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Pokemon Battle Revolution

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Pokemon Battle Revolution on Nintendo Wii

Pokemon Battle Revolution Walkthroughs

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Pokemon Battle Revolution Cheats

After you complete every coloseum you get the little yellow cute thing with a surfboard. You guest it right! You get a surfing Pikachu! You can transfer this pokemon straight to your DS game! It's at Lv. 40 w/ a random gender. I call it a blast from the past becouse you can get a surfing pikachu in Pokemon Stadium for N64. Made from "way back when". | Submitted by kenfougere

Successfully complete the indicated Colloseum to unlock the corresponding badge:

Bronze Badge: Successfully complete Gateway Colloseum.
Silver Badge: Successfully complete Sunny Park Colloseum.
Golden Badge: Successfully complete the Castle Colloseum.
Pikachu Badge: Successfully complete Main Street Colloseum.

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Battle Pass:

Plus Minus: View all battle tutorials.
Gateway Colosseum: Complete Gateway Colosseum.
Main Street Colosseum: Complete Main Street Colosseum.
Waterfall Colosseum: Complete Waterfall Colosseum.
Neon Colosseum: Complete Neon Colosseum.
Crystal Colosseum: Complete Crystal Colosseum.
Sunny park Colosseum: Complete Sunny Park Colosseum.
Magma Colosseum: Complete Magma Colosseum.
Sunset Colosseum: Complete Sunset Colosseum.
Courtyard Colosseum: Complete Courtyard Colosseum.
Stargazer Colosseum: Complete Stargazer Colosseum.
Poketopia Train: Complete Stargazer Colosseum.
Poketopia Ship: Complete Stargazer Colosseum.
Poketopia Jet: Complete Stargazer Colosseum.
Stream Pink: Complete Rank 1 of any colosseum.
Star Yellow: Complete Rank 2 of any colosseum.
Ball Mosaic Aqua: Complete Rank 3 of any colosseum.
Stream Green: Complete Rank 4 of any colosseum.
Star Pink: Complete Rank 5 of any colosseum.
Ball Mosaic Sepia: Complete Rank 6 of any colosseum.
Light Pastel: Complete Rank 7 of any colosseum.
Shiny Cobalt: Complete Rank 8 of any colosseum.
Groudon Red: Collect 20 friend Passes online.
Kyogre Blue: Collect 40 friend Passes online.
Rayquaza Green: Collect 60 friend Passes online.
Pearl Wave: Complete 50 opponents in the Courtyard Survival challenge.
Diamond Dust: Complete all 100 opponents in the Courtyard Survival challenge.
Ball Collection: Defeat all 8 sets in the Stargazer Colosseum master battle.

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus:

Pikachu Hat: Successfully complete the Magma Colloseum.
Pikachu Wear: Successfully complete the Sunset Colloseum.
Crown, Flat 50, and Collosem Rule Changes: Successfully complete the Star View Colloseum.
Level 10 Pikachu with Surf Daimon and Pearl downloadable: Successfully complete all 10 Colloseums.
Pikachu Bag: Successfully complete Crystal Colloseum.
Pikachu Face Paint: Successfully complete Waterfall Colloseum.
Secret Gift for Pokemon Diamond or Pearl in Mystery Gift Shop: Defeat the Stargazer Colosseum Leader.
Electivire Outfit: Defeat the Crystal Colosseum Leader with Level 50 All Rule.
Groudon Outfit: Defeat the Magma Colosseum Leader with Level 50 All Rule.
Kyogre Outfit: Defeat Waterfall Colosseum Leader with Level 50 All Rule.
Lucario Outfit: Defeat the Sunset Colosseum Leader with Level 50 All Rule.
Pachirisu Outfit: Defeat the Main Street Colosseum Leader with Level 50 All Rule.
Roserade Outfit: Defeat the Neon Colosseum Leader with Level 50 All Rule.

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Colloseum:

Castle Colloseum: Successfully complete the Sunset Colloseum.
Crystal Colloseum: Successfully complete Waterfall Colloseum.
Magma Colloseum: Successfully complete Sunny Park Colloseum.
Neon Colloseum: Successfully complete Waterfall Colloseum.
Pikachu Glove: Successfully complete Neon Colloseum.
Rank 2 Gateway Colloseum: Successfully complete Gateway Colloseum.
Star View Colloseum: Successfully complete the Castle Colloseum.
Sunny Park Colloseum: Successfully complete Neon Colloseum.

Win the Crystal Colosseum. Then they will be in the shop for 600pc. Any type of person can wear this. | Submitted by KenFougere

Once you have defeated the Poketopia Master (Colloseum Leader of the Stargazer Colloseum), you will unlock a secret gift under the "Mystery Gifts" part of the shop. You can download this to Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. It is free, and the gift is a level 10 Pikachu that knows Volt Tackle, Surf, Tail Whip, and Thunder Wave.

To put in the code, go to Self Introduction in your profile, and write in the following code: BA16-X4SH-E2AT.

The further you get in the game and the more points you earn the more new clothes you can unlock hats wigs faces clothes etc etc | Submitted by AaronCrowie

At Sunset Colloseum, take a look around before a battle. It is a replica of the Orre Colloseum from Pokemon XD.

To obtain the Mystery gifts Heated Gift and Shocking Gift, go to your Self-Introduction in you profile and enter the codes below: (note: the codes are case-sensetive)

Shocking Gift (PKTOPIA Electivire) + Silver Pass:

English: tko3-9jwp-34kl
French: jk4i-df87-dsf9
Spanish: 04in-1ynj-24fv
German: 0f9-ud0g-ughj
Italian: t4oi-6j8d-sb5r

Heated Gift (PKTOPIA Magmortar) + Gold Pass:

English: jl49-05kn-odnv
Frensh: 13io-h4rf-1tpa
Spanish: kn34-q0uc-1mbx
German: kre9-ef90-5hgn
Italian: 97ea-78hl-jrgu

Once the correct codes are entered in and saved, the lady at the desk shall note that you have entered in the secret password. She will go on to explain that you have unlocked the Gold or Silver Pass and that the Shocking or Heated Secrets have been added to the Mystery Gift shop for Electivire & Magmortar respectively. | Submitted by Miles

As in really cool cheat.We all know pkmn ruby sapphire and emerald well on pkmn bttle rev you can take all your strongest pkmn off of their I would say the best is the most likley to take like my 100 Swampert rayquaza typhlosion and theirs anothe cheat take pkmn or colloseum or xd Gale of darkness like I did put them on Ruby S or E then put them on pkmn Bttle Revo . thanx 4 reading. big shout 2 all you poke'fans. | Submitted by AaronCrowie

To get special cloths you first need to bet the stargazer gym once. then go to the waterfall, main street, neon, magma, crystal or sunset gym. then go to rules and salect lv.50 all. then if you beat than gym you will get a special coustume.

Waterfall gym -kyogr cloths for young girl
Main street gym -patchiruci cloths for little girl
Neon gym -rosarade cloths for cool girl
Magma gym -groudon cloths for young boy
Crystal gym -electrovire cloths for tough guy
Sunset gym -lucario cloths for cool boy | Submitted by tommyboy

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