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Call of Duty: Black Ops

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Call of Duty: Black Ops on Nintendo Wii

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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cheats

Locate the three red rotary phones throughout the Pentagon that ring and flash. The first phone can be found when you first start, after opening a set of doors in the corner. The second phone is on the catwalk circling the room after leaving the first elevator. The third phone is in one of the rooms after leaving the second elevator on the floor that the power is on. You can find the phones by following their ringing. Look at the phone, then hold [Action] until you hear a busy signal. After the third phone is accessed, the song "Don't Back Down" by Eminem will play.

Find the three meteors. The first meteor is located on a pedestal in a corner behind the soda in the main lobby. The second meteor is on a pedestal in the dressing room near some mannequins. The third meteor is the room upstairs near the alleyway, on a "dresser" with black marquee letters. Note: The meteors appear as red veined rocks. Hold [Use] on each meteor until your character says something or the veins in the rock glow red. After all three are found, the song "115" by Elena Siegman will play.

Shoot the heads off all the mannequins in record time to hear "Sympathy For the Devil" by the Rolling Stones.

In the level "Numbers," after interrogating Clarke, several enemy soldiers will appear at the end of the long hallway. If you can shoot all six Nova 6 canisters (two in the back, four on the sides), you can retrieve a cassette tape in the office behind where you started. Note: It is recommended that you toss a flashbang to blind the enemies so you have less trouble taking out the canisters. Once you pick up the tape, continue with the level until the part where Weaver and Clarke both jump off the roof onto a mattress. After they jump down, Clarke will ask Weaver to help him move a fridge out of the way to his first weapon stash. Once they do, go inside and look to the left. There should be a place to put the cassette. Note: When picking up and placing the cassette tape, the game will not prompt you -- you must have seen it being moved yourself. After that, the screen will shake and the Thunder Gun will appear out of the wall. It has twelve bullets, and it is reloaded at checkpoints.

Look down at your hand when you are locked up at the title screen. Repeatedly press ZL + ZR on a Classic Controller to escape from the chair. Move around the lab and find a computer. Type in the following commands to activate the corresponding feature.

3ARC INTEL: View all intel.
3ARC UNLOCK: Unlock Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie mode.
ALICIA: Alicia virtual therapist game.
CAT or PRINT<filename>: Open corresponding file.
DECODE: Decode a string using the CIA's cipher.
DIR or LS: Display contents of the current directory.
DIR: List audio files and pictures for use with CAT command.
DOA: Zombie killing mini-game similar to Smash TV.
ENCODE: Encode a string using the CIA's cipher.
FOOBAR: Displays "Fee Fie Foe Foo!"
HELP: List commands.
LOGIN: Attempt a new session with a corresponding username and password
MAIL: Open the mail folder for the current user.
WHO: List of login names for use with the RLOGIN command (requires passwords).
ZORK or HELLO SAILOR: Zork: The Great Underground Empire text adventure game.

Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System. Enter rlogin dreamland as a command. You will be prompted to login with an account with MJ12 access. Use the following usernames and passwords to continue.

Login as Robert Oppen: Username: roppen and password: trinity.
Login as Vannevar Bush: Username: vbush and password: majestic1.

To unlock the gamer picture of Frank Woods, simply escape the interrogation chair by press the left and right triggers simultaneously.

The following is a list of all twenty guns in the Gun Game wager match.

1. Python with multiple attachments
2. Makarov dual wield
3. Spas
4. Ithica
5. MP5K
6. Skorpion dual wield
7. AK74u
8. M14
9. M16
11. AUG
12. Hk21
13. M60
14. L96A1
15. WA2000
16. Grim Reaper
17. M72 Law
18. China Lake
19. Crossbow explosive tip
20. Ballistic knife

Search the indicated locations to find all 42 Intel laptops:

Mission 1: Operation 40

1. It is on a crate inside a building after going up a hill and passing a weapon depot. It is straight ahead as you enter the building with Woods and Bowman leading the way.

2. It is on the dresser inside of a bedroom with a bed and TV in the next area you enter after you have killed the fake Castro.

3. It is on top of a ladder inside of the first hangar you enter just after you rappel down from the mountain to the airfield.

Mission 2: Vorkuta

4. It is on top of a cabinet on the second floor of the first building you enter with Reznov just after the prisoners have taken out the tower after moving along the train yard behind cover.

5. It is on a table inside the armory with a few radios. The armory is just after Sergei dies from holding the security door open for you and the other prisoners to get through.

6. It is on the bottom shelf of a rack near the back of the building you start in after the cutscene from being gassed. There will be a pallet jack and lantern in front of it. You must grab this Intel before getting on the bike.

