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Madden NFL 07

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Madden NFL 07 on Nintendo Wii

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Madden NFL 07 Cheats

When you think one of your players may be injured on offense, hurry the play up and they will usually get back up.

Answer the interview questions as a team player. Then when you hire an agent, more of them will want to sign with you.

The trick to effective blocking is learning when to use the different blocks. Impact Blocks are more effective if you have a size advantage against the player you are blocking, while Cut Blocks are more effective if the defender is bigger than you. Turn Blocking works best for offensive linemen when they are trying to create an interior hole for the running back. If you get beat and you must resort to dirty tactics, try Holding.

When running the ball, the Highlight Stick is the best way to beat a defender in the open field. Press Up on the Highlight Stick to cause the ball carrier to play to their strengths and attempt to either power through or quickly shake past the defender. Press Left, Right, or Down on the Highlight Stick to make the ball carrier do a quick juke move in the specified direction. These moves are great for keeping your opponent guessing.

Cut Moves are a quick way to change the direction of the ball carrier without having to lose too much speed. If you are running in a certain direction and the defense is closing in, cutting in a different direction can be a good way to get past the defenders. These moves are best done by quicker running backs with high agility ratings.

When the running back has the ball in the backfield, you can use the Cut Moves to get through the holes in the offensive line. These moves are called Behind the Line Jukes, and they can only be performed when the ball carrier is approaching the offensive line. These moves allow the ball carrier to turn his hips and squeeze through small holes in the offensive line that normally he would not be able to get through.

When starting Hall Of Fame mode, certain parents will give you large boosts in key stats. If you want a receiver that is very fast, choose a Hall of Fame WR father with the "He was the Randy Moss of his time" note. Your player should have 95 or higher speed. If you want a fast quarterback, look for a Pro Bowl or Hall of Fame QB father with the "He was the Michael Vick of his time" note. Your player will be very fast and have good throwing power. Note: If you choose a father with the "He was his era's Tom Brady" note, he will be very slow (55 or less speed) and not be able to outrun anyone.

Use the following trick to get easy Madden Tokens in Two Minute Drill mode. Go to the roster of the team you are going to use and raise their stats so that their entire offensive line, fullback, and halfback are very good. Then, decrease the speed and awareness for the defensive players on the team you are going to play against. Next, go to Two Minute Drill mode and set the difficulty to "All-Madden". If you plan to run against the defense, try a HB Toss to run on the outside. If you pass, throw Hail Marys the entire time. Your receivers that are good should beat the defensive backs, especially if you make them very tall and skinny.

Set the game difficulty to "All-Madden". Then, go into the AI settings and set all of the human stats (QB Accuracy, O-line, Pass Blocking, etc.) to the maximum. Next, set all the CPU stats to the lowest. Set the quarters to five minutes and choose a team with a good running back, such as Denver, Seattle, or Washington. It will still be difficult to pass even with the CPU stats are as low as they are. You should be able to get well over 500 rushing yards and 700 Madden Tokens per game.

Enable any one of the codes for a card several times. Then, go to the card screen and sell the cards you just obtained. You will get 25 Madden Tokens for a card.

After training camp during franchise mode, if you have at least three points or more, you can hold down the nunchuck joystick to the right and the d-pad to the right on the wiimote at the same time to go over the alloted amount of attribute points you have won by one point. By going back down the amount of real points you have won and repeating the procedure, you can keep doing this until the full 99 points have been reached.

Do not draft a running back because Reggie Bush will not be selected until the ninth round. You can choose him late and he will be very good. If you do the highlight stick, he is unbeatable. As for your first draft pick, pick a quarterback. Make sure he is ranked at least 94 overall. Even a perfectly created quarterback will not get you Brady Palmer or Peyton Manning.

In the first round if you cannot get your desired QB or there is no one better than a 90 overall, take Champ Bailey. In the second round, take Steve Smith or any of the top WR desired. In the third round, take Polamalu or Steve Hutchinson. In the fourth round, take a MLB, preferably Jonathan Vilma because he is young, very good, and usually ends up an elite LB after a short time. In the eighth round, draft Reggie Bush. He is very fast, young, and will improve a lot in short time. Also try to get Manny Lawson (change to DE), Dbrickahshaw Ferguson (OT), Michael Huff (FS), Tye Hill (CB), and Lecharles Bentley (Center). This results in a fairly balanced team.

When you play Franchise mode, in the off-season usually the CPU releases one amazing player and a group of good players. For example, after your first year usually they will release Terrell Owens (97), Ed Reed (99), or Justin Griffith (97). Instead of going for other good players, offer the "superstar" released in that off-season a lot of money on the first day, then try to get some good players. Usually if you offered the "superstar" enough on the first day, he will sign with you immediately. You can then focus on good players. Also, when you are re-signing players or getting them in free agency and you want to save salary, offer them all seven years and your salary will go up.

