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Perfect Dark

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Perfect Dark on Nintendo 64

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Perfect Dark Cheats

Find all weapons in the solo missions and get at least Bronze Rating for each weapon on the Carrington Institute Firing Range. | Submitted by sneak64

Complete all solo missions in Special Agent Difficulty or better. | Submitted by sneak64

Complete all solo missions in Agent Difficulty or better. | Submitted by sneak64

Complete all solo missions in Perfect Agent Difficulty.  | Submitted by sneak64

Complete all solo missions in Perfect Agent Difficulty. | Submitted by sneak64

To get this cheat you have to beat the level in under the time limit. Also on the difficulty setting listed.

Beat Skedar Ruins:Battle Shrine in under 5:31 on Perfect Agent difficulty. | Submitted by Tim

To break into the Carrington Institute website ( ), use the following user name and password:

Username: solaris
Password: pal32ver21z

Enter these at the 'agents only' section of the Carrington Institute's site and you'll be granted access to a new area complete with information on "CI Scientists Missing", DataDyne files recovered, biological sampling system and intelligence reports.

I figured out a cheap (but VERY effective) way to beat every single combat challenge in Perfect Dark, each in as low as 1 second! No you don't have to have a GameShark or DexDrive, but you gotta have at least 2 controllers to make this one work. Read these directions carefully!

1.) Have player 1 select Combat Simulator and select Advanced Setup.

2.) Player 2 Presses Start

3.) Player 1 Selects "Load Settings" on the Advanced Setup menu, but does not select any setup yet, just stays at the "Load Game Settings" menu.

4.) Player 2 selects the challenge they want to beat in the Advanced Setup menu. Player 2 presses start until the green "...and waiting" screen appears.

5.) Player 1 Selects the Game Settings They want in the Load Game Settings Menu (NOTE: You must have a custom or already made setup, you cannot alter it after you load it.)

6.) Now player 1 can drop out or join the game it doesn't matter, of course staying in will give you 2 stars instead of just one.

If you want to save some time, make a custom setup beforehand. Choose a level, some sims and a limit. As long as any person can reach the limit or have the highest score you'll win the challenge. | Submitted by sneak64

On Area 51: Escape, at the very end, instead of finding a way out, you can go with Elvis. Once Elvis says, "Oh, no! We have a problem! It's a single seater!", run up to the consoles. Stand next to the console farthest away from the hangar doors. From that spot, stand as close to Jonathan and Elvis as you can. You should be able to hear them talking. After they're done, wait until the music changes. Once this happens, press the B Button on both of the consoles. The level should end. (Good way to get Invincibility, [Agent, 3:50 or less]).

1.1 dataDyne: Defection (Perfect Agent)
Laptop Gun:The hacker will open a locked door by the elevators.
Dual Falcon: Dropped by the helmeted guard three floors down from the roof.

1.2 dataDyne Research Investigation:
Double CMP150: Make it to the weapons cache near downstairs maintenance bots without being seen.
Proximity Mine: On perimeter of isotope room.

1.3 dataDyne Central Extraction:
DY357 Magnum: Take down the first five guards without being seen.
Grenade & Dragon: make it to the elevator without being detected. Kill the first guard after taking the elevator up. Use the Key Card he drops to access Cassandra's office. Make a hole in the right corner of the room to find the Dragon.

2 Carrington Villa:
Devastator: Destroy crates on helipad near the villa.
Double CMP150: Kill the first sniper in under 38 seconds.
Perfect Agent: Sniper Rifle: In bathroom next to bedroom.

3.1 Chicago Stealth
BombSpy: Use barrels to explode dumpster near G5 building.
Double Falcon 2 (Scope): In Pond Punk bar.

3.2 G5 Building Reconnaissance
Crossbow: Disarm cloaked guard in first room.
Special and Perfect only: N-Bomb If you blew up the top fire escape in 3.1, it will be near the exit upstairs.

4.1 Area 51 Infiltration
Double MagSec 4: Kill red guard near comms rider. He'll drop the other MagSec 4.

4.2 Area 51 Rescue
Phoenix: In secret room above hangar.
Double Falcon 2 (Silencer): Explosive barrel lodged in a stack of crates to the right of first hall.

