Collect all 100 pickups to view a Secret Ending clip after the game credits.
Alternate ending sequence
Successfully complete the game with at least 75% of the suit upgrades collected to view an extended ending.
Get all 100 collectibles for a 100% completion to view a bonus sequence after the credits.
Spend the indicated type of credits to unlock the corresponding bonus content:
Bumper Stickers: 1 Blue credit, 2 Friend credits, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Diorama 1: 1 Blue credit, 1 Friend credit, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Diorama 2: 1 Blue credit, 1 Friend credit, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Diorama 3: 1 Blue credit, 1 Friend credit, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Diorama 4: 1 Blue credit, 1 Friend credit, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Diorama 5: 1 Blue credit, 1 Friend credit, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Diorama 6: 1 Blue credit, 1 Friend credit, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Mii Bobblehead: 1 Blue credit, 2 Friend credits, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Screenshot Taker: 1 Blue credit, 2 Friend credits, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Purchase the "Bumper Sticker" bonus under the "Bonus Content" option. The stickers that will appear on your ship are relative to the game saves you have on your Wii hard drive. For example, having a save file for The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess results in a large white Hylian logo on the very top hood, complete with the Triforce logo in the center. The following games have special decals: The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario, Wii Play, and Wii Sports.
By finishing the game with a 100% rating (meaning you picked up all one hundred pickups in the game), you will get a special ending.
Spend the indicated type of credits to unlock the corresponding concept art:
Creatures 1: 1 Blue credit, 1 Gold credit, 3 Red credits
Creatures 2: 2 Blue credits, 1 Friend credit, 2 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Samus: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 3 Red credits
Storyboards 1: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 3 Red credits
Storyboards 2: 2 Blue credits, 1 Friend credit, 2 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
World 1: 1 Blue credit, 1 Gold credit, 3 Red credits
World 2: 2 Blue credits, 1 Friend credit, 2 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
When you make a file, there are items that can bought with credits. The credits are Red, Blue, Gold, and Green gotten through sharing friend vouchers. They are open to you as soon as you begin, the songs in the Soundtrack Gallery need to be unlocked as you progress through the game.
Unlockable | How to Unlock
- Bryyo (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- Bryyo Thorn Jungle (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- Creature Package 1 (Concept Gallery)
| |
- Creature Package 2 (Concept Gallery)
| - 3 Red, 2 Blue, 2 Gold, 1 Green
- Diorama 1 (Bonus Gallery)
| - 3 Red, 1 Blue, 3 Gold, 1 Green
- Diorama 2 (Bonus Gallery)
| - 3 Red, 1 Blue, 3 Gold, 1 Green
- Diorama 3 (Bonus Gallery)
| - 3 Red, 1 Blue, 3 Gold, 1 Green
- Diorama 4 (Bonus Gallery)
| - 3 Red, 1 Blue, 3 Gold, 1 Green
- Diorama 5 (Bonus Gallery)
| - 3 Red, 1 Blue, 3 Gold, 1 Green
- Diorama 6 (Bonus Gallery)
| - 3 Red, 1 Blue, 3 Gold, 1 Green
- Gandrayda (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- GF Battle Theme (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- Helios (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- In The Cockpit (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- Metroid Battle Theme (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- Mii Bobblehead (Bonus Gallery)
| - 3 Red, 1 Blue, 3 Gold, 2 Green
- MP3 Title Music (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- Omega Ridley (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- Phaaze (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- Pirate Homeworld (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- Samus Package (Concept Gallery)
| |
- Screen-Shot Tool (Bonus Gallery)
| - 3 Red, 1 Blue, 3 Gold, 2 Green
- Ship Bumper Stickers (Bonus Gallery)
| - 3 Red, 1 Blue, 3 Gold, 2 Green
- SkyTown (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- Steamlord (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- Storyboard Package 1 (Concept Gallery)
| |
- Storyboard Package 2 (Concept Gallery)
| - 3 Red, 2 Blue, 2 Gold, 1 Green
- The Corruption (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- Valhalla (Soundtrack Gallery)
| |
- World Package 1 (Concept Gallery)
| - 3 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Gold (4 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Gold for PAL)
- World Package 2 (Concept Gallery)
| - 3 Red, 2 Blue, 2 Gold, 1 Green
Defeating Aurora Unit 313 (with Dark Samus inside)
Dodge all of its attacks while trying to destroy the tentacles. Shoot into the hole the tentacles go into when they are yellow. After it falls to the ground, grapple its head and pull off the cover. Charge up your Hyperbeam and blow it up. Repeat this until it is dead. When Dark Samus' come out, blow them up fast. They are easier to defeat then the other Dark Samus clones.
