Alternate ending sequence
Collect all of the secret reports, including the one in Another Day, to view a bonus scene after defeating the final Boss in the main story.
After beating the game, this chapter will be added in the chapter selection menu. This chapter is unrelated to the main story/plot.
Clear game bonuses:
Bonus | How to unlock
| - Collect all secret reports.
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Beat the game once and you'll have the option to go to any chapter in the game and play it again with bonus objectives.
Shibuya is all about trends. If you equip accessories and clothes from a specific brand, chances are it will top off the charts. Same thing with pins. If you use pins when battling noises in the same area, its brand will increase and you'll enjoy a nifty damage bonus.
Display total gameplay hours
Hold L + R on the save data menu screen to see your total gameplay hours.
You earn massive amounts of Yen pins and PP if you chain battles. Additionally, the higher your difficulty and the lower your level the more loot you'll get.
This trick requires a Wii. Once the "Mingle" option is available in your player menu, you will be able to accumulate MPP, or Mingle PP. It is rare to find someone actually broadcasting their DS. To get around this and still get MPP (without the random alien appearances), you can get Civvies points through your Wii. Use the following steps.
A. Make sure your Wii is connected to the Internet.
B. Make sure your Wii has the Nintendo channel (can be downloaded from the Shopping channel for free).
C. Open the Nintendo channel of your Wii. Select "To the Video List", then "Find Titles for You", and finally "DS Download Service".
D. Select any demo to download. Your screen should have a "Preparing" message on screen. Wait until it changes to "Transmitting".
E. Enter Mingle mode on your DS and wait a few moments to receive a Civvie. Each Civvie gives you 20 MPP.
F. Note: This next step saves data; make sure you have only pins you want to receiving MPP equipped. Exit and re-enter to receiving 20 more MPP.
Enter a battle with those Jellyfish noises. Kill the other non-jelly enemies and leave the Jellyfish. These guys will tend to multiply if left alone. They still count as individual enemies so you'll have more pins and PP if you defeat all of them.
Beat Normal Mode.
After completing various tasks, you will unlock different character sprites on the save screen. You start off with Neku at first.
Collect all secret reports.
Complete the game.
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