Get 15 to 20 Blue Pikmin and jump down to the to the river, so that you see the part. Gather the Pikmin and have them get the part. If you get lost, follow the Pikmin. They will know the way.
After you get the Blue Pikmin, go to the Impact Site. There is an out of reach area nearby with three 10 Pellets of each color. To get them, take a few Blue Pikmin and take them near there. They should start attacking something on the ground. Go where they were attacking to see that it is geyser that will get you up there. Toss the Pikmin up there before getting on the geyser. The Pikmin slide, so be quick. Also, take more than 10 in case a few fall off.
Arrive in the Distant Spring on or before Day 15. Head south with blue pikmin. You should come across a large egg. Break it open and the Smokey Progg will come out. Lead it to the landing site and throw pikmin on its head. Keep throwing red, blue, or yellow pikmin on its head. Eventualy it will be defeated producing an egg thats worth 100 pikmin!
Advanced throwing technique
This trick is very helpful in fighting Pearly Clamclamps and Emperor Bulblax. If you want to throw Pikmin very rapidly, to do a lot of damage, press A rapidly while also using the C-stick to make the Pikmin swarm around Olimar. There will always be a Pikmin handy for Olimar to throw every time you press A.
Remain idle at the level selection menu for about five to ten minutes. You will hear a different song playing in the background. This also occurs in Challenge Mode.
Continuing from the Libra part, just get more Red and Blue Pikmin and proceed from the bridge up further. Have the Blue Pikmin to drag the part onto land. Then, have your Red Pikmin take the part back and the Blue Pikmin making the stick to water. Then, gather the Blue Pikmin from the river and go up the ramp to the Onions.
Go to any area. Once you gain control over Olimar, immediately go to sunset. Since there were no events during the day, Olimar will write about the background of the game in his diary. It will not appear at first, but keep doing it. Note: Do not save the game to avoid wasting days. The diary will give you information such as where he is from, about his family, about the Pikmin, etc. Note: This will not work if you are on the first or last day in the game.
Get a group of Yellow Pikmin all with bombs go up to a wall. If it is a regular wall, then just throw three of them at one time. If it is a black wall, then carefully throw about four of them, then throw the last two after the first explosion.
Blue Pikmin are amphibious. They can be on both land and water. They also can serve as lifeguards for drowning Pikmin (Red or Yellow).
When you are trying to blow up walls with your Yellow Pikmin and have bombs remaining after the task is completed, keep them. They are very useful for killing enemies. Keep the Pikmin with the bombs away from the group. If a bomb explodes, your entire group may die. To use the Pikmin with the leftover bombs, simply throw them at the target and call them back. This will either injure or kill the enemy. If the enemy is not dead just call your group and finish it off.
Bombs needed to make a stone wall fall
The following number of bombs are required.
Black: 9 bombs
Darker gray: 6 bombs
Normal gray: 3 bombs
First, clear out the Spotty Bolborbs and their infants. Next, get 30 Red Pikmin and kill the beetle. Build the ramps and knock down the wall. Also, you need 50 Pikmin to grab the part. Next, there should be another door with ramps and a wall. Build the ramp and knock down the wall. If you already have not done so, blow up the wall leading to the ship. Grab the part and you will safe.
Captain Olimar as a Pikmin
If at the end of the game you do not have all the parts to the ship, your ship will blast off and you will crash. After game data display is done, there will be a scene where the Pikmin are carrying a dead Captain Olimar to a Red Onion. Captain Olimar will be sucked up by the Onion and a seed that is Olimar's head will pop out. His head will appear from of the ground and will have a stem like a Pikmin.
Captain Olimar distracts enemies
If your Pikmin are building a bridge or carrying a piece back to the ship, and you do not want to lose Pikmin killing the enemies, it is possible for Olimar to distract them. Most of the time, if you run around near an enemy, it will follow you and try to attack you, keeping your Pikmin safe. If the Pikmin are carrying a ship piece, you may leave the enemy after the Pikmin have carried the piece a safe distance away.
When you lay down for Pikmin to pick you up and move the Analog-stick anywhere. You can do this repeatedly.
To get Captain Olimar trapped, go to the Forest Of Hope on Day 2. Take out your Red Pikmin and have them break down the gate. Next, have Olimar run to the left and through the pond. Run off the cliff into the Nova Blaster area. You have now gotten Captain Olimar trapped. There is no way out. You can leave the Nova Blaster area through the hole in the stump, but you cannot get back to the Shock Absorber area, the Yellow Onion, the Landing Site, the Burrowing Snagrets area, or the area through the first gate. If you want to escape, bring Yellow Pikmin with you and arm them with Bomb-Rocks in the can near the Nova Blaster.
If you have a small number of Pikmin and they die, you can still attack the enemy. Press A as if you were going to throwing a Pikmin. Instead, Captain Olimar will punch the enemy for minor damage. Note: This does not work on enemies such as the Armored Cannon Beetle and Beady Long Legs.