Mission 3: U.S.D.D.


Mission 4: Executive Order

7. It is on the third floor of the communications building on top of the right table that is underneath the four TV's and golden emblem. You must grab this Intel before going up the ladder to the top of the communications building.

8. It is inside the control room for the rocket. It is in the far left corner after you blow a hole in the wall on top of the computer in the corner.

9. It is inside another control room underground on top of a radar computer below the window. This is down the hall to the right after the offices.

Mission 5: S.O.G.

10. It is on top of a bunch of ammo crates in the back area you are defending from being rushed by the enemy and when you need to destroy the three T55 tanks. You must grab this Intel before following Woods into the hole in the ground.

11. It is in the bunker at the bottom left corner of the hill. It is sitting inside the right window.

12. It is in the larger bunker you enter after saving Woods. It is on a shelf after you pass through the collapsed support beams on fire in the right corner of the same room. You must grab this Intel before following Woods and entering the vehicle.

Mission 6: The Defector

13. It is on a table in the security room after you breached the room to find Reznov in it. This is also the same room with a projector and where there is a short cutscene.

14. It is on a table with a TV inside of a building down the street from when you first use the radio to call in air support and where you travel with the M113 armored vehicle.

15. It is inside of a building on a table in the corner at the end of the mission when you have to defend the landing zone. Make sure to grab this Intel before enemies start coming. It will also be right after you have to place the C4 on the above wall and then the tank on the street explodes. It is the building at the back far right corner from when you come out of the building you used the C4 in.

Mission 7: Numbers

16. It is at the beginning of the level after you have interrogated Clarke. It is on a desk in the back right corner behind you. You must grab this Intel quickly so the Nova 6 gas does not kill you.

17. It is lying on the ground in front of a shack with garbage all around on the ground. This is just after you slide down the metal roofing, and the game goes into slow-motion so you can kill the enemies that appear.

18. It is lying on the metal roofing with garbage as you continue to descend after Clarke gets shot in the head while you are trying to save him. This is just before the end of the level where you slide down plywood.

Mission 8: Project Nova

19. It is on a table with a lantern and files in the two-story building you come across approximately halfway through the mission. There are two snowplows outside the entrance.

20. It is on a table next to a cabinet in the hangar with a rocket in it. The table is in a room in the back right corner. You will need to pass through this hangar to continue the mission.

21. It is on a pallet that is almost completely covered in snow at the end of the ship. It is right before the stairs to the right. You must grab this Intel before you use the rope to get off the ship and before time runs out.

Mission 9: Victor Charlie

22. It is lying against the wall near the west corner of the hut. It is right before you knife someone in the back and just after knifing someone in their sleep after climbing through a window with Woods.

23. It is lying on the ground inside the hut at the end of the village. It is straight ahead from where you enter the village. The Intel is in the east corner of the hut. The village is just after the river area you swim through and plant explosives.

24. It is in the left tunnel after Reznov helps you move a barrier blocking the path to the next tunnel. When you lead the way, instead of going straight, go left. It is lying on the ground against a rock on the right-hand side of this tunnel.

Mission 10: Crash Site

25. It is on a crate next to some barrels at the beginning of the mission. It is just before you get on the boat and after the helicopter.

26. It is right after you get off the boat. It is lying on the right side of the dirt path in front of you next to a rock as you follow your squad towards the next objective.

27. It is on a rock just below the crashed plane. When you start to descend from the wing, it is right below you before you enter the plane.

Mission 11: WMD

28. It is where you breach the barracks with your squad. It is the second time that you leave Blackbird. It is down the steps to the left on the desk as you enter the barracks.

29. It is on a bench inside of the utility room located in the communications tower. It is on the second level, which is the level you enter the door from at the far left corner and right before you head down the stairs.

30. It is on a table with explosives in front of the office that is inside of the large warehouse with explosives everywhere else. You can grab this Intel before or after entering the office. However, it is easier to get it before entering since there is not any resistance.

Mission 12: Payback

31. It is on a shelf inside the large ammunition room you enter after going through the left or right tunnel when you escape. It is on the right side of the room. You must grab this Intel before continuing and exiting the underground area with Woods.

32. It is on the table with a radio to the right of the tent when you exit the underground area. You must grab this Intel before getting in the helicopter with Woods.

33. It is right after you have freed the POWs. It is on a crate in the area to the far left just before you reach the building where Kravchenko is inside on the second floor.

Mission 13: Rebirth

34. It is lying on the ground next to the crate to your left as you exit the shipping container that you were hiding in. Kill the enemy in front of you, grab the Intel, then move quickly so you do not get spotted from the helicopter in the area.