Charge up your Hyper Mode Beam and hit her with it while dodging her attacks. If she floats into the air, destroy her. She will try to heal. When the clones start appearing, blow them up with your charged Hyper Beam and get back to the real Samus. She should be dead soon.
Defeating Elysia (Seed Boss)
Keep shooting him with single shots from your plasma gun when he is exposed. At certain times during the fight, you will not be able to hurt him. Scan him with your visor and it will tell you how to get him exposed to your shots. He will have many different forms in which you have to make him exposed. After many shots to his body, he will open up. Go into Hyper mode and blast away at him, making sure he does not run into you. Keep doing this until he is dead. Then collect your prize and continue on your journey.
Defeating Metroid Hatchers and Metroids
Use the following trick to one-hit-kill Metroid Hatchers and Metroids. It requires the Nova Beam and X-ray Visor. Turn on your X-ray and lock on to either a Metroid Hatcher or Metroid. When you lock on, notice a red spot and an "up close" of the enemy will appear. If you can shoot this spot the creature will die instantly. Note: These are not the only creatures this affects. Pirate Commandos are also affected, and this technique must be used on Omega Ridley.
Use the following trick to kill the Metroid Hatchers. Switch to your X-Ray visor and shoot the reddest spot only once. That should kill it. It saves a lot of problems because you do not have to rip off all the tentacles. This also works with normal "Phazon Metroids", especially since they keep phasing out of the time space.
Defeating Mogner War Golem (Boss of Bryyo)
To defeat Mogner War Golem (Boss of Bryyo), first dodge and jump over all of his attacks. While doing this, use missiles and your Power Beam to blow up the red orbs on his chest. Try this order: first the stomach, then the shoulders, and finally the back. Shoot them until they are giving off white light. Then, use your Hyperbeam to blow up the now white orb. Do this for all four of them. After you destroy one, the Golem will try to run into you and use his "little jump and create waves of pain" attack. Every time he is about to jump, use Morph Ball Bombs on his feet. They should explode, and you can continue fighting him. Also, when he starts to make red orbs come to his hands, blow them up or you will have to destroy his orbs again.
First, shatter all the red orbs on his body. This is somewhat challenging because he reaches out for more orbs frequently and you must destroy them before he gets them. Try using Charged Shots on the orbs. After you have shattered all the orbs, they will be glow white. Go into hyper mode and shoot the glowing orbs. Only shoot at one orb at a time. You will damage him, but he creates armor on his feet and charges. Also the orbs are covered up. Go into morph ball mode and bomb each of his feet until the armor is destroyed. When the armor is destroyed, the orbs will glow again. Repeat the process until he dies. Note: If you are low on health or Phazon, destroying the green hands and the orbs will replenish them. If done correctly you should have full health most of the time.
Whatever you do, do not get hit. Besides that, just shoot him in the mouth whenever you get the chance. When he is stunned, rip open his chest with your Grapple Beam, go into Hyper mode, and blast away. Repeat this until he gets armor over his chest. When he is stunned, go into your X-Ray visor and shoot his shoulders. You will then be able to shoot his chest. Use your Hyper mode and kill him.
Defeating Pirate Berserkers
Use the following trick when you encounter a Pirate Berserker (which happens often). This large creature has two red lights on its shoulders. While dodging its shots and "waves of pain", destroy these lights using your beam and missiles. When they are both destroyed, wait for it to shoot purple orbs. Dodge the red ones, as they will hurt you. Shoot the purple orbs, and they will fly back at him. After doing this approximately three times, a red light should pop up on his head. Go into Hyper mode, and start shooting at it. This should not take too long. Then, collect the health and continue on your journey.
Defeating Pirate Commandos
Select your X-ray visor, then lock onto a Space Pirate Commando. A small screen will appear showing an "up close" of the Commando. You should now be able to see a small red spot where its face should be. If you can manage to shoot this spot, he will die instantly. Two to five rapid fire shots usually hits it.