4.3 Area 51 Escape
Remote Mines: Get Elvis to safety in under 36 seconds.
Double Falcon 2 (Scope): Behind you in the glass lab at start.

5.1 Air Base Espionage
Double DY357 Magnum: Punch out the NSA agent near the elevator to the AF1 hangar.
Proximity Mines: Near beginning of level, past the tunnel on a snowy ledge.

5.2 Air Force One Anti-Terrorism
Double Cyclone: Punch the two Secret Service agents in the room straight ahead after the start. Their Key Cards each open a closet containing a Cyclone.

5.3 Crash Site Confrontation
Proximity Mine: Visit Elvis at his UFO.
Double DY357 -LX: Disarm Trent as he runs by you after rescuing the President.

6.1 Pelagic II Exploration
Double Falcon 2 (Silencer): Do not trigger an alarm. Make it to the guard four doors from the start. Kill him and he'll drop the Double Falcon.

6.2 Deep Sea Nullify Threat
Proximity Mines: Just past the tunnel after the large cavern (near beginning), kill the guard to the left. He'll cough up the mines.

7 Carrington Institute Defense
Devastator: Save a single hostage in the information center.

8 Attack Ship Covert Assault
Double Mauler: Kill the Skedar in the center of the bridge.

9 Skedar Ruins Battle Shrine
Double Phoenix: Destroy two unmarked temple targets with the Devastator. The Phoenix will appear on the ledge before the canyon.

10 Mr. Blonde's Revenge
Double CMP150: Kill Cassandra's bodyguards near the lab elevator.

11 Maian SOS
Double DY357 -LX: Kill guard in left containment room.

11 Maian SOS
Psychosis Gun: On lab table at start. | Submitted by sneak64

To get this cheat you have to beat the level listed in under the time limit. Also on the difficulty listed.

Beat Pelagic LL Exploration in 7:07. On Special Agent difficulty. | Submitted by Tim

DK Mode
Complete mission 3.1 Chicago In Any Difficulty

Small Joanna
Complete mission 3.2 G5 Building In Any Difficulty

Small Characters
Complete mission 4.1 Area 51 Infiltration In Any Difficulty

Team Heads Only
Complete mission 5.1 Air Base In Any Difficulty

Play As Elvis
Complete mission Area 51 Rescue In Perfect Difficulty In Under 7:00

Slow Mo Single Player
Complete mission 1.2 dataDyne Investigation In Any Difficulty

Complete mission Area 51 Escape In Agent Difficulty In Under 3:50

Cloaking Device
Complete mission 3.2 G5 Building In Agent Difficulty In Under 0:59, or use the Game Boy Color Perfect Dark with the Transfer Pak.

Marquis Of Queensbury Rules
Complete mission 1.1 dataDyne Defection In Special Difficulty In Under 1:30

Jo Shield
Complete mission 6.2 Deep Sea In Any Difficulty

Super Shield
Complete mission 7 Carrington Institute Defense In Agent Difficulty In Under 1:12

Perfect Darkness
Complete mission 5.3 Crash Site In Any Difficulty

Enemy Rockets
Complete mission 6.1 Pelagic II In Any Difficulty

Enemy Shields
Complete mission 7 Carrington Institute Defense In Any Difficulty

Infinite Ammo For Laptop Gun
Complete mission 5.2 Air Force One In Perfect Difficulty In Under 2:59

Infinite Ammo
Complete mission 6.1 Pelagic II In Special Difficulty In Under 5:50

Infinite Ammo & No Reload
Complete mission 5.1 Air Base In Special Difficulty In Under 2:59

Hurricane Fists
Complete mission 1.3 dataDyne Extraction In Agent Difficulty In Under 2:03, or use the Game Boy Color Perfect Dark with the Transfer Pak.

Access Goldenyeesque Weapons PP9I, CC13, KLO1313, KF7 Special, ZZT, DMC, AR 53, & RC-P45 In Solo Mode
Get all gold on the firing range.

