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Lost Magic

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Lost Magic on Nintendo DS

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Lost Magic Cheats

After you beat the White Bishop, you will be given a choice by the Diva of Twilight. If you choose to keep your wand, you will branch off into the "evil" storyline. If you choose to give up your wand, you branch off into the "good" storyline. Both with different endings.

Unlockable - How to Unlock

Bad Path - Keep you wand when asked by the Diva of Twilight.
Good Path - Give up your Wand when asked by the Diva of Twilight.

This is very handy to know! Each element monster absorbs that element. For example: you are fighting the fire sage and you have fire hounds, fire sage uses fire on one of the fire hounds, the firehounds GET health instead of losing it. This works for EVERY element! | Submitted by Jascarn

When you go to lava lake make sure you have fire creatures like red shogs and other ones with you because then when your monsters attack the enemy they wont get hurt by the lava and they will actually be healed instead. You will have more monsters attacking the enemy so you are more likely to defeat them. | Submitted by Wiseguy2

This is the complete list of ALL the spells in the game + combo's(duo rune/triple rune)

Spell List

001. Fireball- Fire 1 (Fire)
002. Ice Shot- Ice 1 (Water)
003. Wind Blades- Wind 1 (Wind)
004. Earth Wall- Earth 1 (Earth)
005. Heal Light- Light 1 (Light)
006. Trap- Dark 1 (Dark)
007. Explosion- Fire 2 (Fire)
008. Storm- Water 2 (Water)
009. Wind Shards- Wind 2 (Wind)
010. Tough Armour- Earth 2 (Earth)

011. Light Armour- Light 2 (Light)
012. Curse- Dark 2 (Dark)
013. Fire Rain- Fire 3 (Fire)
014. Freeze- Water 3 (Water)
015. Transport- Wind 3 (Wind)
016. Boulder- Earth 3 (Earth)
017. Restore- Light 3 (Light)
018. Poison- Dark 3 (Dark)
019. Fire Lance- Fire 1, Fire 1 (Fire)
020. Homing Fire- Fire1, Fire 2 (Fire)

021. Blazer- Fire 1, Fire 3 (Fire)
022. Ice Lance- Fire 1, Water 1 (Water)
023. Homing Ice- Fire 1, Water 2 (Water)
024. Freezer- Fire 1, Water 3 (Water)
025. Wind Lance- Fire 1, Wind 1 (Wind)
026. Homing Wind- Fire 1, Wind 2 (Wind)
027. Blade Gale- Fire 1, Wind 3 (Wind)
028. Rock Lance- Fire 1, Earth 1 (Earth)
029. Homing Rock- Fire 1, Earth 2 (Earth)
030. Rocker- Fire 1, Earth 3 (Earth)

031. Light Lance- Fire 1, Light 1 (Light)
032. Homing Light- Fire 1, Light 2 (Light)
033. Judgement- Fire 1, Light 3 (Light)
034. Dark Lance- Fire 1, Dark 1 (Dark)
035. Homing Dark- Fire 1, Dark 2 (Dark)
036. Dark Crush- Fire 1, Dark 3 (Dark)
037. Ruby Blast- Fire 2, Fire 1 (Fire)
038. Fiery Blast- Fire 2, Fire 2 (Fire)
039. Hell Blast- Fire 2, Fire 3 (Fire)
040. Ice Storm- Fire 2, Water 1 (Water)

041. Ice Torrent- Fire 2, Water 2 (Water)
042. Absolute 0- Fire 2, Water 3 (Water)
043. Typhoon- Fire 2, Wind 1 (Wind)
044. Tornado- Fire 2, Wind 2 (Wind)
045. Hurricane- Fire 2, Wind 3 (Wind)
046. Earth Fury- Fire 2, Earth 1 (Earth)
047. Earth Rage- Fire 2, Earth 2 (Earth)
048. Earth Roar- Fire 2, Earth 3 (Earth)
049. White Light- Fire 2, Light 1 (Light)
050. Gold Light- Fire 2, Light 2 (Light)

