On a special mission u r asked 2 go and capture mew. The only way to get it is to track it down and get a shedinja without challenging mew (also get a mankey primeapr or heracross to make it easier) then use shedinjas poke assist and wait for mew to float into it then use a fighting poke assist to divide capture loops by 2.
The best way to capture pokemon is to draw big circles, but quick. This will take practise. This won't really work on pokemon that have over 10 circles.
Catch Seaking in sea challenge
Capture 2 Goldeen and Seaking will appear.
Catch Wailmer in the sea challenge
Capture 2 Goldeen and then Seaking will appear. Capture 2 Seaking, then Wailmer will appear.
When catching flygon, wait till he flies off the screen,then when he comes back draw loops around him as fast as you can. |
Submitted by BrandonYou must first block the Pokemon from three sides and stand in the fourth side of it. Then, throw a Pokeball to catch it. You will not be allowed to keep the Pokemon throughout the entire game. You must release it after about ten battles or it will run away.
All you need to do is catch 2 abra and then catch any pther pokemon successfuly then slowpoke will appear. |
Submitted by kevingClear The Rockfalls! [Walkthrough]
If you have just came into this mission and are stuck then this will help you. You need to find the Hariyama Dojo inside the tunnel. Then catch 3/4 Hariyamas (4 just incase)
You will also need to deafeat Team Go-Rock squad when they appear. I'll leave you to find Hariyama Dojo for yourself. |
Submitted by JonnyWhen the battle starts do not try to capture at the beginning. Wait until he spits fire up. Then, wait until the fire goes onto the floor. Choose a spot where Charizard is going and use your capture device to take damage on those fires. Do this at least two to four times then circle as fast as you can. If done correctly you should have captured Charizard.
Get Entei, Suicune, and Raikou
To get them easily u will need:
full discharge
full styler
To catch Raikou all u need to do is that after he uses thunder 4 times use poke assist with glalie. To catch suicune, when u know the real one use poke assist gengar And to catch Entei, after he has no flames on his body use discharce after that use medicham to catch it faster. Only use the raichu when battling Entei. I hope this helps. With this i beat the game in on August 17 2007 at 12:01 am. I beat the game in 10 hours and 51 minutes
Charizard #1: 16
Charizard #2: 11
Entei: 13
Flaygon: 6
Kingdra: 6
Machoke: 9
Marcrow: 7
Minel: 3
Muk: 10
Ridon: 8
Salimance: 22
Scizor: 11
Slakoff: 12
Stellex: 12
When you get to the end of the game and you have to catch Entei from Gordon. Entei is the hardest to catch but, I know how to catch it. Here is how you do it: Try to catch about 3 Electric types, 2 Ghost types, and 2 Fighting types. The Electric types will charge your styler, the Ghost tpes will send out little ghost that scare the pokemon you are tring to catch, and the Fighting types will double your circle power. First use a Fighting type, then use a Ghost type but , if your styler is low on power use a Electric type. Guess What? you have Entei! |
Submitted by OwenKissCatch 2 Horsea, Kingdra will then appear.
How to catch Psyduck in sea challenge
Catch 2 Staryu, then Starmie will appear, catch 2 Starmie and then Psyduck appear.