To see the pages where Olimar had written his discoveries, press Y on the area selection screen.
If you do not have time to carry a part back to the ship in one day, start to do so anyway. Follow the Pikmin so that you can call them when the game prompts you to gather your Pikmin. The part will be in the same spot that you left it at.
Once you have saved your progress once and you have all three onions, a new option will be available from the main menu: Challenge Mode. This mode lets you go back and compete in the areas that you have already opend up in the main game. The idea is not to find spaceship pieces, but rather to build as big a Pikmin army as you can before the sun sets. The biggest army scores are saved and entered into a ranking.
Alternately, complete one full day on The Impact Site. Get both parts while in the day. You will then unlock the "Challenge Mode" option when the game system is restarted.
Defeating Beady Long Legs
To defeat Beady Long Legs in the Forest Naval (found near where the Guard Satellite should be), throw Yellow Pikmin at his stomach. They will latch on and start to attack him. If they get stepped on, they will die. They will also attack his feet but will have no effect.
To defeat the Breadbug much more quickly, instead of having him get sucked in two times, just do it once and finish him off with Captain Olimar.
Instead of throwing Pikmin at it, have a pellet fall near him. He will try to get it. Assign two Pikmin (prefably flowers) to the pellet that it is carrying. They should start a tug of war. If they get to the Onion, the Breadbug will be sucked up, losing almost all of its health. Do this once more and it will be defeated, allowing you to claim your prize (the Space Float).
To kill a Bulborb faster have 95 or more Pikmin with you, get behind him, and press C-Stick Up to attack him. It will be dead in five seconds.
Defeating Burrowing Snagret
Start attacking it until it goes underground. Have your Pikmin stand above where it burrowed. When it comes up, the Pikmin will be able to attack its head. This inflicts more damage.
Use the following trick to defeat Emperor Bulbax without using the bomb rocks technique. Gather about 15 to 20 Red Pikmin and use the grass near his lair to turn them into flowers. Throw a Pikmin on top of him to wake him up. He resembles a weird plant at the center. After he awakens, he will attempt to lick up your entire group. When he is preparing to attack, he stands still for a few moments. During this time, run to either side of his head and throw as many Pikmin as possible on his cheek. The plants protect his body, and only his head is vulnerable. He will shake them off -- call them back. When he tries to hit you again, repeat the process. If done correctly, you can defeat him when your clock is just past quarter of noon, leaving enough time to take the last piece (the secret safe ) back to the ship and complete the game.
Get about 70 Red Pikmin, 15 to 20 Yellow Pikmin, and no Blue Pikmin. When you reach the arena where the Bulbax is located, run around the outside of sandy area to avoid waking him up. As you run, you will find a wall. Have your Pikmin destroy the wall to enter a small place behind the sandy arena. When you arrive, split your Pikmin into groups. You will need: two groups of 35 Red Pikmin, and a group of 15 to 20 Yellow Pikmin. Then, select one Yellow Pikmin and grab a Bomb Rock that sits near the entrance to the arena. You will see it after you break down the wall. Then, lead only that Yellow Pikmin out into the arena and wake up Emperor Bulbax. When he awakens, he will look to see what woke him. You should now run back toward your other Pikmin, but do not leave the arena. When Emperor Bulbax turns around, throw the Yellow Pikmin at him. With luck, as the Emperor Bulbax opens his mouth to eat your lone Yellow Pikmin, the Pikmin will throw the Bomb Rock into his open mouth, stunning him. Next, run and grab a team of Red Pikmin. Run back into the arena and begin throwing the Red Pikmin on the Bulbax's face. When the Bulbax wakes up again, he will throw the Pikmin off him. Then, call your Pikmin back and repeat the procedure. This method allows for minimal casualties and is rather fun.
Instead of swarming it with Pikmin, get about five Blue Pikmin. Get in front of it. If the yellowish ball is in line with the black one, throw a Pikmin on it. It should spring back into the black ball and do a lot of damage.
Defeating normal creatures
There are usually two ways of killing a normal creature (ones that appear regularly); either throwing all of your Pikmin on it or using the C-Stick to get them to swarm around it. For the jumping frogs, never throw Pikmin on them or they will all be flattened. When the frog lands, swarm around it. If you have enough Pikmin they will stop it from jumping. For the big snoozing poker-dot bugs, get at least fifty Pikmin, Sneak around to the back of it and keep throwing quickly. It should not have enough time to turn around and gobble any Pikmin. For the square rock that keeps re-planting Pikmin, just get as much Pikmin as possible (seventy recommended) and throw for awhile before he gets too close. Then, run until he stops chasing and start throwing again.
Defeating Pearly Clamclamps
You must be willing to sacrifice two or three Pikmin. Toss one at the pearl. When the clam closes and starts chewing, throw a group of Pikmin on top of it. When it opens, they will all fall in and start attacking it. Repeat as many times as needed. Note: When using leaves, you may need to sacrifice a few more.
