Beat Phantom Ganon with a Bottle
You can reflect the Phantom Ganon's magic attack with an empty bottle. This works for the Forest Temple boss, but don't try it on the actual final battle with Ganon.
This is the weird Ghost Shop guy's quest. He says that once you get a 1000 points on your card, you'll be a happy man. Each Big Poe is worth 100 points, and can be found only in Hyrule Field on horseback. Some are harder than others, and sometimes you may have to ride through these locations at different angles a few times so you can get your shots off to off them. You can walk around Hyrule Field and find the locations definitely, but the Poe you encounter on foot will not be Big Poe and will not earn you points.
1. At the sign from Hyrule Castle directing you to Lon Lon Ranch.
2. Near the lone tree just outside of the entrance to Lon Lon Ranch.
3. Exit Hyrule Castle and go to the right near the stream, where all of the black bushes are.
4. Exit Kakariko Village and go near the ledge to the right.
5. The Place where the stone wall turns. Go to the left of Lon Lon Ranch if coming from Hyrule Castle.
6. The boulder where the road splits, between Lon Lon Ranch and the Lost Woods.
7. At a patch of grass along the path from location 6. Pass the boulder going straight from Lost Woods. It is between the lone green tree and the small grove.
8. In the grove of trees described in location 7 but slightly to the right exiting Lake Hylia.
9. The place where the road splits outside of the entrance to Gerudo Valley.
10. The only tree near the entrance to Gerudo Valley and below the ledge.
Go to kakarkio village and fund a chicken. Attack the chicken alot so it gets really mad. Then when its mad run to the well and jump inside. When you do chickens will be flying down trying to attack you and if you try to get back up, Nothing is their and your going to get hit by air or something. So your not able to get out of the well unless you quit the game. Make sure you saved so you don't lose your date that you got during your game play.
After beating the race at Lon Lon ranch for Epona, race again and get the best time (49 seconds or below) to unlock a cow for your tree house.
Easy Fishing with Hover Boots
At The Fishing Pond in Lake Hylia, equip your Hover Boots and pay to fish. Run towards the lake until you float -- at the moment you float throw your lure at the lake. If done correctly you'll be able to walk when you're catching a fish. This makes easy to catch the Hylian Loach at the bottom of the lake.
Shoot the sun after the Water Temple.
When you're a kid you can get the Hylian Sheild for free instead of wasting 80 rupees. First go to the graveyard in Kakariko village and wait for night. Then pull the tombstones that have flowers in front of them back and go down their holes. When You find the right one it will have a treasure chest inside. Inside that is the Hylian Shield.
Free Masks at the Mask Shop
This won't work unless you've already sold the Keaton mask to the guard outside of Death Mountain. Once you've done so, before getting the Skull Mask you can ask to borrow the Keaton Mask again for free. Once you've done so, leave the shop, go back in and ask to trade masks. You can trade the Keaton mask for the Skull mask (he'll say you have to pay, but you won't) for free! It even makes the sound of you giving him the rupees, but you'll still have all your money. The same works for the Spooky mask and the Rabbit hood, you just have to trade the mask that you sold before it.
First, get the scarecrow song as a kid. To do this, go to Lake Hylia as a kid through Zora's Domain. Talk to the scarecrow on the shore, the fist by the lake. Take out your ocarina and he'll want to play. Play a song you made and that's your song. Be sure to remember it. Next, you'll need the Longshot. To get this, beat Dark Link in the Water Temple. As an adult, go to the scarecrows and play the song for the first one. Piere will now appear where there is a green Navi but nothing there. Now, when the sun is rising, shoot the sun with an arrow by the Water warp point (with the Water Medalion on it. When the Fire arrows appear, go down the hill. Don't drop, just go to the edge. Play the scarecrow song to make Piere appear. Use the Longshot to hook on and grab the arrows. Good Job! P.S. The Fire Arrows light things on fire. Duh!
