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Pokemon Black

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Pokemon Black on Nintendo DS

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Pokemon Black Cheats

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the coresponding Trainer Card color:

Black: Complete the National Pokedex.
Gold: Obtain all Pokemon Musical Items.
Purple: Defeat the Elite Four.
Red: Get a 49 Streak in both Super Single and Super Double Subway lines in the Battle Subway.
Silver: Obtain all Entralink Powers.

Walk over to shaking patches of tall grass to have a chance to encounter Audino. Note: Use Repel in grass to find shaking patches easier.

Set the system date to your birthday. Then, go to the Pokemon Musical, and talk to the owner upstairs to get the birthday cake prop.

Set the system date to your birthday. Then, talk to the nurse at a Pokemon Center, and she will ask if it is your birthday. Answer "Yes", and she will wish you a happy birthday.

When encountering a Pokemon you intend to catch (seems to work best on Pokemon of reasonably high level; at least high level 30s), weaken it in whatever manner you desired (HP reduction, status infliction, etc.) then throw an ordinary Poke Ball. When the view zooms in on the Pokemon, use your stylus to trace counter-clockwise circles around the Poke Ball symbol on the touch screen. While doing so, make sure to not trace your circles too fast or too slow. Try to find a good median speed to trace with. This should either make the contained Pokemon roll more or get captured in one roll. Note: That will not work every time you try to catch a Pokemon; it can simply make captures easier with ordinary Poke Balls.

Successfully complete the indicated task to change forms:

Arceus: Give a plate to Arceus to have it change form.
Deerling and Sawsbuck: Deerling and Sawsbuck will change into their Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter forms depending on the current season based on the system time.
Deoxys: Examine the meteor in the museum in Nacrene to cycle through Deoxys' Normal, Attack, Defense, and Speed forms.
Eevee: Fight enemies near the moss-covered stone in Pinwheel Forest to evolve into Leafeon. Fight enemies near the frozen ice crystal at the bottom of Twist Mountain to evolve into Glaceon.
Feebas: Trade Feebas while it is holding a Prism Scale (obtained on Route 13) to evolve into Milotic.
Giratina: Give Giratina a Griseous Orb from the Shadow Triad on the Marvelous Bridge to change into its Origin form.
Karrablast and Shelmet: To evolve Karrablast and Shelmet, trade one for the other with another player. The Karrablast will evolve into Escavalier and the Shelmet will evolve into Accelgor.
Magneton: Fight enemies in Chargestone Cave to evolve into Magnezone.
Nosepass: Fight enemies in Chargestone Cave to evolve into Probopass.
Rotom: Open the boxes in the first door on Floor 1 of Shopping Mall Nine to change into Rotom's Normal, Heat, Wash, Frost, Fan, and Mow forms.
Shaymin: Give a Gracidea (from the woman in the Pokemon Center in Lacunosa Town) to Shaymin to change it into its Sky form.

In Driftveil City, there is a market where you can buy "medicinal herbs." These herbs include Heal Powder, Energy Powder, Energy Root, and Revival Herb. The Heal Powder recovers any status problems of a single Pokemon and is the equivalent of a Full Heal, which costs 600 PokeDollars, and only costs 450 PokeDollars. The EnergyPowder recovers 50 HP and is the equivalent of a Super Potion, which costs 700 PokeDollars, and only costs 500 PokeDollars. The Energy Root recovers 200 HP and is the equivalent of a Hyper Potion, which costs 1,200 PokeDollars, and only costs 800 PokeDollars. And finally, the Revival Root. This precious herb is the exact equivalent of a Max Revive and only costs 2,800 PokeDollars which is a high price, but at least "Max Revives" can be bought within the game.

To easily increase a Pokemon's base stats, go to one of the bridges. There will be shadows that appear on them and wings that increase a Pokemon's base stats will appear approximately 60% of the time; the other 40% of the time Ducklett or Swana will appear.

After defeating the Elite Four, go to the Giant Chasm with two Blisseys in the back of your party. After encountering the Ditto, send in Blissey. Let the Ditto transform into Blissey, then switch out, and defeat the fake Blissey for easy experience.

During the Victini event, after you defeat the Team Plasma members on your way to Victini, save the game. Keep fighting off Victini for 500 to 700 experience points. Note: Victini reappears every time you run away or accidentally defeat it.