35. It is on a cage with a monkey in it inside of the containment unit in the center of the room. Do not shoot the enemy inside; instead knife him. If you shoot him, the containment unit will close, making it impossible to grab the Intel located inside of it. However, if you make this mistake, simply die, and start from the last checkpoint to try again.

36. It is shortly after you have put on the gas mask when the area gets gassed with Nova 6. You will first pass through one house, and then continue up the road to reach the next checkpoint. Before you go into the next house with the checkpoint, there is a house in front of it to the right that contains the Intel. It is sitting on the cabinet with a bunch of pots.

Mission 14: Revelations

37. It is on top of a vending machine in the first hallway to your left after you have broken out of the chair and stumble through the doors.

38. It is inside the trash can to the right on the left side of the wall after you exit a room that triggers a long flashback cutscene. This is right after Intel #37.

39. It is on the desk to the left inside of the first office room you come across after you have a flashback with JFK as you head down the long hallway with the rocket taking off in the background.

Mission 15: Redemption

40. It is just behind the first shipping container you come across. It is lying on the ground under the door. It is right before you need to use the Valkyrie Rockets to take out the two helicopters above you.

41. It is in the second room you enter when you are inside the ship. It is under the table in front of you with a bunch of crates as you enter on the other side of it. This room is after the locker room.

42. It is in the office room at the end of the mission before you fight Dragovich. It is under the left desk with the phone. This office room is right next to the control room which is flooded on the lower level -- the room you enter just after going up the stairs.

Log into Jason Hudson's account on the terminal to unlock his gamer picture.

Reach the indicated number of kills to unlock the corresponding bonus.

Spy Plane: 3 kills; shows enemies on the mini-map (free).
RC-XD: 3 kills; remote control car with explosives piloted by killstreak user (1,200 points).
Counter-Spy Plane: 4 kills; temporarily disables enemy's mini-map (1,600 points).
SAM Turret: 4 kills; airdrop a turret that destroys aircraft (1,600 points).
Care Package: 5 kills; airdrop a crate that contains a random killstreak, ammo crate, or special weapon (free).
Napalm Strike: 5 kills; airstrike drops fire over an area of the your choice which burns and damages enemies temporarily (2,400 points).
Sentry Gun: 6 kills; airdrops anti-personnel sentry gun (3,200 points).
Mortar Team: 6 kills; user targets three locations to be shelled by mortars (3,200 points).
Attack Helicopter: 7 kills; call in automated attack helicopter to a selected location (free).
Valkyrie Rockets: 7 kills; two remote controlled rockets (4,000 points).
Blackbird: 8 kills; advanced version of the spy plane that indicates enemies on the map and direction they are facing (4,500 points).
Rolling Thunder: 8 kills; B-52 bomber bombs selected location (4,500 points).
Chopper Gunner: 9 kills; control door-mounted mini-gun from a helicopter that circles the map; enemies without the Ghost perk are displayed as red dots (5,000 points).
Attack Dogs: 11 kills; call in a group of attack dogs (6,000 points).
Gunship: 11 kills; pilot a helicopter with rockets and machine guns; helicopter can be destroyed (6,000 points).

Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus.

Create A Class: Level 4
Contracts: Level 5
Clan Tag: Level 6
Game Mode Challenges: Level 8
Killstreaks, Killstreak Challenges, Playercard Emblems: Level 10
Combat Record: Level 13
Medal Challenges: Level 15
Gun Emblems: Level 16
Gun Tag: Level 19
Elite Challenges: Level 20
Camo: Level 22
Custom Reticules: Level 25
Custom Lenses: Level 28
Final Challenges: Level 30
Facepaint: Level 31
Prestige Mode: Level 50
Prestige Leaderboard, Custom Class 6: Prestige 1
Custom Class 7: Prestige 3
Custom Class 8: Prestige 5
Custom Class 9: Prestige 7
Custom Class 10: Prestige 9
Face Tattoos: Prestige 11
Clan Tag Colors: Prestige 13
Golden Camo: Prestige 14
Prestige Playlists: Prestige 15

The following perks can be unlocked.

Tier 1
Flak Jacket: Reduces explosive damage.
Flak Jacket Pro: Deflect fire damage, and safely toss back grenades.
Ghost: Undetectable by the Spy Plane and Blackbird.
Ghost Pro: Undetectable by aircraft, IR scopes, Sentry Guns, and no red cross hair on your name when targeted.
Hardline: Killstreaks require one less kill.
Harline Pro: Change the contents of a Care Package.
Lightweight: Move faster.
Lightweight Pro: No fall damage.
Scavenger: Get ammo from fallen enemies.
Scavenger Pro: Start with extra magazines, and get grenades from fallen enemies.

