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Code - Effect Left, Left, Right, Right, Z, Nunchuck down, Nunchuck down, Z, Up, Down - Unlocks the Baby Toy Weapon
Code - Effect Right, Left, Right, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, Z, Nunchuck Down, Z, Z, Nunchuck Down, Nunchuck Down - Recieve Telephone Sword
Code - Effect Up Down Up Down Left Right Left Right Z Nunchuk down Z Nunchuck down - Unlock Swordfish
Code - Effect Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right Z Nuchuk Down Z Nunchuck Down - Unlock Chainsaw
After this phase, the boss will summon a large sand twister that can kill you. The prince needs to seek out a pillar at the edge of the arena that lets him wall run vertically and execute a speed kill. Do the displayed commands to cut off the boss' wings. For the final phase, the boss floats high off the ground, and the prince will be forced to do a series of jumps, leaps, and siddles on the floating stones to reach the boss. The boss will try to shoot you down with an energy blast, so time your own jumps to have something obstructing the boss' line of sight. When you get close to the boss, the prince should begin executing the last and final speed-kill.
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