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Super Smash Brothers

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Super Smash Brothers on Nintendo 64

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Super Smash Brothers Cheats

If you get 1,000,000 points or more in 1-P mode, instead of the announcer saying congratulations at the end, he will say "Incredible!" | Submitted by AndrewBernish

When fighting Kirby Team, take out the first 2 Kirbys (Mario and D.K. Kirby). Another Kirby should land on the edge of the platform. As soon as that Kirby lands on the edge, throw him and another should land on the the opposite edge of the platform. Make sure you are running to the other side of the platform to meet each Kirby as they fall. Do this correctly and you should take out the Kirby Team in 30 seconds or less. | Submitted by AntonDeshawnJohnson

This is a cool cheat to use. First you need to go to "training mode" & have whatever character as the CP. your character has to be MARIO or it won't work. Then go to any area & go to the flattest spot on it. Now you are real close to the CP while still being on the flat spot. Don’t be too close that you are touching them. Press start. Get 4 GREEN SHELLS & place them close to you & your CP. then press down B & MARIO will do a tornado spin right? If you did it correctly, everything is frozen except for the CP's percentage, which is climbing up FAST! Don’t push anything while this is happening. It will cancel this affect. This is really cool! I'm not sure if you can do this with 1 green shell but it works. You can only do third with MARIO. Don’t try it with LUIGI. It won't work. | Submitted by AndrewBernish

With pikachu in safron city or another carctor using the hammer use pikachus thunder where he uses a bolt of lightning abouve a pokemon that rams that comes frome the roof not atacks chansey is the best he'll go flying its cool some time chansey will get evan with a egg bomb booby trap it works with the hammer. | Submitted by The Best of All Time

If you are Samus or Link there is a way that you can acctuly dodge the Jack hammer! Just use your throw! | Submitted by Gold374

You have probaly played Super Smash Brothers and thought, "I wonder what the best attack could be?" I believe Yoshi has the greatest attack. Start a game and select computer characters, Yoshi being your character, and choose a stage. As your enemy jumps, jump slightly above the character hold the control stick and R button down. Yoshi should be repeatedly kicking downward. Keep holding the buttons until you and your enemy land. For more damage, try to make your enemy jump higher, and do the same as before. Once, I made 56% doing that attack! | Submitted by IanMurphy

When playing a team multiplayer match, if you are defeated, but your team mate still has one or more life in stock. You can use one of his life to get back in the action by pressing A+B+Z+Start. Be sure to ask for permission from your friend! | Submitted by Cheat Master

You can change your character's outfit by tapping the four c buttons at the character select screen. Some costume changes are limited to colors, but characters like pikachu are also available with hats. | Submitted by Kevin_315

First, enter a 1 player mode(use Training Mode) or VS mode game, choose the characters for the game, and pick Saffron City to be your stage at the "Stage Select". In Saffron City, there is a box-like object that will have Pok'emon attacking from inside it. Pok'emon like Polygon and Venusaur will be seen. They can give you some damage, but the Chansey actually gives you life- 5 percent off. To get the life, run up to the Chansey when it pokes its body out of the box.

Note: This does not work on Chanseys who come out of Pok'eballs. | Submitted by IanMurphy

Go to Yoshi's Land. If you see a cloud, jump on it, and you will be able to stand on it. Beware! The cloud may disappear, causing you to fall. This tip will help you stay in the game longer! | Submitted by StevenErickson

Pick D.K. and fight any opponent. Press R and D.K. will grab the enemy. Press R again and D.K. should put your enemy on his head. You will be able to carry your enemy for a few seconds.(With enemy above your head). Quickly walk to the edge of the stage. If you think your opponent will try to get back up press down on the control stick as you fall to fall even faster. You will lose a point for dying, but will gain a point for your opponent's death(if he don't make it back up).

Note: Only D.K. can do this. Also be near the edge of the platform so your enemy has no chance of return. | Submitted by AntonDeshawnJohnson

Pick the Dark Red Kirby and suck up any color Link. When you have his power Kirby should look like a Jamaican. | Submitted by AntonDeshawnJohnson

To earn Sound Test, make sure you have all four secret characters, then play and beat both bonus practices stages and you'll have it. To get Item Switch, play 100 rounds of multiplayer mode. (Hint: set timer on 1 minute and let computer play.) | Submitted by J.-Ray

For Hidden Characters that take hours to unlock just leave your game on at night, or when your away for a few hours on Vs mode at "no Time Limit" and "no lives".(dont leave it on for over 5 hours)So when your done you will fight the character you want.( make sure you have a character that your good with when you fight the hidden character) | Submitted by AndrewBernish

