Always have first pick in draft
Start a franchise with the trade deadline off. Sim or play the season to Week 17. Find out which team has the worst record. Trade your first draft pick for their first pick and they will always accept. You can also do this with second through seventh draft picks as well.
Draft Pick Franchise Building
Here's a great technique if you're looking to build a dynasty longterm over many seasons. It works best with "great" teams (like the Patriots, Colts and Chargers) and "good" teams (like the Jaguars, Broncos, and Cowboys). Theoretically, though, it can work with any team.
After finishing up your pre-season games, don't advance to the regular season. Instead, head to the trading block. Offer up your first round pick and ask for a first, second and fourth round pick in return. If your team is decent enough you will receive offers from all of the bottom teams (like Buffalo, Houston, Detroit, or whoever happens to be bad that season).
So, with the bad team's first, second and fourth picks (for instance), you can offer your own second, third and fourth picks. Ask for a first, third and fourth pick in return. You have to be flexible though, because you won't always be able to get what you want in return.
If the above works, however, you'll have two first round picks, a second round pick, a third round pick, and two fourth round picks (or something similar). This is absolutely amazing when you are building a franchise. Better yet, you can do this every year, as your franchise gets stronger and stronger with young, talented players.
Make sure you have all the desired players from that league on your team before the last game (championship). You will not be able to get the players if you win the championship because you will move on to the next league.
Fantasy Challenge mode: Unlocking bonus teams
To unlock NFC Hall of Fame, AFC Hall of Fame, Dummies, Glaciers, Deceivers, and Tridents, you must defeat them in Fantasy Challenge mode. They will be under the last league, called the Supreme League. Once they are beaten you will be able to play with them in Play Now mode. The easiest way to beat the Supreme teams is to change the difficulty to Rookie or Pro. Another way to unlock the Hall Of Fame teams is to buy their Madden cards, which appear randomly when you buy cards for 100 tokens.
Fantasy Challenge: Recommended players
In Fantasy Challenge mode, two very good and cheap players are Mike Alstott (FB) and Antrell Rolle (CB). Rolle has great catching. It is almost a guaranteed interception in every game that he plays. You should get the cheapest players at every position then save it. Go to "Rosters" under "Features" at the main menu and increase your players to a 99 overall. Doing this will make your team cheap and outstanding. Also, no one will be able to negotiate your players away.
Franchise mode: Recommended players
When playing in Franchise mode, visit the Free Agent screen. Sign a free agent names Jordan Beck. He is a middle linebacker 71 overall. Change his position to defensive end and he will be 90 overall. The same thing works for a lot of the other linebackers when changed to defensive end. Also, you can change Ladainian Tomlinson's position to linebacker. Do this, then trade for him. He will have an F trade rating and his team will accept almost any player in a trade. When signed release him then resign him to save cap room. Then, change his position back to running back. He will be 99 again. This can be done for lots of other players.
In Franchise mode, take any quarterback in the league (Peyton Manning is the highest overall). When you go to the roster and select them, and go to edit the player. Change his position to a WR. He will have a 30 overall (if you selected Manning), and you can trade any pick or player for him.
Go to the "Trade" screen in "Roster Management". Go to your favorite team then trade for very young players in every position. Edit them to the best stats and go to Franchise for a very good team.
In order to unlock the AFC/NFC Hall of Fame teams (like the Glaciers, Dummies, et cetera), you must complete the in-game Fantasy Challenge. To unlock these teams so you can play as them, you must beat them in Supreme League mode; otherwise, you will only get to play them, not as them.
Complete the beginning interviews and draft etc. Once you are on a team, play or simulate the preseason. Then, on your NFL superstar home page (apartment, loft, or mansion) go to your "Rookie Handbook" and save the game. After you have saved, go to your "City Map" screen. Go to your agents office and request a trade. You can do this 2 times. If you are not satisfied with where you are, do NOT save and exit your NFL superstar. Load your superstar and you will be on your first team again. Keep demanding a trade until you are on a team you want to be on. (It took me maybe around 6 tries.) |
Submitted by Mavman2Performance Institute Exploit
To increase your chosen character's statistics faster, hence making him a superstar more rapidly, try the following exploit. On gameday (Sunday), enter the Performance Institute and complete the exercise. After exiting, head over to your team's schedule and enter. Then, exit back out to the city map, and the Performance Institute exercise will appear again for you to use. You can do this over and over again if you want.
This is a very simple thing to do Hold down the B button to sprint. And the C button on the nunchuck to dive. [or the A button on wii remote] |
Submitted by FroSuperstar mode: Easy kicker and punter stats
Use the following trick to get more field goals and punts in Superstar mode. If you are a punter, put him as a QB, then on your audibles set a play called "Punt". If you are a kicker, put him as a QB, then set "Field Goal" on your audible. Call the audible as soon as the offensive line is formed. You can now rack up more field goals from your opposition's 42 yard line forward. If the ball is spotted on the 50 yard line, you will shoot from about 15 to 18 yards further back than that (which is already an NFL record).
Superstar mode: Get drafted by any team on Superstar hall of fame
When you make your profile at the main menu, select the team that you want to be drafted by as your favorite team. When you start your superstar and get to the draft, a message will appear stating "Would you be interested in being drafted by your favorite team?". Select "Yes" and you will be on that team.
Superstar mode: Maintaining positive ego
Even when you can back up a promise and win the game, never arrange media with the agent if you want to maintain a positive ego and avoid becoming a "lone wolf". However, being a "lone wolf" is useful for transforming a pocket QB to a makeshift scrambling QB.
Superstar mode: Set team and player rating
At the main menu, go to "My Madden" then to "Create-A-Player". Create them however desired, but set what team you want to be on in Superstar mode and make them a rookie. When you go to "Player Rating" select "Create Custom". You can now make your player as good or bad as desired. Exit the Create-A-Player mode. If you do not want to change your default rosters, select the "Keep player without saving" option. Then, go to "Game Modes" and choose "Superstar". Then, choose "New Superstar" and select the "Play as Rookie" option. Find your created person under the list of players. This will give you control of the Superstar at the start of preseason, and he will be exactly the same that as he was when you created him. This works well if you are bad at the mini-games and cannot get a good player normally.
Superstar mode: Start your Superstar with 99 in ratings
Go into the Superstar Hall Of Fame and select a player based on which position you would like to play through, appearance, etc. At this point you are not selecting them, but you know which player to alter. Go into Roster mode, then to the players' team and begin alteration. You can change all the characteristics that let you highlight them as usual. Once you have changed the appearance, etc. go to ratings and adjust them as desired. Go back into Superstar mode and the player you modified will be at the top (if you made them with perfect ratings).
Go to the rosters. Look for a player that is a rookie at your position. Alter that player as desired (appearance, build, etc.), then change the ratings to suit your taste. If needed, trade that player to your favorite team. When leaving rosters the game will save. Then, start Superstar mode and choose "Rookie from 07 class". Be aware that this player's ratings will apply to other game modes. Select your player and continue.
Superstar mode: Touchbacks
Use the following trick to acquire influence credits for touchbacks from kickoffs or punts for a Superstar punter and kicker, and to make sure that your touchbacks will be credited to your Hall of Fame resume as well as your stats line. Do not just boot the ball out of the endzone so that the returner cannot catch it. Make sure the returner catches the ball and kneels down.
Top 5 best teams [Not including hall of fame]
The top 5 teams are:
1. 96 Broncos
2. Steelers
3. Thunder
4. Patriots
5. Colts |
Submitted by FroMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements