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Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey on Nintendo 64

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Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey Cheats

To re-center any screen, hold L + R. Then, release both buttons to keep the screen in its new position. Hold L + R again to return to normal.

Place the player with the puck between the face-off circles and press A + C-Down.

As simple as it sounds all you must do is check poeple on the boards. | Submitted by Andrej

At options screen, hold L and press C-right, C-left, C-left, C-right, C-down, C-up, C-up, C-down, C-left, C-right, C-right, C-left, C-right, C-left. If you did this right you should get into a fight every 5 to 20 sec.!!
NOTE:This code must be re-entered each period. | Submitted by Bryan

Go to the main menu and highlight the play game option. Then, hold any C button and press Start. Now a game featuring Wayne Gretzky and the New York Rangers will begin.

Press the C-button and the R button. There will appear 16 zeroes at the bottom of the screen. Now, you can changes the size of the heads of the players by pressing C-Down. To change the length of the players, press C-Left. Then press C-Up.

On the main menu, highlight practice mode, and press A on controllers one and two simultaneously.

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