Slave 1- Simply get in behind him in your Jedi Starfighter II and blow him to bits.
X-wing- Same thing as the Slave 1 but you have to be a lot quicker, be careful in front of him as he locks on very fast.
Grievous's Ship- Use the X-wing and make him dog fight, he doesn't have very good handling and is a big target.
Advanced Tie Fighter- The king of dog fighters! This ship has incredible maneuverability and awesome accuracy, your only advantage is he has no missiles and a large solar panel things on his sides that are easy targets when he turns. Don't get in front of him and speed up when he turns because he is superb and getting cheap shots in the middle of a loop.
Millenium Falcon- AHHH! Ok this one drove me nuts. There are 2 ways to do this. Use your X-wing and hope he doesn't turn around while you're locking on (Always fire at LEAST 2 missiles) Or use the Advanced Tie Fighter, get right up behind him and make him turn, presenting a big round target for you to blow away. Just don't get in front of him, he has 10 missiles and strong lasers, so you'll die as you're moving your shields to the front to charge him. The Falcon also takes the least damage when running into other ships, so don't go all kamikaze as you don't get the kill anyway.
You've beaten the bots! |
Submitted by JozerdanDefeating bodyguards with Anakin
In Anakin's story mode in the Utapau System, instead of fighting all of the bodyguards with staffs, ignore the yellow ones and take out the red ones; this will cause the others to retreat.
When fighting a Jedi, wait for his special attack then block it (press L). After this is done, attack him as hard you can.
Droids will always spawn at both sides of the tank. If they have blasters, deflect them and they will hit the tank's weapons. If they shoot grenades, Force Push the grenades towards the tank. If they are unarmed, they will leave parts behind after being destroyed; Force Push these towards the tank. When the tank has lost all its weapons, a droid will come out of the tank. Deflect its shots to destroy the droid. Note: At first the tank will fire normal lasers, which can also be deflected towards the tank.
Defeating the Droid Starfighter
Stand at the bottom of the screen. When it flies over you, use your lightsaber to slash upwards, then move upwards to avoid the bombs. When it flies over the ground, jump over it and use a jump attack to damage it. Walk back to the bottom of the screen. Repeat this until it becomes a walker. Then, jump over the laser beam and use jump attacks to damage the head. Using this method you should be able to defeat it without taking any damage. Note: Do not try to Force Push/Pull the bombs towards the ship -- it will not work.
On both Anakin's and Obi-Wans storylines, there is a mission where you must last 2:00 until the Clones arrive. To complete those missions easier, go up and down on the screen while jumping; the most they will hit you is four times.
Force upgrades for Anakin
Absorb Throw level 1: Drains enemy's life into fury (6 HP/sec).
Absorb Throw level 2: Drains enemy's life into fury (16 HP/sec).
Absorb Throw level 3: Drains enemy's life into fury (30 HP/sec).
Choke level 1: Breaks droids inner circuits/chokes humans (one enemy, 60 HP in 2 seconds).
Choke level 2: Breaks droids inner circuits/chokes humans (two enemies, 64 HP in 2 seconds).
Choke level 3: Breaks droids inner circuits/chokes humans (three enemies, 75 HP in 1.5 seconds).
Force Pull level 1: Pulls an enemy.
Force Pull level 2: Pulls an enemy and inflicts minimal damage.
Force Pull level 3: Pulls an enemy and inflicts maximum damage.
Force Push level 1: Pushes an enemy.
Force Push level 2: Pushes an enemy and inflicts minimal damage.
Force Push level 3: Pushes an enemy and inflicts maximum damage.
Rage level 1: Increases damage for the next three hits (damage X2).
Rage level 2: Increases damage for the next four hits (damage X3).
Rage level 3: Increases damage for the next five hits (damage X3).
Saber Throw level 1: Throws lightsaber.
Saber Throw level 2: Throws lightsaber with minimal control and damage.
Saber Throw level 3: Throws lightsaber with maximum control and damage.
Force upgrades for Obi-Wan
Force Heal level 1: Heals 15 HP/sec.
Force Heal level 2: Heals 30 HP/sec.
