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First character Second character Third character Last character Hollywood Hogan Brian Adams Eddy Guerrero Eric Bischoff Bret Hart British Bulldog Van Hammer Mean Gene Sting Booker T. Stevie Ray Miss Elizabeth Lex Luger Dean Malenko Scotty Riggs Arn Anderson The Giant Wrath Horace Bobby Hennan DDP Ultimo Dragon Rey Mysterio Jr. Kimberly Raven Billy Kidman Lodi Larry Zbysco Saturn The Disiple Sick Boy Sonny Oono Goldberg Chris Benoit Disco Inferno Mongo Kevin Nash Scott Norton Ernest Miller Kaz Hayashi Scott Hall Konnan The Barbarian Jimmy Hart Curt Hennig Anvil Meng Rick Rude Macho Man Roddy Piper Fit Finley Enos Rick Steiner Buff Bagwell Reese Psychosis Scott Steiner Kanyon Chavo Guerrero Jr. Juventud Guerrera Chris Jericho Alex Wright La Parka Rick Fuller
When your'e wrestling have your spirit meter on. When ever you can move around the joystick. When you see your spirit meter says SPECIAL! Put your opponent into a strong grapple and move around the joystick and you will do your special move. Like DDP does the Diamond Cutter and Giant does the chock slam. Do some of these correctly and sometimes you will knock your opponent out cold. | Submitted by Mark Schoppe
No Health P1 81229152 0000 Infinite Time Out of Ring P1 812291AA 0000 Quick Count Out P1 D02291AB 0000 812291AA 0013 Control Modifier P1 8022913B 00?? P1 Infinite Call-Ins [Note] D00E5F99 0020 81229B2E 0001 D00E5F98 0020 81229B2E 0000 Infinite Health P2 812296BA 03E8 No Health P2 812296BA 0000 Infinite Time Out of Ring P2 81229712 0000 Quick Count Out P2 D0229713 0000 81229712 0013 Control Modifier P2 802296A3 00?? P2 Infinite Call-Ins [Note] D00E5F9F 0020 8122A096 0001 D00E5F9E 0020 8122A096 0000 Infinite Health P3 81229C22 03E8 No Health P3 81229C22 0000 Infinite Time Out of Ring P3 81229C7A 0000 Quick Count Out P3 D0229C7B 0000 81229C7A 0013 Control Modifier P3 80229C0B 00?? Infinite Health P4 8122A18A 03E8 No Health P4 8122A18A 0000 Infinite Time Out of Ring P4 8122A1E2 0000 Quick Count Out P4 D022A1E3 0000 8122A1E2 0013 Control Modifier P4 8022A173 00?? Start on Belt Match (Tournament Mode) D027D5EB 0000 8027D5EB 0009 Ring Modifier 8127D8FC 0000 8127D8FE 00?? Unlock Character Codes Brian Adams 8027D81D 0001 Bulldog 8027D81F 0001 Booker T 8027D821 0001 Dean Makenko 8027D823 0001 Wrath 8027D825 0001 Ultimo Dragon 8027D827 0001 Kidman 8027D829 0001 Disciple 8027D82B 0001 Chris Benoit 8027D82D 0001 Scott Norton 8027D82F 0001 Konnan 8027D831 0001 Anvil 8027D833 0001 Roddy Piper 8027D835 0001 Buff Bagwell 8027D837 0001 Kanyon 8027D839 0001 Alex Wright 8027D83B 0001 Eddy Guerrero 8027D83D 0001 Hammer 8027D83F 0001 Stevie Ray 8027D841 0001 Scotty Riggs 8027D843 0001 Horace 8027D845 0001 Rey Mysterio Jr. 8027D847 0001 Lodi 8027D849 0001 Sickboy 8027D84B 0001 Disco Inferno 8027D84D 0001 Ernest Miller 8027D84F 0001 Barbarian 8027D851 0001 Meng 8027D853 0001 Fit Finley 8027D855 0001 Reese 8027D857 0001 Chavo Jr. 8027D859 0001 La Parka 8027D85B 0001 Eric Bischoff 8027D85D 0001 Mean Gene 8027D85F 0001 Miss Elizabeth 8027D861 0001 Arn Anderson 8027D863 0001 Bobby Heenan 8027D865 0001 Kimberly 8027D867 0001 Larry Zbysko 8027D869 0001 Sonny Onoo 8027D86B 0001 Mongo 8027D86D 0001 Kaz Hayashi 8027D86F 0001 Jimmy Hart 8027D871 0001 Rick Rude 8027D873 0001 Enos 8027D875 0001 Psychosis 8027D877 0001 Juventud Guerrera 8027D879 0001 Rick Fuller 8027D87B 0001 Zoomie 8027D87D 0001 Jamie The Learned 8027D87F 0001 Stingray 8027D881 0001 Cobra 8027D883 0001 Reanimator 8027D885 0001 Sleep Dep Ed 8027D887 0001 5 O'clock Tony 8027D889 0001 Uncle Monkey 8027D88B 0001 Dudeman 8027D88D 0001 John 8027D88F 0001 Chicken Boy 8027D891 0001 Dynamite Johnny 8027D893 0001 Benji 8027D895 0001 Wrestling Matt 8027D897 0001 Goochie 8027D899 0001 Devastatomg Doriza 8027D89B 0001 Veal 8027D89D 0001 Miri Myque 8027D89F 0001 Spice 8027D8A1 0001 Whisper 8027D8A3 0001 Tiger 8027D8A5 0001 Fyre 8027D8A7 0001 A.C. Jazz 8027D8A9 0001 Chae 8027D8AB 0001 Quantity Digits to Accompany Control Modifier Codes 00 - Human 01 - Computer Quantity Digits to Accompany Ring Modifier Code 00 - WCW 01 - NWO 02 - Graveyard 03 - Spaceship 04 - Circus 05 - Hive 06 - Turbo 07 - Wunderland 08 - Slamboree 09 - Souled Out 0A - WCW 0B - Fall Brawl 0C - American Bash 0D - Boudoir 0E - Hall of Mirrors 0F - Rec Room 10 - Psychadelic 11 - Disco 12 - Jungle 13 - Halloween Havoc 14 - 1984 15 - Quark 16 - Texas Note: Press Z once for the first call-in of a wrestler to interfere with the match. Then, press L before the first wrestler enters the ring to call-in another wrestler. As long as L is held, the wrestlers will stay in the ring.
also a new league will open up, The World Wide Championship Wrestling! If you manage to stay awake -and alive for that matter, (you need to beat 20 people!) You will face the almighty Joe Bruiser. He is pretty easy to beat. You will then have control over him as a playable character. this boxer (yes I did say boxer) is extremely powerful,unfortunatly he has no special move or grapple moves but just set the realism setting on and o' Joe wil beat everyone bloody, literally! one of his biggest assets is what I like to call the "bruiser" just hold in the "A" and Joe will uppercut the hell outta anyone!
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