Defeating Polly Wolliogs (frogs)
Get a large group of Pikmin (preferably Red). Go up to the frog and dodge his first attack. Then, swarm him with your Pikmin. He will not be able to get off the ground, causing a near instant kill. This works with all frogs, but requires more with the Distant Spring frogs.
To defeat the frogs in the Forest Navel, get 20 to 35 Red Pikmin and press the C-stick to swarm the Pikmin around the frog. This should stop it from jumping and instantly kill the frog. To defeat the frogs in the Distant Spring, do the same thing, but with more Blue Pimkin.
You can kill the big killer frogs by getting 2 Yellow Pikmin and dismissing the Pikmin with bombs. Put them in front of the big frogs and walk in back of the frog. It will wake up. Quickly run away. It will go for the Pikmin, eat the bomb rocks, and die.
To defeat the Puffstool in the Forest Navel easily, beat him by yourself by pressing A near him. He does not do any damage -- just take the time to defeat him instead of losing a lot and Pikmin (and health since the Pikmin attack you).
Although it is true that Puffstool's spores do not damage you (because of your spacesuit), it is rather inefficient to damage him yourself. An army of red Pikmin are useful in battle, but you have to do two things. First, while Puff is standing, have them attack its feet. It will fall over on its head, wiggling around helplessly. Some will hang on to his feet, while the others will fall off. Instead of ordering them to attack again, throw your red Pikmin on top. His underside is easily damaged more than his head. However, it is very unlikely you will kill him before he flips over and tries to spray your Pikmin, turning them into Toadmin that will attack you. The easiest solution is to press B to recall them before he flips over, which is about fifteen seconds. Bring every one of them away from PuffStool and wait for it to spray. After the spores have dissipated, attack his feet and resume. It should only take two times to knock him out and get your part, as well as a mushroom cap to feed your Onions with.
To kill the Puffstool, have 20 Red Pikmin, 20 Yellow Pikmin, and 20 Blue Pikmin. Have all of your Pikmin attack him. When he falls, have all of your Pikmin away from the Puffstool. Attack the Puffstool with the punch that Olimar uses. Repeat this until it dies.
In the Forest Navel, you will have to kill a huge mushroom to obtain an item. Do not bring any Pikmin -- just Captain Olimar. Keep hitting the mushroom until it falls over. Continue attacking it until the he comes back up and sprays poisonous gases. This would normally turn your Pikmin evil and force them to attack their comrades. However, it does not affect Captain Olimar. Continue fighting the huge mushroom until it no longer moves. Then, bring in your Pikmin for the part and the body (for Pikmin).
Take out enough Pikmin (Red is best) to kill the frog by the Puffstool. Have 30 remaining to carry back The Omega Stabilizer. Once the frog is killed, leave the Pikmin out of he arena. Then, only as Olimar, attack the Puffstool. It should take about two Time Bubbles to finish off the Puffstool. This way, no Pikmin will be lost. Once you have defeated the Puffstool, carry it back to your ship.
Get 50 Red Pikmin and attack him. When he flips over, call them back and attack his legs. He should die before releasing the spores.
To defeat Smokey Progg (the swamp monster that terrorizes your Pikmin camp), simply throw Pikmin directly at his face. Be extremely careful as on Day 15 when he appears, his trail can kill Pikmin easily. When defeat him he will drop a dot which gives about 100 to 200 Pikmin. The best strategy is to get Pikmin out by tens (for example, 10, 20, 30, etc.)
Go to the Distant Spring on day 15 or earlier. Walk around until you find a small circle of islands with an egg in the middle. Throw one Pikmin on the egg, then retreat and wait for it to hatch. The Smoky Progg will appear. To defeat it, let it follow you back to your landing site. Then, take Pikmin out and throw them at its head. Note: If any Pikmin touch its tail, they will instantly die. The Smoky Progg has two methods of attack. The first is that it will uproot the Pikmin in the ground and they will most likely hit its tail. In the second type, it will shake the Pikmin off its head and run over them with its tail. The battle costs a lot of Pikmin and is not recommended if you are a beginner. If you defeat the Smoky Progg, the pearl it drops is worth 100 Pikmin. Note: The Smoky Progg disappears after day 15.
To kill the Smokey Progg faster, attack it when it is still in egg form. The Smokey Progg goes to your landing site after you go near its egg. It scares your Pikmin out of the ground and kills them. No color of Pikmin can kill the Smokey Progg when it is out of its egg. Even if you throw Pikmin anywhere on it, they die. It will never leave, so you cannot get any lost ship parts to your ship. Take about 20 to 30 blue Pikmin with you and go in a straight line from your landing site. You will encounter a bunch of rocks shaped like a flower. In the middle of the rocks, you will see a pink egg. Run up to it and throw your Pikmin on to it. Do not stop, or the Smokey Progg will leave its egg. When the egg is gone, the Smokey Progg is gone for good, leaving you plenty of time to get some of your lost ship parts before sundown.