051. God Light- Fire 2, Light 3 (Light)
052. Dark BLast- Fire 2, Dark 1 (Dark)
053. Black Blast- Fire 2, Dark 2 (Dark)
054. Final Blast- Fire 2, Dark 3 (Dark)
055. Fire Wyrm- Fire 3, Fire 1 (Fire)
056. Blaze Wyrm- Fire 3, Fire 2 (Fire)
057. Hell Wyrm- Fire 3, Fire 3 (Fire)
058. Frost Wyrm- Fire 3, Water 1 (Water)
059. Ice Wyrm- Fire 3, Water 2 (Water)
060. Frozen Wyrm- Fire 3, Water 3 (Water)

061. Wind Wyrm- Fire 3, Wind 1 (Wind)
062. Gale Wyrm- Fire 3, Wind 2 (Wind)
063. Storm Wyrm- Fire 3, Wind 3 (Wind)
064. Rock Wyrm- Fire 3, Earth 1 (Earth)
065. Cliff Wyrm- Fire 3, Earth 2 (Earth)
066. Crag Wyrm- Fire 3, Earth 3 (Earth)
067. White Wyrm- Fire 3, Light 1 (Light)
068. Light Wyrm- Fire 3, Light 2 (Light)
069. God Wyrm- Fire 3, Light 3 (Light)
070. Black Wyrm- Fire 3, Dark 1 (Dark)

071. Dark Wyrm- Fire 3, Dark 2 (Dark)
072. Evil Wyrm- Fire 3, Dark 3 (Dark)
073. Rapid Fire- Water 1, Fire 1 (Fire)
074. Wide Fire- Water 1, Fire 2 (Fire)
075. Maxi Fire- Water 1, Fire 3 (Fire)
076. Rapid Ice- Water 1, Water 1 (Water)
077. Wide Ice- Water 1, Water 2 (Water)
078. Maxi Ice- Water 1, Water 3 (Water)
079. Rapid Wind- Water 1, Wind 1 (Wind)
080. Wide Wind- Water 1, Wind 2 (Wind)

081. Maxi Wind- Water 1, Wind 3 (Wind)
082. Rapid Earth- Water 1, Earth 1 (Earth)
083. Wide Earth- Water 1, Earth 2 (Earth)
084. Maxi Earth- Water 1, Earth 3 (Earth)
085. Rapid Light- Water 1, Light 1 (Light)
086. Wide Light- Water 1, Light 2 (Light)
087. Maxi Light- Water 1, Light 3 (Light)
088. Rapid Dark- Water 1, Dark 1 (Dark)
089. Wide Dark- Water 1, Dark 2 (Dark)
090. Maxi Dark- Water 1, Dark 3 (Dark)

091. Rain Fire- Water 2, Fire 1 (Fire)
092. Hail Fire- Water 2, Fire 2 (Fire)
093. Hail Blaze- Water 2, Fire 3 (Fire)
094. Rain Frost- Water 2, Water 1 (Water)
095. Hail Frost- Water 2, Water 2 (Water)
096. Hail Ice- Water 2, Water 3 (Water)
097. Rain Gale- Water 2, Wind 1 (Wind)
098. Hail Gale- Water 2, Wind 2 (Wind)
099. Hail Storm- Water 2, Wind 3 (Wind)
100. Rain Rock- Water 2, Earth 1 (Earth)

101. Hail Rock- Water 2, Earth 2 (Earth)
102. Hail Stone- Water 2, Earth 3 (Earth)
103. Rain Light- Water 2, Light 1 (Light)
104. Hail Light- Water 2, Light 2 (Light)
105. Pure Thunder- Water 2, Light 3 (Light)
106. Dark Rays- Water 2, Dark 1 (Dark)
107. Hail Dark- Water 2, Dark 2 (Dark)
108. Black Hail- Water 2, Dark 3 (Dark)
109. Burn Up- Water 3, Fire 1 (Fire)
110. Roast Up- Water 3, Fire 2 (Fire)

