Then, pull out your gun but do not shoot at them. Your henchman will kill them for you. You will not gain any gang heat and will get the cocaine and money.

When you are in a gang's territory enable the "Bodog Stampede" code. Kill all the gang members. When you are done, get out of the car and collect all the money. You will have at least $20,000.

If you have some keys in your warehouse then you can distribute them. Enable the "Decrease Gang Heat" code then grab the first two boxes. Lower you gang heat with the "Decrease Gang Heat" code, then grab another one. Once again, lower you heat. Keep repeating this. There will be no chases or attacks on your turf. Note: This was done with all gangs killed in both areas.

Go to the island. Begin to search and kill as many gangsters as you can find. Each one will generally drop about $10,000 if you eliminate the entire group.

After selling drugs to a dealer, kill him and take his money and drugs.

You can finish off an enemy on the spot by knocking him to the ground. Once he is on the ground and is getting up, go over him and look down while holding a weapon. If you press [Fire], Tony will execute a Mortal Kombat-like fatality while saying things like, "See you in Hell mother******".

The following cheat only works for these cars.

Ariel MK III race car, Bacinari, Bulldozer, Odin VH88 dump truck, Bodog Stampede. when you have unlocked these cars and have the option to buy these cars in the exotics menu, enter the cheat to get them.
Ariel MK III race car

Enter "OLDFAST" as a code.

Enter "666999" as a code.

Enter "DOZER" as a code.

Odin VH88 dump truck
Enter "DUMPER" as a code.

Bodog Stampede
Enter "BUMMER" as a code

When you do that , your driver will bring you the car. when you have the car, destroy it by driving it into the water or shooting it, ect. check the exotics menu again, if you did the cheat correctly, you should see the price tag on the car go away, (you may have to wait a few moments after destroying the car to check the exotics menu). warning: you will have to pay for the car to be repaired! you will have the car unlocked in your garage and will have the reputation points to prove it. | Submitted by therock7328

Some characters like the assassin and enforcer have stronger weapons. For example, play as the enforcer and call for one of Tony's cars. Once it arrives, go to the weapons trunk. Place the grenade launcher in the trunk, then switch back to Tony. When you go to the weapons trunk, the grenade launcher will still be there. You can do the same thing with the assassin to get the PSG-1.

After you collect enough balls (possibly about 400,000) and you have found the girl in the black dress and she is at your mansion, go to your business page. If it mentions something about a gift from her, go to your mansion and talk to her. You will get a permanent health increase. This can be done with the other girls as well, so start collecting them.

After you collect enough balls (possibly about 400,000) and you have found the girl in the black dress and she is at your mansion, go to your business page. If it mentions something about a gift from her, go to your mansion and talk to her. You will get a permanent health increase. This can be done with the other girls as well, so start collecting them.

The higher your cop heat is, the higher your rates will be at the bank.

Upgrade the Micro SMG three times. The third upgrade results in a silencer which cuts visibility by half or reduces it to none during a fight (unless you are out in the open). Note: The .48 pistol on its first upgrade also has a silencer which also can assist during this.

Enable the "Bodog Stampede" code. Then, go after the gangs with it. The gun will have infinite ammunition and enough armor to take them all out. If the vehicle becomes badly damaged, enable the "Repair vehicle" code. However, you must move the Bodog Stampede once in awhile or they will pull you out. This also is very useful when taking over the storehouses because of all the armor it has.

Use the following trick to eliminate gangs during cop interference. If a cop comes by during a fight with a gang, run away and go by his vehicle. The cop will ignore you and go after the gang instead. When he is killed, resume your attack. Make sure to put your weapon away or you will have to evade the cops.

Note: This trick can also be used for easy money. Go to the island and shoot as many gangsters as you can find. Stay as long as desired and collect as much coke as possible. If you stay long enough, you will have full gang heat when you return. After collecting about 2,000 to 3,000 grams, return to Miami with a plane. Once you return, call your car as soon as possible. If a front is not attacked when you arrive, the gangs will come after you. Survive their attack or defend your front. Once done with any other annoyances, begin to sell as much coke as possible. Each 100 gram can lower your heat gang heat by 300 per successful transaction. By the time you are done, your heat will be at zero and you will have lots of extra money, which you should launder as soon as possible. It is also a good idea to do this before distributing kilos of coke because low gang heat during a distribution mission will result in very little attackers and almost no chance of a front being attacked during it.

Use the following trick to keeping your heat low during a gang fight. Go into blind rage at the start when there are plenty of people nearby. You will generate no visibility during blind rage. Use this to eliminate as many gangsters as possible before risking your visibility.

At the beginning of the game, just after you bought your mansion back from Vice, instead of going through the front door of your mansion, go into the back to get a new M16.

You can find these under the "Exotics" menu, and "Investments" option. The purpose of the investments is to provide different upgrades. You will need at least $1.5 million ($40 million for Montana Legal and $20 million for Montana Sports) to purchase most of these investments. The investments will help you level up faster.

Montana Defense: Carry an extra weapon and maximum ammunition.
Montana Fitness: All your henchmen gain 50% health.
Montana Financial: Launder all of your cash with 0% interest.
Montana Holdings: Fronts will cost you 10% less to purchase.
Montana Legal: Visibility Events reduced by half (cops look the other way).
Montana Productions: Unlocks all of Tony's clothing options in the cheat menu.
Montana Records: Unlocks new music tracks and create a new playlist.
Montana Sports: Maximum bets go up for all your gambling.

Save the game before attempting the following. Go into the ocean from anywhere and start swimming, preferably away from land. After a while a giant shark should will appear and eat Tony.

This usually happens along South Beach and North Beach. Swim far out in the water and stop. A cinematic will show Tony treading water until a shark jumps out and clamps on to him. Note: Make sure you do not have any dirty money or drugs in your possession because you will lose them.

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