Defeating the Armored Beetle
In both the Forest of Hope and the Distant Spring, there is a beetle that carries a part. To defeat them, get 20 to 30 Red Pikmin and wait until it sucks in air. During that time, fire a Pikmin near it and it should get stuck in the sucker. The outer shell should open, revealing the vulnerable part on its body. Use the C-stick to rush your Pikmim onto the body and they will attack it. Repeat this until it dies. If you need Pikmin, take the beetle back to the Onion.
To defeat the Armored Beetle faster than swarming him, throw a Pikmin into his sucker when he breathes in and throw the Pikmin on top of his soft weak spot. He hould lose one third or more of his life in one of these types of bouts.
To kill the Armored Beetle in The Forest of Hope level, break the wall next to the beetle with 100 Red Pikmin. When he inhales, throw one Pikmin evenly with his nose. This should block it up. Next, run behind him and throw as many Pikmin as you can. Repeat this until it is defeated.
Captain Olimar can blow up the rocks that the Armored Cannon Beetle fires at the Pikmin by using Olimar's punch (press A). This is not effective in the Distant Spring, but in the Forest Of Hope. You can throw the required amount of Pikmin at the part and cover them while blowing the rocks up with Olimar's punch so that none of the Pikmin are hit. This does not affect Olimar's health. Note: You have to time it correctly to avoid missing the rocks and damaging Olimar's health.
In the Forest Navel when you face the Spider to get the Guard Satellite, get about 45 to 60 Yellow Pikmin and launch them at the body in the middle. This will quickly kill it before noon, giving you time to take it back to the Dolphin with Red Pikmin.
Distant Spring: Secret monster
On day 15, before you get any parts in the Distant Spring, take some Blue Pikmin into the water near the Onions. Eventually, you will find a round island surrounded by smaller, stick-shaped islands. This is on the lower area of your radar. The island in the center will have a large egg on it. Break the egg, and a monster that resembles a phantom frog will appear. This only works if you have not yet gotten any parts in the Distant Spring and are on day 15. You can defeat the monster with bomb rocks.
On day 15, go to the Distant Spring. Before then, do not get any parts in the Distant Spring Area. Take a group of blue Pikmin and use your radar to search around for something that looks like a compass. It should be in the water to the northeast of the Onions. At the center of the little design there will be an egg. Clear all the frogs around the "compass" and clear the Puffy Blowhog next to the Onions. Go back up to the egg. Your Pikmin will want to attack the egg, but do not let them. Throw about three Pikmin at the base of it. The egg will start to rumble, then it will explode, releasing a strange creature into the level. Follow it back to the Onions. Be careful not to get Olimar or any Pikmin underneath the creature, as the Pikmin will die and Olimar will be damaged one quarter health. The creature will stop there and start following, trying to kill you. While you are battling this creature, do not look at your total number of Pikmin in your group. Instead, look at the number of Pikmin in the field. Use Blue Pikmin to defeat the monster, so that nothing bad happens to the Pikmin that fall in the water. Once it is defeated, and after the spectacular show, there will be a small seed where the creature died. Use three to six Pikmin of the color of your choice and bring it back to the Onion. The Onion will then sprout 100 of your color of Pikmin.
Distant Spring: Wetland frogs
When you have to build the bridge from both sides to get the part for your spaceship, you may lose a lot of Pikmin from the frog that is there. Leave your Pikmin in their "Onions" when you begin and go over to kill the frog. It will be easier and safer for your Pikmin to build their bridge.
Distant Sprint: Smiley faces
When you get the Radar, go to the Distant Spring. If you look closely, you will see a bunch of smiley faces all over the map.
If you have a single Pikmin that is slow, hold A. You will pick up your Pikmin and can run at the same speed you move without the Pikmin in your hands.
When you have four Pikmin around you, hit down on the D-Pad and you will lay down. Four Pikmin will then carry you like anything else they carry to an Onion and when you got flying up into it, shortly after you land, there will be some fireworks from the Onion.
When Flower Pikmin die, they leave a seed behind. It will sprout into a Leaf Pikmin the next day.
Look carefully now the Forest Of Hope. There is a lot of pollen up on some of the big mountain-like hills, just next to the first can of bombs, and directly on both sides of where you first find the yellow Onion.
Blow up the wall, then get 100 Red Pikmin. Get rid of all the Bolborbs. Next, get your Blue Pikmin and have them push the box. After that, launch the Red Pikmin onto the ledge near the lake. Go onto the ramp the box was on and when you reach the plateau, there should be a bird. Run away from it and collect your Red Pikmin. Check where the star is on your map and walk near it. Another bird should appear. Shoot your Pikmin onto its head. Repeat this process until it is dead. If your Pikmin are going towards the bridge with the part where the box was on, stop them then kill the bird. However, if your Pikmin head to the edge everything is fine.