Get the golden scale as a kid
When you are a child, go to the fishing pond and start fishing like normal. Keep fishing until you get a fish thats big enough to earn a heart piece. Instead of going to the fishing owner, go into the middle of the pond. Face towards the owner in the water and hold Z + R (lock and shield). Dont let go and swim and run to him. Once you reach him, talk to him without letting go of Z and R. Hell give you the golden scale instead of a heart piece. This allows you to do many things early on. Such as entering Zoras Domain without having to play Zeldas Lullaby. Or getting the heart piece from the Lakeside Laboratory (letting you have both the scale and heart piece).
If you continously kill the same type of monster, you will encounter a giant version of the type you've been killing. This works on Stalchildren, Guays, and Leevers.
If you look at the broach that Malon is wearing, you will notice that it is actually Bowser's face.
Hidden Nintendo characters in Hyrule Castle
When you enter the Hyrule Castle courtyard, look at the right window. If you look inside the window, you will see paintings of Mario, Peach, Yoshi, Luigi, and Bowser.
Hidden secret in Hyrule Castle courtyard
When you arrive in the Hyrule Castle courtyard, look at the left window. Now take out your slingshot, and shoot the potted plant. Someone will yell at you to stop doing that, and they will also throw a bomb at you.
Complete the Gerudo Training Ground.
In the past, there is a beggar in the Hyrule Castle Market that asks you to sell him things with C. In the future, that same beggar is relocated to Kakariko Village, which is perfect for arguably the fastest non-Skulltulla money trick in the game. Behind the old lady's potion shop in Kakariko lies a grotto, and within it, a fish. Bring a bunch of empty bottles to the grotto, then enter and re-enter the grotto until you're able to fill all of your bottles with fish. The beggar will buy each fish for 100 rupees, and you can repeat this process as many times as you wish until your money is maxed out. This obviously works best when you have the Giant's Wallet and are able to carry a maximum of 500 rupees at a time.
Kakariko Village Hidden Chicken Easter Egg
In Kakariko Village as adult Link, look up on the windmill, you'll see a small entrance. Aim at the wooden box shoot your Longshot at it. Climb up the stairs and and you'll find a lone Cucco.
Play the sun song anywhere where there are zombies. They will freeze and be easier to kill because they won't attack you.
As Kid Link go to Lon Lon Ranch,and look at Malon's Brooch -- it's seems to be the head of Bowser from Super Mario Bros.! This same image can also be found in Talon's Brooch. Malon and Inigo seem to resemble the Mario Bros. themselves as well.
Beat all the temples, then talk to Shiek.
Make fish easier to catch (gold cartridge only)
Go to the pond as adult Link. Put the Hover Boots on, and pay the guy to fish. Once you have the rod, run onto the pond, and cast while hovering. You can now walk around with the rod cast! While you can do this, let a fish bite the rod. When it has, hold in "A" so as not to loose the fish. Run over to the pond owner, and tell him you want to quit. You'll loose the rod, yet the fish will be stuck in the place it was in before you chose to quit. Now, simply run over to the fish, and the little scene which plays when you catch a fish will play. And there you have it! You can use this to catch the biggest, hardest to reel in fish in the pond with great ease.
Make the Sinking Lure legal
This will make the fish you catch with the Sinking Lure be legal, as if you had caught them without it. After getting the Sinking Lure, go to the fisherman and say to him "Let's talk about something else". He will then allow you to use the Sinking Lure, and the fish you catch with it will no longer be noted as being "Illegal". Note: You will still need to find the Sinking Lure each time you come back.
First equip a bottle, then go find something to put in a bottle (example: fish, bug, blue fire, fairy, or anything else you can put inside a bottle). Now, hit the C Button to catch the item and hit start directly after hitting C button. Select an item you do not want (Claim Check is recommended) and equip it instead of the bottle you were catching the item with. Press start again and you will see Link still catching the item. Now you have an extra bottle. Do this on all of your weapons and you will have 24 bottles! (Note: do NOT save after doing this or else you CANNOT get your weapons back).