Use the following trick to obtain almost any player desired. Go to the desired player in the "View Roster" menu. Make sure there are more than enough players in the position he is in. Go to "Edit Player" then "Information". Change his position to something that would make him overall bad. For example, make Ladanian Tomlinson a linebacker. Go to "Trade Player" and trade someone with a higher rating than him for that player. Once you get the player on your team, change them back to their original position.

In order for this trick to work you must turn off the trade deadline at the beginning of the season. Before you play your last game of the regular season in week 17, look at the standings (records) of the other teams. Find the team with the worst record. The team with the worst losing record has the first pick in the upcoming draft. Go to the trade player screen and propose a trade for your first round pick for their first round pick. The CPU should always accepts the trade. You can do this for your other picks as well. When you reach the NFL draft in the upcoming off season, you will have the first pick even if you won the Super Bowl in the prior season.

When you finish a game in Superstar mode do not save or turn off the system. Do all the practices and gameplans and start the next game. Do the coin toss and choose to receive or kick or direction depending on coin toss. When you get to the screen with the play the coach picked for the kickoff, pause the game. Save the game and then turn off the system. When you turn the game on and load Superstar mode, you should have all of your Influence and Role points from the previous game. For example, if you finished game 1 with 100 influence points, you will have 100 influence points at the start of game 2 to build on.

Subscribe to the Wii's News Channel and keep the system online. During game play, items from the news will be mentioned.

When you download the Forecast Channel for the Wii and keep the system online, the weather during the game will reflect that of the weather in your town or city (Ex. If it's snowing in your town or city, it will be snowing in the game).

Madden NFL 07 Card Codes

Password - Effect

B57QLU - 1958 Colts Gold card
1PL1FL - 1966 Packers Gold card
MIE6WO - 1968 Jets Gold card
CL2TOE - 1970 Browns Gold card
NOEB7U - 1972 Dolphins Gold card
YO0FLA - 1974 Steelers Gold card
MOA11I - 1976 Raiders Gold card
C8UM7U - 1977 Broncos Gold card
VIU0O7 - 1978 Dolphins Gold card
NLAPH3 - 1980 Raiders Gold card
COAGI4 - 1981 Chargers Gold card
WL8BRI - 1982 Redskins Gold card
H0EW7I - 1983 Raiders Gold card
M1AM1E - 1984 Dolphins Gold card
QOETO8 - 1985 Bears Gold card
ZI8S2L - 1986 Giants Gold card
SP2A8H - 1988 49ers Gold card
2L4TRO - 1990 Eagles Gold card
J1ETRI - 1991 Lions Gold card
W9UVI9 - 1992 Cowboys Gold card
DLA3I7 - 1993 Bills Gold card
DR7EST - 1994 49ers Gold card
F8LUST - 1996 Packers Gold card
FIES95 - 1998 Broncos Gold card
S9OUSW - 1999 Rams Gold card
YI8P8U - Aloha Stadium Gold card
5LAWO0 - Lame Duck card
XL7SP1 - Mistake Free card
WROA0R - QB On Target card
RLA9R7 - Super Bowl XLI Gold card
WRLUF8 - Super Bowl XLII Gold card
NIEV4A - Super Bowl XLIII Gold card
M5AB7L - Super Bowl XLIV Gold card

Try blitzing on first and second downs but not on the third down. Your opponent may be used to rushing his throws and throw the ball right into your coverage.

If you choose a 4-3 or a 3-4 defense against any team, select a play in which you blitz all your linebackers and have your defensive backs cover the receivers. This works about 90% of the time. You will average at least five sacks per game.

Enter these on the Passwords Screen for Madden Cards under the My Madden menu:

Password - Effect

KL0CRL - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the 49ers.
B1OUPH - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Bears.
DRL2SW - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Bengals.
1PLUYO - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Bills.
3ROUJO - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Broncos.
T1UTOA - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Browns.
S9EWRI - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Buccaneers.
57IEPI - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Cardinals.
F7UHL8 - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Chargers.
PRI5SL - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Chiefs.
1R5AMI - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Colts.
Z2ACHL - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Cowboys.
C5AHLE - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Dolphins.
PO7DRO - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Eagles.
37USPO - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Falcons.
C4USPI - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Giants.
MIEH7E - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Jaguars.
C0LUXI - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Jets.
3LABLU - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Lions.
4HO7VO - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Packers.
F2IASP - When this card is played, this will pump up the crowd for the Panthers.

Use Performance Institute more than once per week in Superstar mode: use the Performance Institute on the day of a game. Save the game to a memory card, then remove the memory card. Next, simulate the game, then exit the game without saving. Insert the memory card back in and load your superstar. You will be able to use the Performance Institute again while still retaining the benefits gained from the last time you used it. Repeat this process as many times as desired to raise all Performance Institute stats.

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