Clear Area singles with Mizuki.
Clear Area Singles with Muromachi.
Akutsu Jin's school uniform
Clear Nationals MIX with Yamabuki Team A.
Beat Kanto Singles with Kamio using Tachibana as the coach.
Unlock Tachibana Ann as a coach.
Beat the Nationals Mix with Rokkaku A team.
Use Atobe as the player, Sakaki as computer partner, and beat the Maximum Overkill doubles.
Clear Iron Plate 3.
Clear Nationals MIX with the Hyotei Team B.
Clear Nationals MIX with the St. Rudolph Team.
Coach Nanjirou's cat (Karupin)
Clear Nationals Singles with Ryoma while having Nanjirou as the bench coach.
Clear Nationals MIX with Rikkaidai Team A.
Clear Top Of Lefty with Ryoma.
Buy 256 unique trading cards by purchasing packs of random trading cards.
Clear all tournaments except DUS and have the total of your best times be below 2 hours.
Clear Kantou Doubles with Sengoku and Akutsu.
Clear Area Singles with Kamio.
Beat Ultimate Singles.
Clear Iron Plate 1.
Get 20 characters to high doubles level by feeding them the foods they like.
Clear R-1.
Clear Nationals Singles with Kabaji.
Clear Seigaku Rankings Match.
Have a total of 5 hours spent in playing in tournaments.
Clear Nationals Singles with Kamio.
Clear Area MIX.
Break 1000 total rackets in tournaments.
Clear Nationals Mix with Seigaku Team C.
Clear Area Match Doubles with Fuji and Kawamura.
Have 10 consecutive wins in the Underground tennis betting (in Smith's Shop).
Atsushi Clear Area Doubles with Fuji Brothers.
Clear I-1.
Clear Open Cup Singles with Ryoma.
Have 30 hours total time spent playing in tournaments.
Beat Open Cup Singles with Nanjirou using Ryoma as a coach.
Clear Kantou MIX with Seigaku Team B.
Beat a tournament under 70 seconds (1 minute and 10 seconds).
Clean Open Cup Singles with any Mix Team.
Clear Kantou Singles with Shishido.
Unlock Smith Coach then pay Rinko when she appears in the shop.
Clear U-1 tournament (TR Singles).
Clear Iron Plate 3.
Clear Area Doubles with Momoshiro and Kamio.
Clear Junior Selection.
Clear Iron Plate 2 (Doubles).
Buy all the goods that can be sold in the shop and then pay Smith to get him as coach.
Clear Kantou Singles with Ibu.
Beat the National Singles with Tezuka using Yamato as a coach.
Win 10 straight matches in D.U.S.
Tezuka Nationals Singles no miss
Clear using Ryoma (you cannot lose a single point).
Beat Ultimate Doubles.
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