111. Crisp Up- Water 3, Fire 3 (Fire)
112. Bubble- Water 3, Water 1 (Water)
113. Bubble Up- Water 3, Water 2 (Water)
114. Bubbles!!- Water 3, Water 3 (Water)
115. Rebound- Water 3, Wind 1 (Wind)
116. Reprisal- Water 3, Wind 2 (Wind)
117. Revenge- Water 3, Wind 3 (Wind)
118. Swamp- Water 3, Earth 1 (Earth)
119. Swamp Fog- Water 3, Earth 2 (Earth)
120. Swamp Abyss- Water 3, Earth 3 (Earth)

121. Terror- Water 3, Light 1 (Light)
122. Pure Terror- Water 3, Light 2 (Light)
123. Holy Pulse- Water 3, Light 3 (Light)
124. Take Light- Water 3, Dark 1 (Dark)
125. Draw Light- Water 3, Dark 2 (Dark)
126. Switch Life- Water 3, Dark 3 (Dark)
127. Red Cloud- Wind 1, Fire 1 (Fire)
128. Hot Cloud- Wind 1, Fire 2 (Fire)
129. Blaze Cloud- Wind 1, Fire 3 (Fire)
130. Frost Cloud- Wind 1, Water 1 (Water)

131. Cool Cloud- Wind 1, Water 2 (Water)
132. Ice Cloud- Wind 1, Water 3 (Water)
133. Wind Zone- Wind 1, Wind 1 (Wind)
134. Switf Zone- Wind 1, Wind 2 (Wind)
135. Gale Zone- Wind 1, Wind 3 (Wind)
136. Dust Cloud- Wind 1, Earth 1 (Earth)
137. Sand Cloud- Wind 1, Earth 2 (Earth)
138. Sand Storm- Wind 1, Earth 3 (Earth)
139. Sleep Wind- Wind 1, Light 1 (Light)
140. Sleep Gale- Wind 1, Light 2 (Light)

141. Sleep Storm- Wind 1, Light 3 (Light)
142. Black Cloud- Wind 1, Dark 1 (Dark)
143. Void Cloud- Wind 1, Dark 2 (Dark)
144. Black Void- Wind 1, Dark 3 (Dark)
145. Fire Whirl- Wind 2, Fire 1 (Fire)
146. Flame Whirl- Wind 2, Fire 2 (Fire)
147. Burn Whirl- Wind 2, Fire 3 (Fire)
148. Forst Whirl- Wind 2, Water 1 (Water)
149. Cool Whirl- Wind 2, Water 2 (Water)
150. Ice Whirl- Wind 2, Water 3 (Water)

151. Wind Whirl- Wind 2, Wind 1 (Wind)
152. Gale Whirl- Wind 2, Wind 2 (Wind)
153. Storm Whirl- Wind 2, Wind 3 (Wind)
154. Soil Whirl- Wind 2, Earth 1 (Earth)
155. Earth Whirl- Wind 2, Earth 2 (Earth)
156. Rock Whirl- Wind 2, Earth 3 (Earth)
157. White Whirl- Wind 2, Light 1 (Light)
158. Light Whirl- Wind 2, Light 2 (Light)
159. Shine Whirl- Wind 2, Light 3 (Light)
160. Black Whirl- Wind 2, Dark 1 (Dark)

161. Dark Whirl- Wind 2, Dark 2 (Dark)
162. Pitch Whirl- Wind 2, Dark 3 (Dark)
163. Bomb Man- Wind 3, Fire 1 (Fire)
164. Bomb Men- Wind 3, Fire 2 (Fire)
165. Super B Men- Wind 3, Fire 3 (Fire)
166. Prank- Wind 3, Water 1 (Water)
167. Joke- Wind 3, Water 2 (Water)
168. Trick- Wind 3, Water 3 (Water)
169. Wind Arrow- Wind 3, Wind 1 (Wind)
170. Gale Arrows- Wind 3, Wind 2 (Wind)

