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Android 13: Computer + Hatred Android 13 Fusion: Android 13 + Parts of 14 and 15 Any +5: Tortoise Shell + Any +1 Any +10: Ultimate God Water + Any +5 Any +15: Elder Releases Potential + Any +10 Any +19: Kai's Ritual + Any +1 Any +19 Elder: 100G Training + Any +15 Baby Vegeta: Baby + Vegeta (Second Form) Bojack: Unsealed + Galactic Warrior Bojack Post Transformation: Bojack + Ultimate Transformation Broly: Son of Paragus + Hatred of Goku Cooler: Frieza's Brother + Hatred of Goku Cooler Final Form: Super Transformation + Cooler Cui: Frieza's Soldier + Vegeta's Rival Equipment Slot +4: Miracle + Equipment Slot +3 Everyone Hopes: Dende's Healing + Kibitokai's Secret Arts Frieza Final Form Full Power (100%): Ultimate Transformation + Frieza Final Form Garlic Jr.: Makyo Star + Dead Zone General Tao: Bros. of Crane Hermit + Memorial Campaign Giant Slug: Giant Form + Slug Grandpa Gohan: Master Roshi's Pupil + Fox Mask Great Ape Baby: Artificial Blutz Waves + Super Baby 2 Great Ape Bardock: Powerball + Bardock Great Ape Nappa: Powerball + Nappa Great Ape Raditz: Powerball + Raditz Great Ape Turles: Power Ball + Turles Great Ape Vegeta: Powerball + Vegeta Halo: One Who Loves Justice + King Yemma's Stamp Hirudegarn: Hirudegarn's Top Half + Hirudegarn's Lower Half Jacked Garlic Jr.: Garlic Jr. + Giant Form Janemba: Saike Demon + People's Bad Energy Janemba Full Power: Janemba + Ultimate Transformation Kibitoshin: Kibito + Supreme Kai Legendary Super Saiyan Broly: Super Saiyan Broly + Breakthrough the Limit Majin Buu (Pure Evil): Human Gunman's Gun + Majin Buu Majin Seal: Wicked Heart Revealed + Babidi's Brainwashing Master's Essence: Abandonment Essence + Hit Essence Master's Presence: Fighting Charisma + Heavy Pressure Master's Pressure: Powerful Style + Energy Breaker Master's Protection: Perfect Guard + Quick Recover Master's Secret Plan: Stealth Mode + Raging Hurricane Strike Master's Skill: Miracle + Dragon Power Master's Spirit: Advanced Senses + Inescapable Menace Master's Trump Card: Active Heart + Mind Breaker MAX Power Master Roshi: Seriousness + Master Roshi Mecha Frieza: Remodeling Surgery + Full Power Frieza Meta-Cooler: Big Gete Star + Cooler Omega Shenron: Ultimate Dragonball + Syn Shenron Perfect Cell: Self Destruction + Cell Perfect Form Post-Transformation Zarbon: Unsealed + Zarbon Salza: Coolers Soldier + Armored Cavalry Slug: Namekian + Mutation Succession Technique: Conversion Attack + Desperation Super Android 13: Android 13 + Parts of 14 Super Android 17: HFIL Fighter 17 + Android 17 Super Baby 1: Lower Class Saiyan + Baby Vegeta Super Baby 2: Power From Lower Class + Super Baby 1 Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed): Absorb Gohan + Super Buu Super Buu (Gotenks Absorbed): Absorb Gotenks + Super Buu Super Garlic Jr.: Giant Form + Garlic Jr. Super Perfect Cell: Self Destruction + Perfect Cell Super Saiyan Broly: Broly + Super Saiyan Super Slug: Giant Form + Slug Syn Shenron: Evil Dragon + Negative Energy Turles: Low Level Saiyan + Tree of Might Zangya: Galactic Warrior + Flowers Of Evil Zarbon Post Transformation: Unsealed + Zarbon To get Oozaru Forms, collect Power Orb Fusion Z Items and combine them with the early Saiyan characters.
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