Defeating Space Pirates with grenades
Occasionally you will fight a pirate that throws grenades, much like the pirate at the beginning of the game. This is actually beneficial if you encounter one during a fight with a large group of pirates - a space pirate grenade will cause you to enter corrupted Hypermode (without using an Energy Tank) when it hits you. Once you have been hit, use up your Phazon as quickly as possibly by blasting the nearby pirates with your Hyper Beam. Make sure to empty your reserves completely however; if you stay in Hypermode for too long you will die.
Defeating the Boss guarding the Nova Beam
Kill all the Space Pirates except for one. When the sucking beam enters the room, kill the Space Pirate and it will get sucked into the beam. Then, look up. There will be four panels. Shoot one until it explodes. Repeat this until you have shot all four.
Defeating the Defense Drone
First, you must destroy the three antennas on top of the drone's head while dodging its attacks. This is somewhat difficult because they can be regenerated. The drone is now stunned and you are able to grapple it and open up the front of its head. Do this quickly because it is not stunned for long. Now, with its head open, it will fly to the ledges around you and shoot bombs at you. Shoot them before they get to you, because they home in on you and they also drop health and ammuntion. Go into hyper mode and shoot its open head. Use a charged shot for maximum damage. After you have done some damage to it, its head will close and you will have to repeat the process. Once you have done this several times, smoke fills the room and makes it difficult to see, and the drone regenerates its antenna very quickly so you must destroy them fast. After that, just go into hyper mode and blast the front off its head.
Defeating the Leviathan Infant
In the room before Dark Samus on planet Phaaze, there is a small Leviathan seed in the middle. Pull off the two sides of it using your Grapple Beam first. Then while dodging and blowing up Metroids, shoot the Leviathan Infant inside with single shots from your Hyper Beam. It will continually switch sides. Follow it. It should be dead after about five minutes of this.
Defeating the Metroid Hatcher
Start by shooting its tentacles until they are all retracted. Then, shoot him in the mouth repeatedly until grapple symbols appear. Use them and rip off its tentacles. After all four are gone, you will win.
Lay one bomb, then exactly at the moment it explodes, lay a second. At the peak of the jump lay the last bomb. The second one will explode and just when you get to the top one, it will explode.
Go to any Morph Ball area that has the little roach-like critters on the walls. Simply roll back and forth dropping bombs to easily get hundreds of kills and lots of Friend Vouchers.
On the fourth planet, go to the room with the entrance to the skyway (not the one where the Marines meet you; it is the one before that). After getting the shield for the acid rain, go back through the Morph Ball hole next to the fans. You must jump to the green ledge to enter it. Follow it back to the top. When you get out, look around the upper level. You could not get this before because of the acid rain.
Collect at least 75% or more of suit upgrades to view an Extended Ending once you complete the game.
To get a Charged Beam faster, instead of waiting until it is fully charged only wait until it is halfway done. It has the exact same effect but is faster. However it will not work with Hyper Beam.
There are two foreign language Easter Eggs in the game, both Dark Samus related. In the beginning, if you examine the life support system, the screen will fill with seemingly-random letters. It's actually French, though, and reads "Vous mourez si votre resistance est forte," which translates to "You die if your resistance is strong." Near the end of the game, you will also find some German text, which reads "Kampfen Gandrayada, die Zahl von einer falschen freund." This translates to "Fight Gandrayada, the figure of a false friend" (though the German is technically grammatically incorrect).
Bowling for Bots: In Skytown, if you use Morph Ball to run over the Tinbots, you'll gain this bonus. Easiest place to do this is in the doughnut-shaped room.
Stylish Kill: In Skytown, there's a Bridge area that collapses when you cross it. Before it falls, there's a fight with Tinbots and the Master Bot. Ignore them and finish crossing the bridge. A cutscene with go off and show the bot fall to their doom.
To get a secret Friend Voucher, head to Bryyo and freeze the reptilian enemies that throw boomerangs at you. It requires great timing, but freeze them with your Ice Missiles when they throw a boomerang at you. The boomerang will come back at the reptilian foe and kill it. An on-screen message will confirm that you have indeed gotten the voucher.