171. Self Cannon- Wind 3, Wind 3 (Wind)
172. Rage Trap- Wind 3, Earth 1 (Earth)
173. Death Trap- Wind 3, Earth 2 (Earth)
174. Sin Trap- Wind 3, Earth 3 (Earth)
175. Heal Wind- Wind 3, Light 1 (Light)
176. Cure Wind- Wind 3, Light 2 (Light)
177. Pure Wind- Wind 3, Light 3 (Light)
178. Blakc Curse- Wind 3, Dark 1 (Dark)
179. BLack Grudge- Wind 3, Dark 2 (Dark)
180. Black Bind- Wind 3, Dark 3 (Dark)

181. Red Wall- Earth 1, Fire 1 (Fire)
182. Fire Wall- Earth, Fire 2 (Fire)
183. Blaze Wall- Earth 1, Fire 3 (Fire)
184. Cool Wall- Earth 1, Water 1 (Water)
185. Freeze Wall- Earth 1, Water 2 (Water)
186. Ice Wall- Earth 1, Water 3 (Water)
187. Wind Wall- Earth 1, Wind 1 (Wind)
188. Gale Wall- Earth 1, Wind 2 (Wind)
189. Storm Wall- Earth 1, Wind 3 (Wind)
190. Anger Wall- Earth 1, Earth 1 (Earth)

191. Rage Wall- Earth 1, Earth 2 (Earth)
192. Fury Wall- Earth 1, Earth 3 (Earth)
193. White Wall- Earth 1, Light 1 (Light)
194. Gold Wall- Earth 1, Light 2 (Light)
195. Shine Wall- Earth 1, Light 3 (Light)
196. Black Wall- Earth 1, Dark 1 (Dark)
197. Dark Wall- Earth 1, Dark 2 (Dark)
198. Pitch Wall- Earth 1, Dark 3 (Dark)
199. Fire Aura- Earth 2, Fire 1 (Fire)
200. Blaze Aura- Earth 2, Fire 2 (Fire)

201. Fire Armor- Earth 2, Fire 3 (Fire)
202. Ice Aura- Earth 2, Water 1 (Water)
203. Freeze Aura- Earth 2, Water 2 (Water)
204. Ice Armor- Earth 2, Water 3 (Water)
205. Wind Aura- Earth 2, Wind 1 (Wind)
206. Gale Aura- Earth 2, Wind 2 (Wind)
207. Wind Armor- Earth 2, Wind 3 (Wind)
208. Earth Aura- Earth 2, Earth 1 (Earth)
209. Rock Aura- Earth 2, Earth 2 (Earth)
210. Earth Armour- Earth 2, Earth 3 (Earth)

211. Light Aura- Earth 2, Light 1 (Light)
212. Shine Aura- Earth 2, Light 2 (Light)
213. Shiny Armor- Earth 2, Light 3 (Light)
214. Dark Aura- Earth 2, Dark 1 (Dark)
215. Black Aura- Earth 2, Dark 2 (Dark)
216. Dark Armor- Earth 2, Dark 3 (Dark)
217. Fire Comet- Earth 3, Fire 1 (Fire)
218. Fire Fall- Earth 3, Fire 2 (Fire)
219. Fire Meteo- Earth 3, Fire 3 (Fire)
220. Ice Comet- Earth 3, Water 1 (Water)

221. Ice Fall- Earth 3, Water 2 (Water)
222. Ice Meteo- Earth 3, Water 3 (Water)
223. Wind Bow- Earth 3, Wind 1 (Wind)
224. Gale Bow- Earth 3, Wind 2 (Wind)
225. Storm Bow- Earth 3, Wind 3 (Wind)
226. Comet Fall- Earth 3, Earth 1 (Earth)
227. Star Fall- Earth 3, Earth 2 (Earth)
228. Moon Fall- Earth 3, Earth 3 (Earth)
229. Light Shot- Earth 3, Light 1 (Light)
230. Divine Shot- Earth 3, Light 2 (Light)

231. Apocalypse- Earth 3, Light 3 (Light)
232. Dark Shot- Earth 3, Dark 1 (Dark)
233. Fallen Shot- Earth 3, Dark 2 (Dark)
234. Devil Shot- Earth 3, Dark 3 (Dark)
235. Fire Warmth- Light 1, Fire 1 (Fire)
236. Fire Calm- Light 1, Fire 2 (Fire)
237. Fire Soul- Light 1, Fire 3 (Fire)
238. Kind Water- Light 1, Water 1 (Water)
239. Shine Ice- Light 1, Water 2 (Water)
240. Pure Soul- Light 1, Water 3 (Water)

