Attain Rope, Firewood, Furniture
Simply bring a tree vine from the jungle region back to Skye.
At the secret beach, go all the way up (by pressing UP on the D-pad), then go all the way left. There'll be a small series of ledges to climb.
When you get to the top, there'll be bamboo sticks, which you can use to make a fishing rod out of (if you have a vine as well), or make a spear (if you have a vine and a sharpened rock) to fish with to pass the time if the tide goes up.
You can also shake the bamboo trees for some sticks. Take some to Skye so she can make some stuff for you. Also on the ledge, there are bamboo shoots that you can eat if the tide gets high, or take them to Skye to cook.
Successfully complete the game with Skye to unlock Challenge mode.
To conserve energy just tap B repetitively and you will run in small bursts, moving faster than walking and without using up as much energy as outright running.
Effortless Mountain Climb
Locate and take at least two of the yellow mushrooms at the start of the mountain pass before attempting to scale the peak. These mushrooms bestow infinite strength for a short while and pretty much allows your character to navigate the mountain quickly.
Find Hidden Items On Beach
Have one character's backpack full with items you are willing to throw away. The pack thus filled, walk around on the beach and hit the A button to search the ground.
If there is no hidden item, the character will just bend down and search the ground, but if there is an item, the character will say something about the knapsack being full.
When this happens, go into your backpack and get rid of an item, exit the backpack menu, and then tap the screen to dig in the sand. You'll find hidden items easily using this method.
Place two coconuts adjacent to each other in your inventory. When you order Skye to cook, the food select menu will pop up. Tap the right coconut with the stylus and immediately start tapping the left coconut repeatedly. The number of food objects used for cooking should increase per stylus tap to the maximum of 20.
The visual clue that this glitch works is when your player keeps tossing coconuts you don't have. The game only freezes if you press X to see what food has been selected; instead, as soon as you're done giving orders, exit so Skye can begin her kitchen duties.
Note: This glitch is unverified and has the potential to freeze your unsaved game.
Once you beat the game, you will be able to play the game over as Skye.
If you tune to frequency 6.75 you can contact the Ocean Disaster Rescue Team. When asked what island you two love birds are on, choose the first answer (Kauia) and a rescue boat will appear up to four days later.
When you see the sun in the middle of the top screen, the tides will change allowing you to go to the hidden beach at the right side of the beach area. You only have about 2 hours in the game to get back out of the hidden beach, if you spend too much time on the beach, the tides will lock you in until the sun rises up. The beach contains 4 green bamboos, 4 scallops and 3 bamboo shoots.
Time Passing With No Penalty
If you are are ever stuck somewhere (like in the 'secret beach') and need to wait until a certain time to get back to the cave (and to Skye) then always carry a spear with you.
It can be a really bad one, because it doesn't matter. If you go into spear-hunting mode, and not catch fish, the time will pass at the same rate, but your health, thirst, and hunger will stay the same (ditto with Skye).
You will need to go back into spear-hunting mode about every game hour (or every real-time minute) because the game will take you out of spear-hunting mode after a period of inactivity.
To escape the island using the transmitter, tune into the frequency 024.21.
Using a basket and twig, you can make a small trap. When you bring up the sub menu and tap "backpack," start to hit the A button until the backpack menu pops up. Just before it pops up, the character will be bent down to search the ground.
Next you tap the trap and a little menu will pop up. Tap "use" and the trap will disappear from the backpack menu. Exit the backpack menu, and the character will pick up the trap.
Leave that area and come back later, and a trap will be there. Do this as much as you want, but be careful not to place too many. If you have too many traps, the dupe will not work, and you will lose your trap.
Two traps for the price of one
Use this trick to get both the fish trap and small trap without wasting items. After getting the necessary materials (basket and twig), make a small trap. Place it at either of the areas used to drink from the river. Place it near the middle. Go onto the grass and walk towards it, and do not stop before pressing A. As soon as the thought bubble saying small trap appears, press A. You should be using the fish trap. If you would rather use it as a small trap, go up to it, press A, and use it normally.
This cheat allows you to use a spice even if you don't have it. To do this you need at least one type of spice. On the spice selection screen use the D-Pad and highlight the spice you need that you're out of. Then using the stylus/touch screen highlight a spice you do have, then press A. If done correctly the spice you want to use that your out of will go from 0 to -1 and appear in the box of spices being used on the top screen.
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