Get 25 Pikmin on first day
Go in front of your ship. Go to the left and when he and the Pikmin runs on top of it, there will be a red pellet.
Press Down and Olimar will lay down. If he has any Pikmin with him, five of them will carry him to the Onion and the rest will stay behind.
Get four parts in one day
When you first enter the Forest Of Hope, break down the wall. Kill the Breadbug and get the ship part that it has, then get the Geiger Counter. Next, go to the Puffstool and get the Omega Stabilizer. However, get its dead mushroom head and let the Red Pikmin deliver it. After they cross the bridge, call them back. Finally, get the Blue Pikmin. When you have ten of them, get the Mushroom Head. Pluck the Pikmin out of the ground and if they are all flowers, get the Ioninum Jet #1. Note: You can get the Gravity Jumper instead of the Ioninum Jet#1 by throwing Red Pikmin next to the bridge it is on. Then get next to them, tell them to build a bridge, and collect the gravity jumper.
Note the color of the pellets when you have the Pikmin carry them to their "Onions." The destination that Pikmin will carry objects to depends on the members of the group. If there are more blue Pikmin than red Pikmin in the group, they will bring it to the blue hive. When the same color pellet is brought to the corresponding hive color it will produce more new Pikmin than if the colors does not match.
Use the following trick to get 600 Pikmin in nine days. Before doing this, getting lots of ship parts in as little days as possible.Go to the first level and have at least 30 Blue Pikmin. Go up the bow ramp and break down the wall. You will see clams. Go up to attack them and get the pearl. Do this repeatedly, then keep doing it for nine days.
Get three parts in one day
You need to go to the Forest Navel for the first time for this trick to work. To start the day, get the Blue Pikmin, then knock some of the flowers with the pellets down. Wait for the stealing bug to appear and let it grab the pellet. Then, shoot two Blue Pikmin and let them drag the pellet back to the Onion so that the bug gets injured. Repeat this until it dies. Next, get 15 Blue Pikmin to take it to the ship. Then, get 15 to 20 Red Pikmin and have them build the stick leading to the gear. After they are done, they should automatically grab the part. Wait until they fall down. If they are short, refill and put the rest back into the Onion. Next, get more Red Pikmin and kill the fire shooting things and take 30 Yellow Pikmin to build the bridge. When they are done, have them grab the part and have the Red Pikmin protect the Yellow Pikmin.
When you first enter the Forest Of Hope, get the Electric Fuel Dynamo, After that, go to where you see a Bulborb guarding the Shock Absorber. Throw you Pikmin on the platform, then cross on a big tree root that will get you up there. Call your Pikmin, and without touching him, attack him from behind. When you kill him, get the Shock Absorber. Then, find the Yellow Pikmin and blow up the wall. Use the Red Pikmin to collect the Whimsical Radar. Note: You can do this if most of the Pikmin are flowers.
Get various colored Pikmin
You can get the Red Pikmin when you start the game (Impact Site). You can get Yellow Pikmin when you get to the next area (Forest Of Hope). You can get the Blue Pikmin in the third area (Forest Navel).
You need at least 90 Blue Pikmin. Have them kill the frog and bugs guarding the part Next, have them build the bridges connecting to the land. Before you grab the part, get rid of the monsters that are blocking the way. If you do not have a least 50 Pikmin, then get some more and send them to get the part back to the Dolphin.
Impact Site: Stump enemies
There is a sub-Boss at the stump at the Impact Site, either a Mamuta or a Goolix. A Mamuta is a gray creature with no head. His only attack is to knock the Pikmin down, then pound them into the ground. When he does this, the Pikmin instantly become Flower Pikmin. A Goolix is a water creature that only Blue Pikmin can attack. Goolix has two parts, a ball and a brain-like part. Attack the ball with a lot of Blue Pikmin to damage it. If a Pikmin comes in contact with the brain-like part, all attacking Pikmin will be blasted away from Goolix.
Get 30 to 40 Blue Pikmin and take them to the area with some attacking crabs and a blowing monster. Kill the crabs and launch the Pikmin onto the belly of the monster until the animal is killed. Then, send your Pikmin to get the part. You should have about 10 to 18 Pikmin remaining. Make sure they attack the monsters that threaten the convoy carrying the part.
Bring out 40 Blue Pikmin. Go to where the Puffy Blowhog above the water is located and kill the Water Dumples by yourself. Next, call the Pikmin and instruct them all to attack the Puffy Blowhog. It might take a while, but when it is defeated it will drop four 5-Pellets (of a random color) and the Interstellar Radio.
Invincible Captain Olimar
Press Down and Captain Olimar will lay down. He cannot be harmed in this position.
When your Pikmin are carrying things to the ship or Onion and get attacked, lay in front of the monster until they are safe.
When collecting part number 1, your Pikmin can get caught in the engine and die. To keep them safe, throw your Pikmin on top of the part. Note: This does not work all the time.