Tier 2
Hardened: Bullets penetrate better.
Hardened Pro: Increased bullet damage to killstreaks and less aiming recoil when shot.
Scout: Hold breath longer.
Scout Pro: Switch weapons faster.
Sleight Of Hand: Faster reloads.
Sleight Of Hand Pro: ADS with all weapons, except sniper rifles.
Steady Aim: Increased hip-fire accuracy.
Steady Aim Pro: Faster ADS after sprinting.
Warlord: Equip two attachments to your primary weapon.
Warlord Pro: Start with one extra lethal and tactical grenade (except Willy Pete).

Tier 3
Hacker: Ability to detect enemy equipment and explosives.
Hacker Pro: Booby trap enemy Care Packages and turn enemy killstreaks and equipment friendly.
Marathon: Longer sprint.
Marathon Pro: Unlimited duration.
Ninja: Silent movement.
Ninja Pro: Make no noise, and hear all enemies louder.
Second Chance: Ability to use your pistol before dying.
Second Chance Pro: Survive longer, and get revived by teammates.
Tactical Mask: Protects against Nova Gas.
Tactical Mask Pro: Reduces the effects of flash and concussion grenades.

Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System. Enter login as a command. You will be prompted to login with an account. Use the following usernames and passwords to continue. You can then access their documents with the dir command or email with the mail command.


The following is a list of weapons and equipment.

Assault rifles



.357 Magnum Python


China Lake
M202A1 "Grim Reaper" (Care Package only)

Light machine guns

Death Machine (Care Package only)
Stoner 63


Ithica 37
Model 1887
Olympia/Double Barrel

Sniper/bolt action rifles


Submachine guns

Spectre M4

Special secondaries

Ballistic Knife

Alternate ammo

Explosive tipped crossbow bolts
Incendiary "Dragon’s Breath" shotgun rounds

Assault rifle attachments

ACOG (750 CP)
Dual Mag (500 CP)
Extended Mags (500 CP)
Grenade Launcher (1,000 CP)
Infrared Scope (1,000 CP)
Masterkey (750 CP)
Red Dot Sight (750 CP)
Reflex (750 CP)

Handgun attachments

ACOG (750 CP)
Dual Wield
Snub Nose (750 CP)
Speed Reloader (750 CP)
Upgraded Iron Sights


C4 (2,000 CP)
Camera Spike (2,000 CP)
Claymore (3,000 CP)
Jammer (2,500 CP)
Motion Sensor (3,000 CP)
Tactical Insertion (2,500 CP)


Frag Grenade


Decoy (attracts attention and creates blips on enemy radar)
Nova Gas
Willy Pete/Smoke Grenade



Face paint

Black Widow

Custom reticles

Arrows horizontal
Arrows vertical
Arrows with dot
Circle with arrows
Circle with crosshairs
Circle with dot
Circle with inner line
Circle with outer line
Circle with triangles
Circle within a circle
Diamond outline
Large crosshairs
Line with dot
Outer crosshairs
Outer triangles
Small crosshairs
Square outline
Three dots
X with dot
Yin yang

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding map in Zombies mode.

Dead Ops Arcade: Play the Dead Ops Arcade game.
Der Riese: Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Five: Complete Campaign mode.
Kino Der Toten: Available by default.
Nacht Der Untoten: Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Shi No Numa: Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Verruckt: Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.

Use the Pack-A-Punch machine to make the following upgrades.

Assault rifles
Commando: Predator
Famas: G16-GL35
G11: G115 Generator
Galil: Lemantation
M14: Mnesia
M16: SkullCrusher

CZ75: Calamity
CZ75 Dual Wield: Calamity & Jane
M1911: Mustang & Sally
Python: Cobra

China Lake: China Beach
M72 LAW: M72 Anarchy

Light machine guns
HK21: H115 Oscillator
RPK: R115 Resonator

HS10: Typhoid & Mary
Olympia: Hades
SPAZ-12: SPAZ-24
Stakeout: Raid

Sniper rifles
Dragunov: D115 Disassembler
L96A1: L115 Isolator

Submachine guns
AK47u: AK74fu2
MP40: The Afterburner
MPK5: MP115 Kollider
PM63: Tokyo & Rose

Special weapons
Ballistic Knife: The Krause Refibrillator
Crossbow: Awful Lawton
Ray Gun: Porter's X2 Ray Gun
Thundergun: Zeus Cannon
Winter's Fury: Winter's Fury

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