Press Minus to pause game play while in town. Then, press 2, 1, Down, Up, Down, Left, Left, Right, Right to display the password screen with a virtual keyboard. Enter one of the following case-sensitive passwords to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Kimono Dress: l3hkdvs
Funky Hipster Suit: Tglg0ca
Racecar Bed: Ahvmrva
Bunk Bed (Furniture): F3nevr0
Camouflage pants: N10ng5g
Genie Outfit: Gvsb3k1
Hourglass Couch: Ghtymba
Modern couch: T7srhca
Rickshaw Bed: Itha7da
White jacket: R705aan
Do not waste time on Tasks
You can spend less time on tasks by not botherin much. Just cover the stars and use what you need and its accepted. |
Submitted by JonnyWhen you are decorating Elmira's library, one decoration will be a bust of Mayor Helen, who is the mayor in the DS version.
Get more people living in your town
Look every day (on the game not real life) in the hotel for visitors you can then ask them to move in.
More people will be at the hotel depending on the star rating of your town.
Watch out for museum guy though he's scary. |
Submitted by JonnyO.k. there is a ghost named Cassandra by Violets house she RARELY appears though,she comes after you get a four star town. When ever your nice shell either be mean or hug you (which gets you ghost essences). When your mean shell trick you and she be mean to you instead of you being mean to her! |
Submitted by CooldudeAfter bringing your towns interest level to 100% in any of the six categories you will recieve a message telling you that a special guest will be waiting for you in the hotel. This Uber-Sim will be waiting in the hotel the next day.
Effect - Code
Amazing Daryl - 100% Fun Town
Chancellor Ikara - 100% Tasty Town
Hopper - 100% Cute Town
Mel - 100% Spooky Town
Samurai Bob - 100% Studious Town
Star - 100% Geeky Town
Have your town reach four stars.
Have your town reach one star.
Have your town reach three stars.
Have your town reach two stars.
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