Galactic federation scans
You may be missing the first GF scan. If you are, that is AU 217. It is on Elysia. If you have finished the planet, forget it. AU 217 will be processing new data for the rest of the game and will be unscannable.
Go to the same room on the fourth planet as the Phazon Pool. Look under the bridge.
At the beginning of the game when you are on the GFS Olympus, head to where your gunship is sitting. Adjacent to the ship will be two beacons that, when shot, will head upwards in the air. With careful firing, you can juggle the two beacons in the air, shooting them higher and higher. If you manage to hit one twenty times in a row without missing or the beacon hitting the ground, you will be rewarded with a friend voucher.
Obtain the Ice Missiles. When you encounter a Reptilicus (the four-armed lizard creatures on Bryyo), wait until he throws his boomerang at you. Immediately fire an Ice Missile at him. While frozen, the boomerang will come back and shatter the Reptilicus, earning you a green friend voucher.
In SkyTown, encounter a group of Steambot enemies. As a Morphball, use the Charge ability to glow and shoot through at least two or more Steambots, cutting out their legs. Doing this will reward you with another green friend voucher.
In the Mining Zone of the Pirate Homeworld, use your gunship to destroy a Pirate Harvester. You'll receive a Friend Voucher in return.
The Hyper Missiles are earned in Hyper Mode after getting to Seed in Skytown. The Hyper Missile is the most powerful weapon in the game.
Beat the game and you will get Hyper Mode Difficulty.
When you scan the Aurora Unit 313, it will say "Blow up the inner core to damage the tentacles". Actually, you must attack the tentacles to be able to attack the core area.
Keep Phazon level low on Planet Phaaze
While on Planet Phaaze, you will encounter many Phaz-Ings. When you confront them, use your Grapple Lasso. Instead of pulling back and killing it, use the Hyper Grapple to send Phazon energy to the Phaz-Ing to overload and kill it. If you encounter more than one Phaz-Ing at a time, kill all but one, then use the Hyper Grapple to get rid of any Phazon damage, or atmospheric Phazon that you suffer.
To kill Helios easily, fire at the open spots on his body until he reveals his Phazon center. When he does this, quickly go into Hyper Mode, and then into Morph Ball mode, and attack him quickly for an easy kill.
When you're on Bryyo fighting the two anti-aircraft turrets, you can get a secret Friend Voucher. You will get it when destroying the second of the three turrets. You'll need to pull three levers to open the fuel cells to destroy the device. If you manage to pull all three levers without a Space Pirate resetting any levers, you'll receive a voucher for "Perfect Execution".
Look closely on planet Phaaze just before you fight Dark Samus to find a body of Metroid Prime. You can even scan it.
You can jump in Morph Ball mode without laying a bomb. Tilt the Wiimote up quickly in Morph Ball mode and you will jump. You can do an air bomb jump but cannot jump twice. For example, you can jump, lay a bomb, jump, then get propelled higher by the bomb. You cannot use a second bomb to propel you.
Spend the indicated type of credits to unlock the corresponding bonus song:
Battle Theme (GF): 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Battle Theme (Metroid): 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Gandrayda: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Gryyo: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Gryyo (Thorn Jungle): 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Helios: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
In the Cockpit: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Omega Ridley: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Phaaze: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Pirate Homeworld: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Skytown: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Steamlord: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
The Corruption: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Title Screen: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Valhalla: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
In the room where you battle enemies in order to acquire the Nova Beam, keep fighting until you've killed at least twenty enemies before you physically acquire the Nova Beam. You'll get a friend voucher for your efforts.
Phazon will not hurt you. Instead, you can actually stand in it and have it become energy for your suit. Only three Phazon pools exist.
Bryyo: It is on the story path. It is where you first encounter corruption.
Bryyo: Underneath the big Golem that says you cannot move it. When you get the new visor, go back to the area just before the grapple swing. You encountered Reptilicus Hunters here. Go to the Golem's head. Activate the "new visor" and use the terminal inside. The Golem will activate and move, revealing a Phazon pool and two Phaazoids. One of them becomes a Red Phaazoid.
The fourth planet: Just before fighting the Pirate Commander (he has the red Phazite armor), the Phazon is on the ground. This room also includes a scan about Gandrayda. Also, scan the commander as he is unique.
