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Also when you choose your partner, there will only be shown 8 pokémon's, but if you only select one of those and then say no to this, then will about the half of them be replaced by some others that you can choose too. At last a good tip. Read all information and all text, everything twice. There can be some kind of VERY GOOD information in it. | Submitted by Daniel
to warn you to save reviver seeds good luck to you all hope you get through it all. | Submitted by DarkLord9909
fq8+#y2&s51=18n7hw-%xh78 100 Rescue Point arrest. 2C%@PF8S75MP-3JR383&8P%J 1000 Rescue Point arrest. 7&SK8Y+0C9YF06KKNN+2+F8K 1300 Rescue Point arrest (Harder) #-R8Y&%9X--+S-7F7%86@1R@ Brown Gummi Steam Cave 6F (50) 7Y9M KMR% WWKX +WCW 97## CJ17 Dragonite Joins the Team PXJ6 34F4 4Q3F QW&K YRX5 38+= Enigma Part CQ@8 TMN- M46X2CFM 9YXH X5WK Friend Bow K%M1 W=69 5Q0= JCF0 53RH S90R Garchomp recruitment 1PH1TKH7=9MJNY2T58-33Y90 Get a Golden Apple. 3JY0#XHQRK173X4-SY1M+HHX Get the Golden Chamber of Hidden Land. @q8S T1MF #YRP 6-32 MPKY 9#&& Glailie recruitment %H#N 33@F 66#5 6%CT 2H9W =4QF Landslide Cave F=4X T7SH M8+3 #C62 Q37H 3JJ3 Leafeon recruitment Serenity River B4F YNP5Q&%9HP5+SWK560P0W1%W Lost Wilderness Q+6% S98X -1T- 8#T2 68S9 &K+J Lush Prairie Q&+2%1CSS1XMWY-48T0TC20Y Mt Mistral R#F&=7R3R37X+Q+& 6FWK YJN5 Oran Forest N@34 8SM9 6-R6 2Q2K #MJ% -6+Y Piplup (female) -7=5 8@%9 1@+4 T0-0 =9%C 7=8C Recruit Dratini Y2YS W595 T=XJ 39Y0 TWW2 +RY0 Recruit eevee F6YP -R6& N#0N 0NX4 TJ#2 HW3N Recruit Totodile 7=W@ P2FX MK@0 N-H0 RWQ# K#8P Recruits Charmander 6@YW ST%H +TN& C0K7 Y7#& SQ-7 Riolu S=W7 3&8S 2CSQ 0-7Y HP3+ H260 Secret Stoneplate S6P& 198+ -5QY R&22 FJMK W1XF Serenity River CX-- +YSJ M59X 5T9M 5@&K &5=7 Shimmer Hill. PMJ- &T@9 =5H3 H4H0 +&X0 =@%J Smeargle 99KN FFRS N7#P %K@K YW2C J9+T Staraptor Joins the Team JXWM 2P6Y 1MST C-1& PQP# +1XS Tyranitar Joins the Team PJC21R&J0H%2F6WK5MJS+%Q+ Unlock Happy Outlook J6KR 2RRS FM33 KM21 TNT# SW#8 Unlock Midnight Forest &@R6 &TC- 7=5T MMY& P2SK HHY@ Unlock Serenity River & Tyranitar @QYP SJ@- N-J% TH6= 4-SK 32CR Unlocks a Rank D "Arrest Venomoth" mission in the Beach Cave that has the Golden Mask as a reward. FN01HWN-00%F 8678 +XY@ &%#3 Unlocks Bottomless Sea Boss: Kyogre Reward: Water Harmonica (Increases recruit rate for Water type Pokemon) FH0THYNHR0QF 86N8+SY@&%YN Unlocks Giant Volcano Boss: Heatran Reward: Frie Drum (Increase recruit rate for Fire type Pokemon) 78SR-H2MP0+4 Y6FY1&Y+#R9S Unlocks Maze Cave Boss: Gabite Reward: Gabite's Scale 4MP=K98#CT%Y R@--&P7%%K86 Unlocks Mt. Avalanche Cave Boss: Articuno Reward: Ice Flute (Increase recruit rate for Ice type Pokemon) X%8S WYY+ S-JF PFH@ @##K 5W8K Unlocks Mysterious Jungle. Boss: Mew. Reward: Grass Trumpet (Increases recruit rate for Grass type Pokemon) #&S6 NY2& YJN= 1P57 F0MN MH7Y Unlocks Shimmering Desert. Boss: Groudon. Reward: Earth Cymbal (Increases recruit rate for Ground type Pokemon) HW+8 66%T 5S51 +J5Y 4-K# H@P- Unlocks Sky Stairs. Boss: Rayquaza. Reward: Flying Pianaca (Increases recruit rate for Flying type Pokemon) WNWYJXTK&5C14N3-P4NM8K&C Unlocks The Great Hole Boss: Giratina Reward: Rock Megaphone - (Increases Recruit Rate for Rock Pokémon) -3K7 9+68 5JR= J&C2 C#J1 H8%9 Unlocks the misson for the Mystery Part FCCS#09=5T+6Y#033P@YPQ#@ Unlocks Tiny Meadow 08CHWQ7-9P58S7NXM+25PTMH Vanish Seed + ? Crystal Cave B8F (200) 4N%Q 8M64 M3XQ 8P03 70XW -XM3 | Submitted by Daniel
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