241. Heal Mind- Light 1, Wind 1 (Wind)
242. Heal Heart- Light 1, Wind 2 (Wind)
243. Heal Soul- Light 1, Wind 3 (Wind)
244. Wish- Light 1, Earth 1 (Earth)
245. Prayer- Light 1, Earth 2 (Earth)
246. Blessing- Light 1, Earth 3 (Earth)
247. Cure Prayer- Light 1, Light 1 (Light)
248. Heal Prayer- Light 1, Light 2 (Light)
249. God Song- Light 1, Light 3 (Light)
250. Purge Magic- Light 1, Dark 1 (Dark)

251. Antidote- Light 1, Dark 2 (Dark)
252. Purge Curse- Light 1, Dark 3 (Dark)
253. Power Up- Light 2, Fire 1 (Fire)
254. Power On- Light 2, Fire 2 (Fire)
255. Mad Warrior- Light 2, Fire 3 (Fire)
256. Evade Up- Light 2, Water 1 (Water)
257. Evade On- Light 2, Water 2 (Water)
258. Evade Over- Light 2, Water 3 (Water)
259. Speed Up- Light 2, Wind 1 (Wind)
260. Speed On- Light 2, Wind 2 (Wind)
261. Speed Over- Light 2, Wind 3 (Wind)
262. Defense Up- Light 2, Earth 1 (Earth)
263. Defense On- Light 2, Earth 2 (Earth)
264. Defense Over- Light 2, Earth 3 (Earth)
265. Magic Up- Light 2, Light 1 (Light)
266. Magic On- Light 2, Light 2 (Light)
267. Magic Over- Light 2, Light 3 (Light)
268. Eye Up- Light 2, Dark 1 (Dark)
269. Eye On- Light 2, Dark 2 (Dark)
270. Eye Over- Light 2, Dark 3 (Dark)

271. Fire Curse- Light 3, Fire 1 (Fire)
272. Blaze Curse- Light 3, Fire 2 (Fire)
273. Power Zone- Light 3, Fire 3 (Fire)
274. Water Curse- Light 3, Water 1 (Water)
275. Ice Grudge- Light 3, Water 2 (Water)
276. Evade Zone- Light 3, Water 3 (Water)
277. Wind Curse- Light 3, Wind 1 (Wind)
278. Gale Grudge- Light 3, Wind 2 (Wind)
279. Speed Zone- Light 3, Wind 3 (Wind)
280. Earth Curse- Light 3, Earth 1 (Earth)

281. Rock Grudge- Light 3, Earth 2 (Earth)
282. Defense Zone- Light 3, Earth 3 (Earth)
283. Light CUrse- Light 3, Light 1 (Light)
284. Pure Grudge- Light 3, Light 2 (Light)
285. White Cure- Light 3, Light 3 (Light)
286. Dark Curse- Light 3, Dark 1 (Dark)
287. Dark Grudge- Light 3, Dark 2 (Dark)
288. Prime Zone- Light 3, Dark 3 (Dark)
289. Fire Trap- Dark 1, Fire 1 (Fire)
290. Fire Obey- Dark 1, Fire 2 (Fire)

291. Fire Order- Dark 1, Fire 3 (Fire)
292. Water Trap- Dark 1, Water 1 (Water)
293. Water Obey- Dark 1, Water 2 (Water)
294. Water Order- Dark 1, Water 3 (Water)
295. Wind Trap- Dark 1, Wind 1 (Wind)
296. Wind Obey- Dark 1, Wind 2 (Wind)
297. Wind Order- Dark 1, Wind 3 (Wind)
298. Earth Trap- Dark 1, Earth 1 (Earth)
299. Earth Obey- Dark 1, Earth 2 (Earth)
300. Earth Order- Dark 1, Earth 3 (Earth)