First go to this loacation sekra range keep on going untill your close to fiore temple.when your close to the stairs to fiore temple go to the right.Then you'll see a big boulder.you will need a golem,polywhirl,and a blaziken.use golem's field move to crush the boulder then you will see a flower use polywhirl's field move to grow the flower.then climb the flower then you will see a cave go straight in the cave. keep going forward you will see a gaint icecube use the blaziken's field move to melt it keep going you will see another cave then go in the 2nd cave keep going and then you will see regirock.enjoy.note:you must beat the game to do this cheat. |
Submitted by CalFirst go to this Sekra Range keep on going untill your close to Fiore Temple.when your close to the stairs to Fiore Temple go to the right.Then you'll see a big boulder.you will need a Golem,Polywhirl,and Blaziken.use Golem's field move to crush the boulder then you will see a flower use Polywhirl's field move to grow the flower.then climb the flower then you will see a cave go straight in the cave. keep going forward you will see a giant ice cube use the blaziken's field move to melt it keep going you will see another cave then go in the 2nd cave keep going and then you will see regirock.enjoy.note:you must beat the game to do this cheat. |
Submitted by CalFirst,go to the Sekra Range.Keep on going untill your close to the Fiore Temple.When your close to the stairs to Fiore Temple go to the right.Then you'll see a big boulder.You will need a Golem,Poliwhirl,and Blaziken.Use Golem's field move to crush the boulder.Then you will see a flower.USE Poliwhirl's field move to make the flower grow.Then climb the flower.Then you will see a cave.Go in the cave.When go in the cave if you keep going forward.Then you will see a giant ice cube.Use your blaziken field move to meilt it.Then keep going forward.Then you will see anther cave.Go in it.then you will see Regirock.Enjoy.Note:this will only work if you beat the game. |
Submitted by CalGoto the pokemon official website and click on manaphy.com then click on get manaphy when you follow the steps there bam manaphy egg and you can upload it to diamond and pearl. |
Submitted by pokemonlegendWhen you're on Summerland go into the forest and you'll here the music from Mario Bros.. This is not in any other part of the game. |
Submitted by graytmaxYou need the action replay for this cheat. Put the ar and game in the DS. Turn on the DS. Touch the star with the styler. You will see a list of cheats. Scroll down until you see the one for max styler, touch it with the styler, and start the game. The styler level should be 64 or try again. |
Submitted by Pokemonlover123When you see the Muk when clearing out grimer make sure you have three more pokemon to help you catch it and your partener pokemon can use his special poke power. Go for Grimer frist. |
Submitted by pokemonlegendObtaining The Manaphy Egg
First, you have to play through the entire game until the "Ranger Net" is available. When it is, open it. After opening it press the top right trigger, the X button, and the left on the directional pad simultaneously. After that, a Screen should come up that says "Enter The Password Has Been Added". Tap the screen and wait as the game saves. After it saves, tap the screen again and a new menu will come up that says "Enter The Password".Tap the "Enter The Password" menu and it will prompt you to type in the password. Type in EXACTLY P8M2-9D6F-43H7. After this a new Mission will be available in the "Play A Special Mission" menu. Tap on the "Recover The Precious Egg" mission and play it all of the way through. After completing the mission, go back to "Ranger Net" and where the "Enter The Password" menu used to be is a new menu that says "Check The Egg". Tap on it and follow the directions. After doing so, tap the "Send Message" button. Your game will send the egg to your Pokémon Pearl or Pokémon Diamond game where you can hatch and raise Manaphy. WARNING: THIS CAN ONLY BE DONE ONCE AND MANAPHY CAN ONLY BE HATCHED AND RAISED IN Pokémon Pearl OR Pokémon Diamond. |
Submitted by whombat1000@yahoo.comSuccessfully complete the game, then press L + R + A + X + Y + Left at the first Ranger Net screen. An option to enter passwords will appear under the "Play a special mission" option.
To get the Rayquaza mission, you first need to calm down Groudon. Go to Wintown. You will see that the ranger leader of Wintown will be outside. Talk to her and she will bring you inside and tell the entire story. She tells that you need to get to Chris at the temple where you defeated Gordor. You will again see the Team Go-Rock Squad Grunts and some people who want to battle with you. When you approach Rayquaza he fight you. Rayquaza is the most difficult to catch Pokemon. The best way is to use a golem.
You can find Registeel at the Krokka tunnel. You will need two Pokemon that can transport you with a vine to a pile (for example Ivysaur). You will also need four Pokemon that can break level 2 boulders. Registeel is difficult to catch, but you can do it without any Poke-Assist. His only attack will be falling iron balls.
To catch slowpoke go to the Grassland challenge. And get a good score on it.Then if you still have time you may find him. |
Submitted by CalTo catch Snorlax, you must catch all of the other pokémon in the pokédex. He then wakes up and you can catch him, but he may not be as easy as you may think, you must complete twenty capture circles around it to capture it. |
Submitted by whombat1000This trick requires two DS systems and Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. Successfully complete the Manaphy mission, then check the Egg in Ranger Net. You will be asked if you want to start wireless communication. Do so, then choose the transferring option on Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. The egg will now be transferred from Pokemon Ranger to Diamond or Pearl.
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