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Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon on Nintendo DS

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Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon Cheats

After you get married whenever you go to the title screen the voice changes to your wifes voice. So instead of hearing a guy say "Rune Factory 2" you hear a girl say it.

You can marry the following girls.

Birthday: 9 Summer
Likes: Pink Turnip, 4-Leaf Clover, Sashimi

Birthday: 16 Spring
Likes: Toyherb, Carrot

Birthday: 28 Summer
Likes: Diamond, Strawberry

Birthday: 2 Winter
Likes: Char

Birthday: 27 Autumn
Likes: 4-Leaf Clover, Sweetie Potato

Birthday: 12 Summer
Likes: Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires, Amethyst, Apples

Birthday: 9 Spring
Likes: Daikon Radish

After you defeat the final Boss, your son or daughter wants to bring her or his father back from the Forest Of The Beginning. He or she will ask Barret if there is any way to bring is or her father back from the dead. He will say that there is a way but he has forgotten. There are four shrines that you have to complete. Each one has a dragon or a big Boss guarding four pieces of the puzzle to bring back your father. Before you get to the big Boss, you must go through a gauntlet of monsters for each of the four shrines. After you defeat each monster and the door open to the teleporter, you will see two switches on left and the right. When you press one of them, your character will say two things, either "I feel some strange power over me", or "Nothing happens". The first response is the one you want in order to continue. Kill the boss that has one of the four pieces of the book to revive your father. If you select the second response, you will have to do it over again with more monsters until you get the correct switch. After you have all four pieces of the puzzle, talk to Barret. He will take the spell and will not give it back to you. Your character will say "I will find a way to bring back my dad and get the book for that spell." Barret will hide it in the back in the library. It is on the bottom shelf on the left side of the library. Start to learn the new spell. Go to your house and take a nap. The next day you will wake up and go downstairs. Start to use the new spell to bring your father back from the Forest Of The Beginning. The spell will work and you will bring your father back. He will say "You didn't give up" and your character will explain that you missed him very much while he was gone. The credits and ending will start. Afterwards, your father will be downstairs by the fireplace and you can continue play as your son or daughter.

Get 100,000 gold and 1,000 wood in order to get the school.

Complete the indicated task in the Second Generation to unlock the corresponding costume in the dresser on the second floor.

Handsome Armor: Win the Adventure Contest.
Monster Costume: Win the Monster Taming Contest.

Each night before you go to bed repeatedly use fireball since it has the lowest RP usage untill you run out of RP. This will add major experience to your magic stat allowing you to use magic with a smaller RP reduction.

After you build and go to the school you start playing as your son or daughter(the 2nd generation) doing so unlocks a new intro movie and title screen with Aaron (son's pre-set name)a nd Aria(daugter's pre-set name)

NOTE: Kyle's (your first character's pre-set name) wife will only have one, child not both Aaron and Aria.

Items can be obtained from the indicated source at the listed location and time.

Trieste Forest (day)
Cheap Cloth: From orc with mace at Aegis Falls, Windy Pass (Aegis Falls path), Grassy Patch, Sun Dappled Spot, Great Tree, Ruins, Green Garden, Reflecting Water.
Root: From flower blossom at Grassy Patch.
Apple: From apple trees at Spring Clearing, Grassy Patch, Green Garden.
Arrowhead: From orc archers at Aegis Falls, Windy Pass (Mushroom Patch path), Ruins, Reflecting Water.
Plant Stem: From leaf ball at River Stream.
Spore: Mushroom Patch.

Trieste Forest (night)
Insect Skin: From red ant at Aegis Falls.
Apple: From trees at Grassy Patch, Green Garden.
Wooly Furball: From Woolies at Spring Clearing.
Arrowhead: From orc archers at Windy Pass (Mushroom Patch path), Ruins, Reflecting Water.
Strong String: From spider at Grassy Patch.
Root: From flower blossom at Grassy Patch.
Plant Stem: From leaf ball at River Stream.
Sparkle String: From spiders at Sun Dappled Spot, Great Tree.
Cheap Cloth: From orc with mace at Ruins, Reflecting Water.
Speckled Skin: From ants at Green Garden.