Drop of the desired Pokemon at the Day Care center on Route 3. For each step you take, your Pokemon in the Day Care center will gain 1 experience point. Run back and forth on the Skyarrow Bridge twenty or more times. Your Pokemon should have leveled up a few levels by the time you are done. Repeat this process for any desired Pokemon. Note: Make sure you have a lot of money. You must pay 100 Coins each time your Pokemon levels up.

Once you defeat the Elite 4 for the first time during the story, you can travel the eastern side of Unova. From Nimbasa City, go east to begin your journey. You will end up on Marvelous Bridge. Once there, notice that you will occasionally hear a "wing-flap" sound, and a small dark area (similar to those seen in lakes and in caves) will appear in a random location on the bridge. There will be a 50% chance that when you step on the dark spot, it will either be a "Wing" or a Swanna, the White Bird Pokemon. These "Wings" include the Health Wing, Muscle Wing, Resist Wing, Genius Wing, Clever Wing, Swift Wing, and Pretty Wing. These all give effects similar to those of the Vitamins (Protien, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, etc.) but can be sold for 1,500 PokeDollars. They are very easy to obtain. Keep finding these "Wings" and sell them in large quantities.

To easily catch the Pokemon that show up in different seasons, instead of waiting for the season to change, simply change the system date under the DS settings to the desired month of the season you want it to be. Then, go to any zone, and it will be the corresponding season you changed the date to. You can now catch the different seasonal Pokemon and gain the seasonal items.

The following items can be found at the indicated locations.

Amulet Coin: Unite the three dancers in Castelia City. Defeat first one by the fountain and he will ask you to find two other dancers. They are found on Narrow Street and on a Unity Pier. Fight them and then talk to them afterwards. Return to the fountain and talk to the dancer in the middle to get the Amulet Coin, which increases the money you gain.
Big Root: Found in Pinwheel Forest or 5% chance from a wild Lileep or Cradily. This item increases the HP that results from successful Energy draining moves (for example, Leech Seed).
Black Sludge: Has a 5% chance from a wild Trubbish, Croagunk, or Toxicroak or 50% chance from a wild Garbodor. This item restores 1/16th of a Poison-type Pokemon's HP every turn. It damages other types when held.
Health Wig: Defeat the fourth gym leader then begin to cross Charizard Bridge. Toward the middle is a shadowy black dot floating on the ground. Step on top of it to get the Health Wig, which increases the base health level of a Pokemon.
Experience Share: Given to you by the CEO/Janitor of the Battle Company on the Floor 55 in Castelia City.
Leftovers: Found in a garbage can under the Village Bridge between Route 11 and Route 12. The Dousing Machine must be used to find it. This item restores 1/16th of a Pokemon's health every turn.
Lucky Egg: Given to you by Professor Juniper when you arrive at Chargestone Cave on Route 6. This item gives extra experience points to the Pokemon holding it in any battle it participates in.
Macho Brace: Found in Nimbasa City, from a man standing at the eastern gate. This item will doubles the EV points the Pokemon gets in battle but will halves its speed stat.
Scope Lens: Found on Floor 47 in the Battle Company in Castelia City. This item boosts a Pokemon's critical hit ratio.
Power Hold items: Purchased at the Battle Subway.
Power Weight: +4 HP EV points after every battle, 50% speed stat.
Power Bracer: +4 Attack EV points after every battle, 50% speed stat.
Power Belt: +4 Defense EV points after every battle, 50% speed stat.
Power Lens: +4 Special Attack EV points after every battle, 50% speed stat.
Power Band: +4 Special Defense EV points after every battle, 50% speed stat.
Power Anklet: +4 HP EV points after every battle, 50% speed stat.