To quickly kill 1,000 enemies (and achieve the Friend Voucher easily), try using the Morph Ball. The bugs that grab onto you as you scale walls can be destroyed with the bombs from the Morph Ball. Doing this continuously for a little while will net you 1,000 kills rather easily.
After you get the spider ball, go back to the Chozo astronomy lab in Skytown, Elysia. This is the place where you get into a light up bomb thing as a morph ball, and magnifying lenses move to a position and a probe is sent into the sky that gives you maps. Enter all the bomb things, one by one. After all of them have been used, you should have maps for all of the planets and positions of upgrades. They will come up as a sphere, and if they are acquired, they will become an X.
Revealing all item locations
Go to the area in Skytown where you must get the first part of the bomb you have to make using your ship. Near the bottom is some Phazite; shoot the switch inside to activate the satellite system. Go to the top, and go around the walls using the spiderball tracks and bomb all the bomb slots to get markers on your map revealing the location of every expansion (Missile, Ship Missile, and E-Tank) in every part of the game, except the items in the Valhalla.
When you fight Rhundas you can sometimes get him stuck in wall by firing a missile when he is directly in front of it. Once you do this, he will stay in his neutral position and can be killed easily.
Secret Message from Iwata
When in Samus' ship, go to the radio And press the following symbols. Going from left to right, press the second symbol, the seventh symbol, the fifth symbol and then the first symbol. You'll be greeted by Iwata himself. Of course, this is in Japanese.
A brief translation...
Hello, this is Iwata from Nintendo. A president has to take things really seriously, even if it doesn't seem like it. It's understandable if you lose weight from stress...but I get fatter instead. Nobody thinks I'm taking it seriously.
Secret Message from Kenji Yamoto
When in Samus' ship, go to the radio and press the following symbols:
Going from left to right, press the third symbol, the sixth symbol, the fourth symbol and then the eighth symbol.
You will then hear a message from Mr. Yamoto!
Secret Message from Miyamoto
When in Samus' ship, go to the radio and press the following symbols:
Going from left to right, press the eighth symbol, the third symbol, the fifth symbol and then the fourth symbol.
You will then hear a message from Mr. Miyamoto!
A rough translation:
Ah, can you hear me? This is Miyamoto.
All of you playing Metroid, can you hear me?
It’s fun, isn’t it?
I’ve also worked on many [Metroid] games, but this one is the best yet, don’t you think?
Definitely play it all the way to the end.
See you!
Secret Message from Yoshio Sakamoto
When in Samus' ship, go to the radio and press the following symbols: Going from left to right, press the fourth symbol, the sixth symbol, the first symbol and then the seventh symbol.
You will then hear a message from Mr. Sakamoto, co-creator of the Metroid Series!
After you destroy the first Seed, look at the reflection of Samus' eyes in her visor when the scanning visor is equipped. You can see black streaks of Phazon on her face that get progressively larger after each Seed is destroyed.
When Aurora Unit 313 is on the ground and spinning around, you can use the Screw Attack to stun it.
While battling Gandrayda, she will turn into a Aero Space Pirate. After damaging her, she may fly upwards then go under the platform and get stuck. To continue, kill yourself with the acid rain and try again.
At the Chozo observatory in Skytown, Elysia, when you put a morph ball bomb in a certain bomb slots, it will say you now have more information about Tallon IV, from Metroid Prime.
Unlimited Friend Vouchers
To execute this cheat, you'll need 2 SD memory cards. Copy and save your game from your Wii to one card, and then go back to your game on one card and send out your Vouchers. After you receive your Vouchers in return, save your game to the other SD card (so that you have an old save and a current save). Whenever you want to send more Vouchers, just save your game to the current SD card, reload the old save game, and send out more. Then reload the current save to receive the Vouchers. In this way, you can easily get as many Friend Vouchers as you want.
There is a reference to Planet Zebes (the planet that Samus visited during the original Metroid and Super Metroid) that can be found on the Pirate Homeworld. Land your ship at the Research Facility and find the place on the map called Metroid Processing. Once in this room you will find an empty tank next to the Spider Ball rail. Scan the tank to get the following message: "Data decoded. Zebes specimen. Highly aggressive subject has been transferred to an off-site laboratory."
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