Blessia Island (day)
Quality Cloth: From dual sword pirates at South Beach, Southeast Beach, Southwest Beach, Altar/Old ship, North Beach, Ruined Shrine.
Giant's Fingernail: From giant without mace at Dense Overgrowth, North Beach, West Beach.
Tortoise Shell: From turtle at Sandy Path, Altar/Old Ship.
Skull: From goblins with dagger at SE Beach, center, SW Beach, West Beach.
Giant's Glove: From giants with mace at Silent Cave, Ruined Shrine.
Root: From flower blossom at South Beach.
Orange: From trees at West Beach, Altar/Old Ship, Dense Overgrowth.

Blessia Island (night)
Scorpion Tail: From scorpions at South Beach, Southeast Beach, Altar/Old Ship.
Panther Claw: From panthers at Southeast Beach, West Beach, Silent Cave, Ruined Shrine.
Tortoise Shell: From turtle at Sandy Path, Altar/Old Ship,.
Root: From flower blossom at Center, Dense Overgrowth, Cliff Top.
Scorpion Pincer: From scorpionss at North Beach, Silent Cave.
Hard Horn: From beetles at Dense Overgrowth, Southwest Beach, Cliff Top.
Oranges: From trees at West Beach, Altar/Old Ship, Dense Overgrowth.
Magic Crystal: From deathstalkers/fireballs at North Beach, Southwest Beach.

Messhina Valley (day)
Proof Of warrior: From dual sword goblin at Riverbank, Withered Road, Holy Statue.
Root: From flower blossom at Riverbank, path to mountain, Giant Boulder.
Cheap Bandage: From gob archer at path to mountain, Serene Garden, Withered Road.
Bird Feather: From birds at Serene Garden, path to mountain, Holy Statue.
Grapes: From tree at Riverbank, Giant Boulder.
Bull Horn: From buffalo at Giant Boulder,.
Magic Powder: From wizard at Cave/Hall, Cave/Altar.
Hood: From necromancer at Cave/Hall, Cave/Altar, Cave/Small Room.

Messhina Valley (night).
Insect Jaw: From bee at Withered Road, Ruins, Holy Statue.
Quality Fur: From squirrel at Withered Road, Holy Statue.
Root: From flower blossoms at Riverbank, path to mountain, Giant Boulder.
Small Egg: From chicken at Riverbank.
Fur: From squirrel at path to mountain, Serene Garden.
Small Milk: From buffamoo at Giant Boulder.
Magic Powder: From wizard at Cave/Hall, Cave/Altar.
Hood: From necromancer at Cave/Hall, Cave/Altar, Cave/Small Room.

Padova Mountains (day)
Wolf Fang: From wolf at Crossroads, Icy Path, Tomb.
Shoulder Piece: From knight at Crossroads, Iceberg Midway, Icy Path, Unfrozen Lake.
Root: From flower blossom at Iceberg Midway, Unfrozen Lake.
Fairy Dust: From pixie at Tomb.
Magic Crystal: From tundra/iceball at Rushing Waterfall, Shrine.
Little Crystal: From slime at Narrow Path, Blocked off Cave.
Magic Powder: From Wizard at Rushing Waterfall, Shrine.
Hood: From necromancer at Flowing River.

Padova Mountains (night)
Glue: From dual axe knight at Crossroads, Iceberg Midway, Icy Path, Unfrozen Lake.
Wolf Fang: From wolf at Crossroads, Flowing River, Icy Path, Tomb.
Fish Fossil: From fish at Freezing Cave,.
Root: From flower blossom at Iceberg Midway, Unfrozen Lake.
Fairy Dust: From pixie at Rushing Waterfall.
Magic Powder: From wizard at Shrine.

You can get items from the following animals.

Bees can be gathered for honey.
Buffamoos in Messhina Valley can be milked.
Chickens in Messhina Valley can be gathered for eggs.
Wolves from Padova can be ridden.
Woolies in Trieste Forest at night can be clipped for fleece.

Complete the indicated task to unlock the outfit:

OutfitHow to unlock


Cecila the little elf girl from the first rune factory is here and marigable. When you first talk to her she talks about her life in kardia (her home in rune factoy 1)

P.S: She likes gems. ruby, emerald, diamond, and amathyst are the ones she likes.

Complete quests for the following people to unlock the corresponding tools as a reward.

Axe: Tanya
Brush and Taming Glove: Cecilia
Clippers: Egan
Fishing Pole: Barret
Hammer: Gordon
Hoe and Watering Can: Mana
Sickle: Jake

You can get work from the following enemies.

Goblin pirates from Blessia can water.
Orcs with maces from Trieste can harvest.

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