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Pokemon Rumble

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Pokemon Rumble on Nintendo Wii

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Pokemon Rumble Cheats

Successfully complete the game under the Normal difficulty setting.

Enter these passwords in the red box in the stage select area to obtain special Pokémon. It's the middle option (third from the top if you have a ticket and there are four options selectable).


Go to the Recruitment Building in the terminal and enter these passwords for special Pokemon. NOTE: These passwords only work in the EU version of the game.


Successfully complete the game under the Advanced difficulty setting.

Usually you can release five copies of the same Pokemon at the Release Kiosk to get a ticket for a Pokemon from the evolution line of the released Pokemon. You can obtain special tickets by releasing the following combinations of Pokemon.

Articuno: Pidgeot, Fearow, Jynx, and Lapras
Burmy Sand/Trash Cloak: Five Mothims
Cut Rotom: Rotom and Leafeon
Darkrai: Wash Rotom, Heat Rotom, Spin Rotom, Cut Rotom, and Frost Rotom
Dialga: Dragonite, Bastiodon, Lucario, Garchomp, and Magnezone
Frost Rotom: Rotom and Glaceon
Gastrodon West Sea: Five Shellos East Seas
Giratina: Gengar, Dragonite, Garchomp, Spiritomb, and Dusknoir
Heat Rotom: Rotom and Flareon
Manaphy: Three Phiones
Mewtwo: Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina
Moltres: Charizard, Pidgeot, Fearow, and Magmar
Palkia: Blastoise, Gyarados, Dragonite, Empoleon, and Garchomp
Phione: Lapras and Vaporeon
Shaymin: Arcanine, Charizard, Kangaskhan, Bastiodon, and Arbok
Shellos West Sea: Five Gastrodon East Seas
Spin Rotom: Rotom and Jolteon
Wash Rotom: Rotom and Vaporeon
Wormadam Sand/Trash Cloak: Five Burmy Grass Cloaks
Zapdos: Pidgeot, Fearow, Raichu, and Electabuzz

Go to the Recruitment Building in the terminal and type in these passwords to receive special Pokemon. NOTE:These passwords are for the US release only.


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