At the second site, if you have any Leaf or Bud Pikmin, separate them from the Flower Pikmin. Take the Leaf and Bud Pikmin. From Olimar's ship, go forward, then go left. You will see a patch of grass. Use your C-Rush to lead them into the grass and they will start working. After a few seconds, they pull up yellow globs that instantly turns them into Flower Pikmin. Note: Not all of your Pikmin will turn into flowers. Another place that has this effect is in the same area. When you are next to the Red Onion, turn your view to find another patch of grass. Let your Pikmin work over there and they will pull out more nutrients. This trick is useless if your Pikmin have flowers already. Once all or most of your Pikmin have had some of the nutrients, call them back. Do not waste it. This is hard to come by -- do not let the Flower Pikmin have any. This can be done once per day with any color Pikmin.
Start a new day, then take out a few Pikmin. Take them directly to the enemy, and start fighting. If you encounter anything on your way to the enemy, this trick will not work. As soon as you start the fight, pause game play and select "Go to Sunset." If there is nothing else special about this day, Olimar's log entry will describe the enemy. After the log entry, at the title screen, choose "Don't Save" and then "Continue From Last Save" to avoid wasting a day. This does not always work, for example if this day was also your first day in a new area, you discovered a new color of Pikmin, or something similar.
To get the part that Captain Olimar's daughter gave him, get 30 to 40 Red Pikmin to knock down the wall and build the bridge. When they are done, take them to kill the fire shooting enemy. Next, take all but 15 to 20 Pikimin back to the Onion. Get 15 to 20 Yellow Pikmin and 5 Blue Pikmin and carefully take them to the floating island. Shoot the Yellow Pikmin onto the ledge and have the Blue Pikmin activate the geyser. On top of the ledge with the Yellow Pikmin, call them back and launch them to the part. They should bring the part down. Call them back and have the Red Pikmin grab the part. You should now be able to take the part back.
Get 60 Red Pikmin, 20 Yellow Pikmin and 20 Blue Pikmin. As soon as they all come out of their Onions, dismiss them and get the 60 Red Pikmin to kill every Fiery Blowhog and the single Wollywog next to the shore. It is not necessary to defeat the other two Wollywogs. Once the aforementioned enemies are dead, get all your Pikmin and have them work on the gate. Do something else while you wait. When you hear the completion sound, go over to the now broken gate and call them back. Now, have the 60 Red Pikmin work on the bridge and call them back when they are done. Then, call the rest of them back and dismiss them again. Get the Blue Pikmin. Go through the flame jet path, making sure no Pikmin hit the flames. Have the Blue Pikmin activate the geyser in the water. Then, do the flame jet path. Next, call them all and dismiss them yet again. Choose the Yellow Pikmin and do the flame jet path again. Throw them up to the Libra, and when they are half way over the bridge, call them back and go through the flame jet path once more. Then, choose at least 20 Red Pikmin to carry that part back.
If you are ever going near water with reds or yellows make sure to have about 10 blues with you. Leave the blue in places where you think your reds or yellows will fall in and dismiss them with X. If any of your red or yellow pikmin fall in the blues will then throw them onto dry land.
To make Captain Olimar invincible, simply press down on the D-pad. Olimar will lay down, then nothing can hurt him.
When you are selecting a level you can make the ship fly off the map by moving the Analog-stick very quickly.
Get 60 to 80 Blue Pikmin and kill the frogs. After killing them, have your Pikmin grab the part. When they reach the shore, take them back to the Onion. Get 70 to 89 Red Pikmin and have them grab the part. Have the remaining Pikmin attack any monsters that threaten the Pikmin carrying the part.
Get 50 Red Pikmin, kill the Polly Wolliogs, and leave them there. Next, take on the enemy and punch it until it dies. Then, gather your Pikmin, have them grab the Stabilizer and take it back to the ship.
There are only 25 parts that are needed to complete the game. The other parts are optional.
Main Engine
Positron Generator
Eternal Fuel Dynamo
Whimsical Radar
Extraordinary Bolt
Nova Blaster (optional)
Shock Absorber
Radiation Canopy
Geiger Counter
#1 Ionium Jet
Automatic Gear
Gravity Jumper
Space Float (optional)
Guard Satellite
Analog Computer
Omega Stabilizer
Repair-Type Bolt
Massage Machine (optional)
Interstellar Radio
Gluon Drive
UV Lamp (optional)
Zirconium Roter
Pilot's Seat
Chronos Reactor
#2 Ionuim Jet
Secret Safe (optional)
Pearls (found in the clams at the Impact Site) can give 50 Pikmin to whatever color it is delivered to. Go back the next day and they will be there again. Note: The Positron Generator is also in one of the clams.
Pikmin and Pellet totals obtained from enemies
Note: The number of Pellets may vary if the enemy has a ship part.