301. Light Trap- Dark 1, Light 1 (Light)
302. Light Obey- Dark 1, Light 2 (Light)
303. Light Order- Dark 1, Light 3 (Light)
304. Dark Trap- Dark 1, Dark 1 (Dark)
305. Dark Obey- Dark 1, Dark 2 (Dark)
306. Dark Order- Dark 1, Dark 3 (Dark)
307. Power Down- Dark 2, Fire 1 (Fire)
308. Power Off- Dark 2, Fire 2 (Fire)
309. Power Under- Dark 2, Fire 3 (Fire)
310. Evade Down- Dark 2, Water 1 (Water)

311. Evade Off- Dark 2, Water 2 (Water)
312. Evasion Down- Dark 2, Water 3 (Water)
313. Speed Down- Dark 2, Wind 1 (Wind)
314. Speed Off- Dark 2, Wind 2 (Wind)
315. Speed Under- Dark 2, Wind 3 (Wind)
316. Defense Down- Dark 2, Earth 1 (Earth)
317. Defense Off- Dark 2, Earth 2 (Earth)
318. Defense Under- Dark 2, Earth 3 (Earth)
319. Magic Down- Dark 2, Light 1 (Light)
320. Magic Off- Dark 2, Light 2 (Light)

321. Magic Under- Dark 2, Light 3 (Light)
322. Accuracy Down- Dark 2, Dark 1 (Dark)
323. Accuracy Off- Dark 2, Dark 2 (Dark)
324. Accuracy Under- Dark 2, Dark 3 (Dark)
325. Betrayal- Dark 3, Fire 1 (Fire)
326. Mutiny- Dark 3, Fire 2 (Fire)
327. Uprising- Dark 3, Fire 3 (Fire)
328. Ice Maiden- Dark 3, Water 1 (Water)
329. Ice Queen- Dark 3, Water 2 (Water)
330. Ice Goddess- Dark 3, Water 3 (Water)

331. Virus- Dark 3, Wind 1 (Wind)
332. Plague- Dark 3, Wind 2 (Wind)
333. Epidemic- Dark 3, Wind 3 (Wind)
334. Peace Call- Dark 3, Earth 1 (Earth)
335. Peace Chant- Dark 3, Earth 2 (Earth)
336. Peace Song- Dark 3, Earth 3 (Earth)
337. Sleep Call- Dark 3, Light 1 (Light)
338. Sleep Chant- Dark 3, Light 2 (Light)
339. Sleep Song- Dark 3, Light 3 (Light)
340. Vile Poison- Dark 3, Dark 1 (Dark)

341. Poison Smog- Dark 3, Dark 2 (Dark)
342. Vile Smog- Dark 3, Dark 3 (Dark)
343. Fire King- Fire 1, Fire 1, Fire 1 (Fire)
344. Ice King- Water 1, Water 1, Water 1 (Water)
345. Wind King- Wind 1, Wind 1, Wind 1 (Wind)
346. Earth King- Earth 1, Earth 1, Earth 1 (Earth)
347. Life King- Light 1, Light 1, Light 1 (Light)
348. Dark King- Dark 1, Dark 1, Dark 1 (Dark)
349. Final Fire- Fire 2, Fire 2, Fire 2 (Fire)
350. Final Ice- Water 2, Water 2, Water 2 (Water)

351. Final Storm- Wind 2, Wind 2, Wind 2 (Wind)
352. Final Rumble- Earth 2, Earth 2, Earth 2 (Earth)
353. Final Shine- Light 2, Light 2, Light 2 (Light)
354. Final Dark- Dark 2, Dark 2, Dark 2 (Dark)
355. Earth Explode- Fire 3, Fire 3, Fire 3 (Fire)
356. Frozen Time- Water 3, Water 3, Water 39 (Water)
357. Flight- Wind 3, Wind 3, Wind 3 (Wind)
358. Big Drop- Earth 3, Earth 3, Earth 3 (Earth)
359. High Bless- Light 3, Light 3, Light 3 (Light)
360. Evil Bless- Dark 3, Dark 3, Dark 3 (Dark)