Force Heal level 3: Heals 60 HP/sec.
Force Pull level 1: Pull an enemy.
Force Pull level 2: Pull an enemy and inflicts minimal damage.
Force Pull level 3: Pull an enemy and inflicts maximum damage.
Force Push level 1: Knocks one enemy to the floor.
Force Push level 2: Knocks two enemies to the floor.
Force Push level 3: Knocks three enemies to the floor.
Force Shield level 1: Immune to blasters for 3 seconds.
Force Shield level 2: Immune to blasters and stun projectiles for 3 seconds.
Force Shield level 3: Invincible for 3 seconds.
Force Speed level 1: Increases the speed of movement by 25% for 3 seconds.
Force Speed level 2: Increases the speed of movement by 50% for 3 seconds.
Force Speed level 3: Increases the speed of movement by 50% for 5 seconds.
Mind Trick level 1: Stuns one enemy for 2 seconds.
Mind Trick level 2: Stuns three enemies for 2 seconds.
Mind Trick level 3: Stuns enemy for 2 seconds.
How to beat those annoying bots
Ok, the bots on Skirmish are driving you nuts. After lots of trial and error, here's a way to beat them. First of all, use your Jedi Starfighter 2 to start out with, don't use a ship with low or no shields because you will be screwed at the beginning of the match. First, beat Boba Fett and Luke for the Slave 1 and X-wing. If you can't do this, give up now because you'll never beat the other bots. Now, use the X-wing, it's the best you have for now. First, defeat General Griveous with it. His ship is poor at dogfighting and your X-wing should be able to take him down easily. Just don't attack him from the front, he'll destroy you before you can lock on to him. Next, take on Vader in his Advanced Tie Fighter. There is no sure fire kill for this ship because it can turn on a dime and can also tear you apart if you attack from the front. I like to stay away and try to lock on before he notices I'm there, you can dog fight it if you want, but this ship is the best dog fighter of them all. Ok, good, one left. There are two ways to take out Han Solo in the Millenium Falcon. One way is to use the Advanced Tie Fighter, get in right behind him to make him turn and present a huge round target for you to use those awesome lasers on. Just DON'T GET CAUGHT IN FRONT OF HIM for very long. The Falcon has 10 missiles and you have none, it will turn you into little flaming Vader bits. The other way is to use the X-wing, stay behind him at a good distance, lock on and fire 2 missiles, that should do it unless he's swerving, then fire all 4. (Make sure you don't lose your lock on in the middle of firing.) This strategy depends on you getting to some more missiles before the Falcon finds you again. Well good luck, and may the force be with you. |
Submitted by JozerdanObi-Wan's Mission One: Pursuit Of The Seperitists bonus mission
Successfully complete Obi-Wan's Utapau Control Center on any difficulty setting to unlock Obi-Wan's Mission One: Pursuit Of The Seperitists bonus mission.
Obi-Wan's Mission Three: Escape From Utapau bonus mission
Successfully complete Obi-Wan's Jedi Temple Entrance on any difficulty setting to unlock Obi-Wan's Mission Three: Escape From Utapau bonus mission.
To run left, press Left(2). To run right, press Right(2).
Self healing with Obi-Wan
You can heal yourself when you get the attack "Press R + B". Upgrade the Heal to level 3; it is worth it.
Some special power-ups are hidden in objects and environments; hit them with the lightsaber and they will appear.
Unlock Anakin's Starfighter
Beat the Anakin Bot in Multiplayer mode.
Unlock Darth Vader's Tie Fighter
Defeat Darth Vader Bot in Multiplayer mode.
Unlock General Grevious's Starfighter
Beat General Grevious Bot in Multiplayer mode.
Unlock Master difficulty for Anakin
Beat Obi on any difficulty.
Unlock Master difficulty for Obi-wan
Beat Anakin on any difficulty.
Beat the Solo Bot in Multiplayer mode.
Defeat Fett Bot in Multiplayer mode.
Beat the Luke Bot in Multiplayer mode.
Stamina: Adds more life to your character.
Strength: How much damage your character can take.
Intuition: A longer force bar.
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