OK, To do this cheat be mario or luigi. do there spin move will rapidly presing A, while Hitting A you must hit B rapidly. This cheat has been tested and works if done correctly. | Submitted by Gold374

You will need at least two players to be Fox. You don't need to choose a specific stage for this cheat. When it's all loaded, one Fox should grab the other. Then he should throw him backwards. While he's doing that, pause. As you can see, Fox's head fell off! By the way, there's no blood. | Submitted by DragonNinja

After you get all 4 secret characters, (Luigi,Ness,Captin Falcan, and JigglyPuff) you can find Mew in your pokeballs! It takes a little bit of time, but you'll see one. If you have the Secret Item Menu,set it to all Pokeballs and it will be easier. | Submitted by Kevin_315

This code is to get the hidden players. To get Jigglypuff beat the game on any difficulty and watch the credits (or press start) and at the end you battle jigglypuff if you win you get him. To get Captain Falcon beat the game on any difficulty in 20 minutes or less. To get Ness beat the game on normal with 3 lives. To get luigi beat the practice 1 bonus with each of the main 8 characters. Well thats all (to beat the game i reccomend you use kirby or samus). Oh and you watch the credits and battle each person before you get them. Good luck! | Submitted by Mike

Here is all the characters you can get in super smash bros. To get Luigi you have to beat practice 1 with all of the 8 intial characters. The way you can beat Jiggleypuff is by beating the game regular any difficulty. The way to get Captain Falcon you have to beat the game under 20 minutes any difficulty(including bonus stages). Ness can be achieved by beating the game with 3 lives on normal difficulty and no continues(quite a challenge). To get the special secret character I believe the name is Pruin or the girl Jiggleypuff you have to beat the game with Captain Falcon any difficulty level. The secret bonus stage can be reached by you have to beat the game with all the characters. | Submitted by Alan Hrovat

To get the secret item list (which allows you to chose which items you want in VS. mode) set all players to the same fighter (i.e. All Mario) and let the computer control them (no human players). Stock 1, all at level 9. When the fight is over it should say that the item list has been unlocked. | Submitted by Gaffi

Start a 1 player or Vs Mode game. Choose Jigglypuff or Luigi to be your character, and a stage. While you play in a game, try one of your characters' techniques. If you chose Luigi, run next to an enemy character and hold up on the control stick. Then press B, if you hear a "Cling" noise, you done the attack correctly. If you have chosen Jigglypuff, approach an enemy character and get very close, then hold down on the control stick, then press B.

Note: Each of these attacks can make an easy knock-off. | Submitted by IanMurphy

Use the following moves when playing as the indicated character to knock your opponent off the platforms.

Mario and Luigi:
Press B to throw a fireball when they try to come back.

Press B for the PK Fire if they come near your character in the air. Your opponent will be pulled down and paralyzed once it hits.

If you are near the end of the platform, wait for your opponent to approach. Then, press B to turn them into an egg. If you are close enough to the edge, the egg will make them fall and they will not be able to get back up.

Donkey Kong:
After knocking an opponent off, press B to charge up the punch. Use the punch when they are close enough while in the air.

Press Up + B near the edge when your opponent approaches.

Press B to throw the boomerang after knocking them off the platform and they try to get close again.

Press B to keep firing the blaster.

Press B to charge up the gun, then shoot it when a knocked off opponent returns.

Jump and press B to shoot a little ball of electricity. If it hits a returning opponent, they will be paralyzed.

Captain Falcon:
Press B to use the Falcon Punch when your opponent tries to return.

Press B to use the lunging punch when a returning opponent is close enough.

Make Kirby fly up to the top of the screen when there is an opponent near the edge. When you go passed them, suck them up, and land on the stage( you might end up having to suck them in again) walk off the cliff while there in your mouth, and when you get low, spit them out and fly back up. Make sure the other person is not a Kirby too! This can only be done by Mario, NOT Luigi. Start by going to an opponent. Go so close you look like you are joined together. Use the tornado spin while quickly pressing a & b. Do this until there health is at 999%. While they will be excpecting another fire-spin, launch them with a big hand( over+a). They will blast away and die. Classic! >=D | Submitted by ThePerson

Select Kirby as your character in the player select screen. Then go to the edge of the platform. Make sure your opponent is near the edge also. Face the opponent and jump backwards off the edge. Just before you start to fall press B. That will make Kirby swallow that person. Kirby will slowly drop with the enemy in its mouth. Hint: Don't press down on the controll stick while Kirby is falling or he will swallow the enemy. | Submitted by RobertFreund