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE

Ok guys there is 2 ways you can get either pokemon. The first way is by getting Heart Gold or Soul Silver and capturing Celebi and all three legendary dogs and trading them over to pokemon black or white. the second way is easy and cheap for those who cant afford to bu all the games or a second DS, or if you dont know someone who has one. If you have a gameboy advance SP all you need to do is get a game shark(If you can find one, check at or go to best buy for your best bet.) Use the game shark select any pokemon game like,Fire Red, Leaf Green, Ruby, Saphire, or Emerald. Select the pokemon(Celebi, and the three legendary dogs from the johto region.) Capture them and transfer them to pokemon diamond or peral,when have accesed palpark. Then get another DS and transfer them over to Black or White. Once you've done that you need to find zorua and zoroarks location. (F.Y.I. i'm not sure if the gameshark pokemon will work, i havent done it myself yet. but wonce i have i will let you know.) now zoruas location is pretty simple. fly or travel to castelia city, now there is a street to your right or your charecters left based on how you play(the player must be faced away from the pokemon center.) now the street is next to the center, head down that street and go into the first building on the right. now in the lobby there is only to people, a boy and the girl. if you talk to them the girl will talk to you and the boy wont. the boy is zorua. now you must have celebi with you, and i dont think you fight zorua but you do get to pick the pokeball you want zorua in. now zoroark, fly or travel to nimbasa city, home to the battle subway and the game stadiums and the music stadium. you have to travel to the path that goes east of the music stadium that leads out of town to one of the big bridges. now there is a forest called lostlorn forest. now you must travel to the very back and in the very back you find a truck with a camper. now when you go inside there is a women but she doesnt speak to you, now this is zoroark. now you must have the three legendary dogs of the johto region, and instead of you going in to talk to her it is said she comes out to you. now this follows from the pokemon movie allusions of zoroark. now this is the real way to catch them, you dont need to do some event or anything but just do what i have told you. (F.Y.I. you might want to save before you encounter them so if you kill them you can turn the game off and back on to try again.) | Submitted by ColePataki

To evolve Karrablast and Shelmet, trade one for the other with another player. The Karrablast will evolve into Escavalier and the Shelmet will evolve into Accelgor.

This requires a Pokemon that knows Fly and another that knows Surf (for example, Basculin and Pidove); or a Pokemon that can learn both (for example, Ducklett or Swanna). Surf onto any body of water, then use Fly. As you fly away, notice that you will leave your Pokemon with Surf in the water.

First note that Trick Room reverses the turn order in battle by speed: for example, Pokemon with 200 Speed move before those with 300 Speed in Trick Room. However, there is a way to bypass this if you are using faster Pokemon. By using moves such as Agility that multiply the user's Speed, you can outspeed those in Trick Room. You will need to have an effective Speed stat of 1809 or higher to do this: that means your Speed must be quadrupled (raised six stages, like 3 uses of Agility).

This, however, can only be done with Ninjask and Deoxys's Speed Forme, even with this maximal boost in Speed, a Speed-boosting Nature, and maximum IVs and EVs in Speed. The use of a Choice Scarf opens this up to many more Pokemon, however: with a Choice Scarf and Speed that is raised six stages, any Pokemon with 302 Speed or more can make use of this glitch.

Defeat the Elite Four. Then, leave your house after the credits complete, and Professor Juniper's father will upgrade your Pokedex to the National Dex.

Go to the second floor of the building with the scientist that wants a password at Castelia City. Talk to him, and say "Everyone Happy", then "Simple Connection". Save the game, and you can now use the "Relocator" option at the main menu to transfer the Legendary Trio (Raikou, Suicune, and Entei) and Celebi to Pokemon Black or Pokemon White.

This glitch works in Double and Triple Battles, and is extremely crippling to whoever is the recipient of its effects. When someone is using Sky Drop and Gravity is used while the two Sky Dropping Pokemon are in mid-air, the two Pokemon will be forced back to the ground. However, the target of the Sky Drop move will not be able to do anything, as if it was still up in the air: at the same time, however, it can be hurt. In other words, it is now a completely unfunctioning Pokemon whose only purpose is to be KO'ed.

The Thrash move's sound effect resembles the beginning of the Super Mario Bros. main theme.

To basically increase a Pokemon's base stats, go to one of the bridges (for example, Driftveil Drawbridge or Marvelous Bridge). There will be flying Pokemon shadows that appear on them and wings that increase a Pokemon's base stats will appear about 60% of the time; the other 40% of the time wild Ducklett and Swanna will appear. The wings that appear are:

Health Wing - HP
Muscle Wing - Assault
Resist Wing - Defense
Genius Wing - Special Assault
Smart Wing - Special Defense
Swift Wing - Speed

Note: All wings except the Wing will raise the base stats until they reach 255.

Unity Tower is located in the oceans of Unova. To access it, do an international trade using the Geonet. Then, travel to Unity Tower by getting on the boat at the Unity Pier at Castelia City. The Unity Tower tracks people from different countries available on the Geonet. You may talk to these people and track things about them.

Use the Nintendo WiFi connection to get the Mystery Gift (the Liberty Pass) from the main menu before April 10, 2011. Use the Liberty Pass to catch Victini in the dungeon of the tower at Liberty Garden.

Defeat the Elite Four to unlock a new set of wallpapers. Defeat them again to unlock another set of wallpapers.

Drop off a Zoroark and Lucario at the Pokemon Day Care. Their egg will be a Zora.

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