Armored Cannon Beetle: 50 Pikmin, may have one or two 5-Pellets, and has a ship part in story mode (Distant Spring).
Beady Long Legs: Four 10-Pellets and a ship part in story mode (The Forest Navel); Has eight 1-Pellets in challenge mode instead.
Breadbug: 3 Pikmin, two 5 Pellets, and a ship part in story mode (the forest navel).
Burrowing Snagrets: Seven 1-Pellets, one 5-Pellet, and a ship part in story mode (Forest of Hope).
Dwarf Bulbear: 5 Pikmin and may have one or two 1-Pellets.
Dwarf Bulborb: 4 Pikmin and may have one or two 1-Pellets.
Emperor Bulblax: Four 5 pellets and a ship part in story mode (Final Trial).
Fiery Blowhog: 8 Pikmin and may have one or two 1-Pellets.
Goolix: Four 5-Pellets.
Honeywisp: Nectar.
Iridescent Flint Beetle: Nectar, 1-Pellets, and 5-Pellets.
Mamuta: 15 Pikmin.
Pearly Clamclamp: 50 Pikmin.
Pellet Posy: 1 Pikmin.
Puffstool: 30 Pikmin.
Puffy Blowhog: Three or four 5-Pellets.
Sheargrub: 2 Pikmin and may have a 1-Pellet.
Shearwig: 4 Pikmin and may have one or two 1-Pellets.
Smokey Progg: 100 Pikmin.
Spotty Bulbear: 15 Pikmin.
Spotty Bulborb: 12 Pikmin.
Swooping Snitchbug: 4 Pikmin and one or two 1-Pellets.
Water Dumple: 5 Pikmin may have one or two 1-Pellets.
Wogpole: 1 Pikmin.
Yellow Wollywog: 8 Pikmin.
Pikmin powers are as follows.
Red: Resists fire and stronger than others.
Blue: Can resist water and water-based attacks from predators.
Yellow: Can be thrown higher and can carry bombs.
To get the part from the clam, get 30 to 40 Blue Pikmin and break down the wall. Next, dismiss them. Grab 10 of them and launch them to attack the inside of the clam. The clam should pull back the top of the shell to close it. Call your Pikmin back. Repeat this until you get the part Then, call back the rest of the Pikmin and take the part.
If the Puffstool in the Forest Naval spores your Pikmin, they will become Purple and sprout a mushroom on their heads. They will run around, attacking you and nearby Pikmin. If you are out of it range it will be near the Puffstool. Note: The spores only last for awhile.
Use the following trick to get all parts in just 14 days.
Day 1 Impact Site: On your first day, take the time to cultivate 24 flower flowering Pikmin, then collect the ship's Main Engine.
Days 2-3 Forest of Hope: Use the second day to collect yellow Pikmin, the External Fuel Dynamo, the Whimsical Radar, and the Extraordinary Bolt. Follow up on Day 3 with the Nova Blaster and the Shock Absorber.
Day 4 Forest Navel: Start by destroying the white gate, then go up to the Blue Onion and confront the Breadbug to collect the Space Float. Then, go for the Automatic Gear and the #1 Ionium Jet. If you are multitasking, you should have time to collect the Gravity Jumper as well.
Day 5 Impact Site: With Blue Pikmin at your side, you will be able to collect the Positron Generator and add a lot of Pikmin. Each Pearl will produce 50 Seeds.
Days 6-7 Forest Of Hope: When you land in the Forest of Hope with Blue Pikmin, put some of them to work on building bridges to the Sagittarius, while you get another group to break down the white gate in the path of the Radiation Canopy. Use Day 7 to go up against the burrowing Snargets and collect the Geiger Counter.
Days 8-9 Forest Navel: When you return to the Forest Navel, assign Red Pikmin to defeat the Blowhogs on the beach and press X while they are fighting so they do not follow you when they are done. Lead Blue Pikmin to the Anti-Dioxin and Analog Computer, while you get Red, Blue, and Yellow Pikmin to retrieve the Libra. On the next day, concentrate your efforts on the Guard Satellite and Omega Stabilizer. You can break down the blocking gates quickly with bomb-rocks.
Days 10-13 Distant Spring: On your first day in the Distant Spring, use one group of Blue Pikmin to collect the Repair-Type Bolt while you get another Blue Pikmin army to create a bridge to the Message Machine and Bomb-Rocks. You should have time to collect Bomb-rocks with Yellow Pikmin and bomb your way to the UV-Lamp. On Day 11, assign one group to build bridges to the Gluon Drive, and send another group to collect the Interstellar Radio. If you have extra time, get some Yellow Pikmin to bomb the rock wall on the path of the Zirconium Rotor. The next day, collect the rotor, then go up to the Pilot's Seat and the #2 Ionium Jet. If you are on schedule, you should be able to collect the Bowsprit and the Chronos Reactor on Day 13. While a group of Red Pikmin is taking the Bowsprit back to the ship, recruit another army to collect the reactor.