361. Fire Dance- Fire 3, Water 3, Fire 3 (Fire)
362. Ice Dance- Water 3, Fire 3, Water 3 (Water)
363. Wind Dance- Wind 3, Earth 3, Wind 3 (Wind)
364. Earth Dance- Earth 3, Wind 3, Earth 3 (Earth)
365. Light Dance- Light 3, Dark 3, Light 3 (Light)
366. Dark Dance- Dark 3, Light 3, Dark 3 (Dark)
367. The Beserk- Fire 3, Fire 2, Fire 1 (Fire)
368. Flood- Water 3, Water 2, Water 1 (Water)
369. Wind Lord- Wind 3, Wind 2, Wind 1 (Wind)
370. Barrier- Earth 3, Earth 2, Earth 1 (Earth)

371. Fairy Trick- Light 3, Light 2, Light 1 (Light)
372. Life Shine- Dark 3, Dark 2, Dark 1 (Dark)
373. Last Rage- Fire 1, Fire 2, Fire 3 (Fire)
374. Winter Wall- Water 1, Water 2, Water 3 (Water)
375. Gather- Wind 1, Wind 2, Wind 3 (Wind)
376. Invincible- Earth 1, Earth 2, Earth 3 (Earth)
377. Hidden Veil- Light 1, Light 2, Light 3 (Light)
378. Big Brawl- Dark 1, Dark 2, Dark 3 (Dark)
379. Death Gamble- Wind 2, Light 2, Fire 2 (Fire)
380. Water Lord- Earth 2, Dark 2, Water 2 (Water)

381. Clip Wings- Light 2, Fire 2, Wind 2 (Wind)
382. Falling Sky- Dark 2, Water 2, Earth 2 (Earth)
383. Life Thread- Fire 2, Wind 2, Light 2 (Light)
384. Death Rain- Water 2, Earth 2, Dark 2 (Dark)
385. Death Bullet- Wind 3, Dark 2, Fire 1 (Fire)
386. Big Freeze- Earth 3, Light 2, Water 1 (Water)
387. Free Lift- Dark 3, Fire 2, Wind 1 (Wind)
388. Insane Rock- Light 3, Water 2, Earth 1 (Earth)
389. Love Song- Water 3, Earth 2, Light 1 (Light)
390. Gold Song- Fire 3, Wind 2, Dark 1 (Dark)

391. Blaze God- Dark 1, Earth 1, Fire 3
392. Ice God- Light 1, Wind1, Water 3
393. Sky God- Fire 1, Light 1, Wind 3
394. Stone God- Water 1, Dark 1, Earth 3
395. Flash God- Earth 1, Fire 1, Light 3
396. Dark God- Wind 1, Water 1, Dark 3 | Submitted by Jascarn

There are two unlockable monsters in this game. At some point, a boy named Taro will ask you to help him find a girl named Zoe. This little optional quest helps unlock the monsters.

Unlockable - How to Unlock

Boxdog - Simply help Taro & Zoe meet
Dogbox - Send Taro to goldsand dunes & Zoe to silverpeak gorge. Have the to meet in runedolf and they give you Dogbox, a better version of Boxdog

After beating the game with a good or bad ending, you will be prompted to save. Save your file, then when you load, you will start back at the beginning of the story, except you will keep all your stats, levels, and items. Also, the enemy NPC's have increased in difficulty.

After you defeat Leonard and return to Diva Of The Twilight's Castle and Isaac becomes evil, you must defeat the other five sages with half of your original power.

Each time you defeat a boss in the single player, you will be able to use them in free mode. The only differences between the bosses other than appearence are the types of monsters you can choose to have in your party and differences in magical affinity.

Once you defeat Leonard and get to the scene with the Diva of the Twilight threatening to kill the Wind Sage, keep the wand. You will become evil Isaac under Diva's control and can roam around to get the lost spells for evil and let Diva win. However, if you give up the wand she goes away leaving your friends alive, letting you continue. If you follow the pointers, you will find another wand. Either way, Diva of the Twilight will still make her new castle.

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