Never Lose Tunic or Shield
To not lose your tunic or shield when you are eaten by a like-like, put on the kokiri(green) tunic and the mirror shield. Since both of these are one of a kind and can't be re-bought,the like-like can't eat them.
No Magic Use for Lens of Truth
Play the Song of Storms and instantly equip the Lens of Truth afterwards to use it without depleting your magic.
This is a very unusual glitch that requires you to interact with the cartridge itself. When you come up to a character or object that's blocking your path (such as Mido or the Kokiri blocking the forest exit at the beginning of the game), you must pull up VERY gently on the left side of the cartidge. If done so correctly, the screen will become a bit fuzzy, and if you move forward, you can use this tme to walk through people and objects that aren't completely solid. This trick gives you access to portions of the game you wouldn't be able to get to until later.
Quick and easy Rupees early
You can quickly max out your Rupees to 99 extremely early in the game; to buy the Kokiri Shield, for instance. Once you are searching for the sword and preparing to by the shield at the beginning of the game, head over to the shop. Near the shop there are three man-made square blocks. From the shop side, jump over all three of them without falling into the water. You will be given 5 Rupees. Go into the shop, exit, and do it again. Do this over and over again until you max out your Rupees.
After watching the ending to the game, leave the game on during the "The End" screen. After a little while, you'll hear whatever Scarecrow Song you composed being played over and over again in various forms.
If you want to easily catch really big fish in the fishing pond without having to spend countless hours, then make sure you have caught the "lunker" fish as an adult and have obtained the gold scale. Now go to the fishing pond and you will find a new lure in one of three places: 1.) in the feeder creek, 2.) in the grass around the perimeter of the area, or 3.) on the log jutting out of the pond. Once you find this lure, try fishing with it. It is irresistible to fish, so catching a 20 pounder will be no problem. However, if you set any records by using this lure, the fish you have caught will be noted as illegal on the aquarium and at the record board in Link's house.
To get this unlockable items, you must kill the number of Skulltulas Spiders that is required. After you kill the skulltulas spiders, collect the tokens and then go to the Skulltula House in Kakariko Village to get your prize.
If you go to the Fishing pond as an adult you will notice he is wearing a hat, if you get it just right, you can catch his hat, he will get mad at you, but from then on you will never see him wearing the hat again.
To get the Goron Tunic go to Goron City as an adult and stop the little goron rolling on the 3rd floor with a bomb. Talk to him about the dragon and the gorons and he will give you the Goron Tunic. To get the Zora Tunic go to Zora's Domain as an adult and unthaw King Zora with a bottle of Blue Fire from the Ice Cavern or the Potion Shop.
First you need to get bombs, the Song of Storms,and the Boomerang. Then go to hyrule castle and jump in the moat so the guards won't see you. Drift until you see a shallow corner. Climb up and you will see a tree. Play the Song of Storms. A hole will open up, then jump down. There will be several walls that can be blown down with a bomb. One of these has a gold skulltilla behind it. BE CAREFUL, first kill the bug then stand right in front of the circle that sends you back to the surface. Next, throw the Boomerang at the token and as soon as it hit's the token step back on the circle. You will be back at the surface. If you did this right the gold skulltulla should still be there. Repeat this process until you have 100 or more.
Use any Weapon on Epona (gold cartridge only)
To use other weapons on Epona, you need to get rid of the Master Sword. One way of doing this is in the second battle of Ganon. When he knocks the sword away from you, save it, and press reset. Now open the saved file and don't equip any swords. The green button should be blank. Go to Hyrule Field and play Epona's song to get Epona. Now press different C buttons to use the items. You can use Deku Nuts to get off the horse and walk on foot and control the horse at the same time. You can also use the hookshot if you want the game to lock up. Note: You won't lose the Master Sword by doing this. Any time you want it back to normal, equip a sword or go back in time.
Zombies can't touch this!
When ever you're near a ReDead or other assorted undead enemy, if you start charging up an attack with your sword you won't believe what happens! The ReDeads (or other) will not chase after you! If they are already going after you, they will just keep walking in that direction, unable to see or hurt you.
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