Successfully complete a mission without dying. Note: A Sprint Recovery bonus is acquired with each Bronze Star earned.
Successfully complete all levels in Campaign mode.
At any time during gameplay, pause the and Up,Down,Up,Down. The words "Enter Cheat Code" will appear in the corner of the screen, now enter the following code:
Code | Effect
- Right,Left,Right,Down,Up,Right
| |
Press the + button during a mission. Then enter Up, down, Up, Down on the Wiimote. Afterwards enter the following code: Right, Left, Right, Down, Up, Right.
Press Up,Down,Up,Down on the pause menu and it says 'enter cheat code'. Then enter Up,Right,Left,Down,Down,Up.
Shoot a specific number of people in the head during a mission.
Earn any seven medals in Campaign mode. A Health Bonus is acquired with each Oak Leaf earned.
Have the game in the console at the Wii menu. As soon as you see the planes flying in the small box above, click the "Mail" button. If you look closely, there are planes in the gray area while the screen is changing.
Shoot twice without reloading
This only works with the K98 German Rifle. Go to the iron sights and fire, then quickly go out and fire again. You will have only moved the bolt once.
Successfully complete Campaign mode without dying. A Health Recovery bonus is acquired with each Silver Star earned.
Use each available weapons during a mission.
Land in designated drop zones.
Earn all of the medals in Campaign mode.
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