Everybody knows that Kirby can swallow his apponents and take on some of their powers in this game, but what if you accidentally "ate" a charecter that you didn't want--and you want to pursue someone else? Simple:Just press the L button to pull Kirby's "Hello!" taunt and he will discard whatever power he took on! | Submitted by Cheat Master

When you are gone from battle on teamstock mode and someone else is on your team to barrow a life from them press and hold these buttons: A B R & START. | Submitted by J-Boy

If you beat Very hard with one life, and no continues, some characters will look evil, and some characters will look scared! | Submitted by NintendoMaster

If you use Mario or Luigi and press B and down which is Mario Tornado or Luigi Cyclone and press B rapidly while he is spinning he will rise up. It is much easier if you a Mad-Cat Turbo Controller. | Submitted by RobertFreund

To get the music menu beat bonus1 & bonus 2 with all 12 characters then go to options and there it is. | Submitted by Chris

During the game if you have a homerun bat you can knock out an opponent by pressing left or right and the A button towards the enemy and your character will turn red and sparkly and hit them off with one hit even if they are at 0%! | Submitted by RobertElliott

Pokemon in the Pokeballs
The Pokemon in the Pokeballs have the following powers:

Flies off to get the rest of its hive to attack the opponent.

Blasts opponent with water spray.

Pops out and give you an item.

Starts to breath fire in each direction.

Just blows fire in one direction (only in Silphco stage).

Arrives and mimics one of the other available Pokemon's attacks.

Flops around trying to hurt opponent.

Comes out and flies at the opponent doing a kick attack.

Arrives and starts blasting foul smoke in the air.

Pops out and showers out coins that hurt opponent.

The special secret 151st Pokemon makes his appearance and flies away.

Shows up, flies up top, and then boulders drop from the ceiling.

Rams you or the opponent (only in Silphco stage).

Pops out, flies up, and then comes down huge, hurting your opponent.

Finds opponent and blasts them with rays.

Razor Leaf attack; leaves from this Pokemon fly at opponents (only in Silphco stage). | Submitted by Erik E.

Have you ever been hit so far you haven't been able to get back into the game with your buddies? After being hit in the air, tap Z as soon as you hit the ground. When you hit the ground, you will spring from the ground quickly, and you can be back in the hame faster. Also, you can press forward or backward to roll after you have sprung back into play. | Submitted by Wes

Have you ever been hit so far you haven't been able to get back into the game to help your buddies? After being hit into the air, tap Z as soon as you hit the ground. When you hit the ground, you will spring up from the ground quickly, and you can be back in the game faster. Also, you can press forward or backward to roll after you have sprung back into play. | Submitted by AndrewBernish

To get a rocket Jigglypuff you must unlock him first and then go to training mode. Choose Jigglypuff as your character and start the level.(enemy or level are not important)Put the enemy in the 'Stand' mode and hold your shield button until it breaks. Now you'll have a rocket Jigglypuff. | Submitted by Shinigami

Go to Vs mode and pick Ness as your charater. and your opponent will be Samus. Put Samus's level on "1" and pick a level thats primarly flat. When fighting use Ness's UP+B move and hit samus with it. Right when you hit Samus press "pause." As you can see Samus has no Armour on and has a tail. | Submitted by AndrewBernish

When you have a bat and the star wand or the beam sword, you press over and A at the same time and it should do a little sparkle thing that does twice the damage. | Submitted by NickC.

During a multiplayer game if you run out of lives you can take one of your partners lives by pressing start.(It only works if they have two or more lives.) | Submitted by RobertElliott

With Ness use PK Thnunder and hit your self, this will take nothing away now while you are sparkling if you hit the enemy it will take off 30% in that one hit. | Submitted by AOE2

Use the L key to taunt your opponent right before they've been KO'ed. If you taunt while the camera is zooming in you will get a 100 point bonus. | Submitted by AndrewBernish

Have you ever wanted to know your "strength level"? Play a game of Vs. Mode with one Player, one computer (make the computer the same character as yours). In the Vs. Menu, select rules, and play with 10 Stock. If you have Item Switch, switch all items off. Go back to the Character Menu, and switch the computer's level to 1. Pick level, and begin! If your opponent lost, switch your opponent's level to 2 for the next game. Continue this process till you lose against the opponent. If you lost against a level 7 opponent, then your strength level is 6. If you won up to level 9, you are a Smash Brothers Master!
 | Submitted by IanMurphy

When you obtain a "homerun bat", you have a great weapon. Press A and left or right (depending what side your enemy is facing you) together at the same exact time. If performed correctly, your character will turn a reddish color and slowly bring back the bat, then sharply swing the bat. The power is amazing. If your enemy already has 50% damage or higher, the bat will instantly kill him/her. | Submitted by IanMurphy

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