Day 14 Final Trial: It is difficult, but you can make your way up to the Emperor Bublax and defeat the creature in a single day. If you have made your way up to the final battle in 14 days, you should be up to the task.
Get as many Blue Pikmin to knock down the wall. Then, get about 80 to 90 Pikmin of any color (Red recommended) and shoot them up onto the nearby ledge. You now can do one of two things; confront the spider or distract the beetle while you Pikmin grab the canopy and take it back to the ship. The safest way is to confront the spider. After you kill the beetle, you can take the canopy back.
Red Pikmin cannot be harmed by fire. They work well in the Distant Spring and the Navel areas.
If you whistle at burning Pikmin, you can usually put the fire out.
Save Pikmin from drowning
Repeatedly blow your whistle at Pikmin to drag them up onto land.
To keep your Red or Yellow Pikmin from drowning, have Blue Pikmin by the border. Do not have them selected. If a Red or Yellow Pikmin falls in the water near your Blue Pikmin, they will go to the Pikmin and throw them on land.
If your Yellow or Red Pikmin are drowning, quickly grab your Blue Pikmin and bring them into the water. Ungroup them and they will automatically toss the other Pikmin to safety. Note: You need to be near a ledge or the shore in order for this to work.
If you accidentally or intentionally put Red or Yellow Pikmin in the water, you can either press B and try to get them out of danger or you can put a group of nearby Blue Pikmin in the water near the suffering Pikmin and press X to deselect all of them. The Blue Pikmin should throw their fellow Pikmin out of the water towards land.
When your Pikmin are drowning, repeatedly press B to call them out of the water before they die.
The ship parts have the following weights.
Dolphins Main Engine: 20
Eternal Fuel Dynamo: 40
Shock Absorber: 30
Whimsical Radar: 20
Extraordinary bolt: 30
Nova Blaster: 30
Space float: 25
Automatic Gear: 15
Omega Stabilizer: 30
Gravity Jumper: 25
#1 Ionium Jet: 15
Position Generator: 20
Sagittarius: 20
Radiation Canopy: 30
Geiger Counter: 15
Anti-Dioxin Filters: 40
Libra: 15
Analog Computer: 20
Guard Satellite: 20
Massage Machine: 30
Gluon Drive: 50
Interstellar Radio: 20
Zirconium Rotor: 30
Pilot's Seat: 25
Repair Type Volt: 20
UV Lamp: 10
Bowsprite: 30
Chronos Reactor: 20
#2 Ionium jet: 15
Secret Safe: 40
Get 35 to 40 Red Pikmin and take them to a ledge where you find a pellet with a "5" on it. Press the C-stick to launch them faster on the ledge. Once all the Pikmin are on there, you should see a pool of water with a root going from the land into the water. Walk up the root onto the land and avoid the Spotty Bolborb. Call your Pikimin, attack the beast, and kill it. You should now see the part. Have your Pikmin grab the part. Note: If you have extra Pikmin you can take the Bolborb back to the Onion to gain Pikmin.
On Forest Navel, there is a fat beetle-like creature that takes drags away caps. Send two or three Pikmin on the same cap he is taking. Your Pikmin will drag him into your onion, but the beetle will not fit. It will take away most of his life. Use your Pikmin to finish him off. Once he dies, the Space Float will appear.
Start with 24 flower Pikmin
At the start of the first day at the Impact Site, notice that you will have no time at the top. Feel free to get all the Pikmin you can into the Onion and then just wait, or run Omar around and practice moves. Because there is no time limit, wait until all your Pikmin grow to the flower stage. This gives you 24 free flower Pikmin to start the game.
At sunset any Pikmin not in their Onions will be eaten. However, if there are Pikmin in the landing zone or with Captain Olimar they will go to their Onions. Pikmin with Captain Olimar will be dismissed before he heads into his rocket.
Find the Whimsical Radar in the Forest Of Hope and deliver it to the Dolphin. When sunset arrives, you will have your own radar. To access it, press Y and go to the results screen.
If you are in a battle and 50% of your Flower Pikmin die, run away and make your Pikmin feel alone. Then, take three Leaf Pikmin and put them in front of your enemy. Get the rest of your group and watch them die. Then, continue and your Flower Pikmin will most likely win.
After throwing Pikmin at an enemy, simply "C-rush" with the rest of your Pikmin to finish it off.
Most of the monsters have a small amount of life. Therefore, you can defeat them with Captain Olimar. Although some have more life, it just will take more time to defeat them. To do this, hit them, go to the back of the creature, hit them again, go to the front, and repeat.
Take a Yellow Pikmin acquired on Day 2 and let any animal that can eat a Pikmin eat one with a bomb. Once this is done, the creature will chew on the Yellow Pikmin, and the bomb will explode inside them, killing it in one hit. This also kills the Yellow Pikmin, but is very effective way to defeat a Bos,s such as the giant bird in area 2, very quickly.
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