Rocket Launcher
Complete mission 1.3 dataDyne Extraction In Any Difficulty

Sniper Rifle
Complete mission 2 Carrington Villa In Any Difficulty

Super Dragon
Complete mission 4.3 Area 51 Escape In Any Difficulty

Laptop Gun
Complete mission 5.2 Air Force One In Any Difficulty

Complete mission 8 Attack Ship In Any Difficulty

Psychosis Gun
Complete mission 3.1 Chicago In Perfect Difficulty In Under 1:44

Trent’s Magnum
Complete mission 5.3 Crash Site In Agent Difficulty In Under 2:50

Complete mission 6.2 Deep Sea In Perfect Difficulty In Under 5:13

Classic Sight
Complete mission 1.1 dataDyne Defection In Any Difficulty

X-Ray Scanner
Complete mission 4.2 Area 51: Rescue In Any Difficulty

Complete mission 9 Skedar Ruins In Any Difficulty, or use the Game Boy Color Perfect Dark with the Transfer Pak.

All Guns In Solo Mode
Complete mission 9 Skedar Ruins In Perfect Difficulty In Under 4:07, or use the Game Boy Color Perfect Dark with the Transfer Pak.


Access Pugilist
Complete mission 1.2 dataDyne Investigation In Special Difficulty In Under 6:30

Access Hotshot
Complete mission 4.1 Area 51: Infiltration In Special Difficulty In Under 5:00

Access X-Ray Scanner
Complete mission 4.2 Area 51: Rescue In Any Difficulty

Access Hit and Run
Complete mission 2 Carrington Villa In Special Difficulty In Under 2:30

Access Alien
Complete mission 8 Attack Ship In Special Difficulty In Under 5:17  | Submitted by sneak64

To get this cheat you have to beat the level listed in under the time limit. Also on the difficulty level listed.

Beat the G5 Building: Reconnaissance in under 1:30 on Agent difficulty. | Submitted by Tim

Successfully complete all solo missions on the Special Agent or Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Successfully complete all solo missions on the Agent, Special Agent, or Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

For this cheat to work you must be in the facility level and playing capture the case against at least four simulents and their base must be in the bathroom for this cheat to work. Throw explosives into the room leading into the bathroom and eventually a never ending explosion will start. A great way to work up a high kill count. | Submitted by DanielByers

First you must go to the basement and find the floating crate push B to grab it. Take it in front of the shooting gallery door. Push B to let go of it and open the door grab it again. Take it through the glass door where you shoot. Turn around while holding onto it and let go of it while the door is open the door shouldn't be able open now. Then go to the computer and push B and pick any gun. You shold now be able to shoot anybody or anything outside the shooting gallery. Using rockets and grenades you can make all of the lights go out. If you shoot the guns in the displays they will disappear. You can shoot outside of the door but if you go past it your gun disappears.

This trick helps you in no way during the solo missions, but it's still pretty cool. First you have to unlock the grenade launcher and actavate it. Then, in mission one, after you get off the roof and kill the 1st guy, go through the doors. Then kill the 2nd guy. Turn the corner and blast a grenade at the pipe. Then go down the pipe. You will be in a small room. Blast away at the walla nd go through! You will be in Cassandra's office! Objective one is in the bag! P.S. This works really well to fool the other person in counter-operative mode.

You will need the all guns cheat for this to work. Go up to one of the elevators up to the second floor and get out the "Combat Knife". Now throw the knife into the side of the elevator entrance and watch the knife spin! | Submitted by NathanRitchie

1. Go to area 51
2. Get out a laptop gun
3. Using the laptop gun shoot someone in the head 4 times
4. Exit the level
5. Go to the opening screen
6. Play any level and Joahna will be naked

This is not really a cheat, First go to the first level.Then go to the room with the big fan. Go up to the fan, turn to your right. Then you will see something white. Press B to it, the lights will turn off. You will not be able to see. To see you must shoot a gun. | Submitted by AnthonyL.

Mr. Blonde’s Revenge is unlocked by completing all solo missions in Agent difficulty or higher.

Maian SOS is unlocked by completing all solo missions in Special Agent difficulty or higher.

WAR! is unlocked by completing all solo missions in Perfect Agent difficulty.

Duel is unlocked by finding all weapons in the solo missions and gaining at least a Bronze rating on each weapon at the Carrington Institute Firing Range.

Unlock Perfect Darkness (new difficulty setting) by beating all solo missions in Perfect Agent.

Unlocking preset games:
Unlock Hold the Briefcase by completing 2 Challenges.
Unlock Pistol One-Hit Kills by completing 3 Challenges.
Unlock Capture the Case by completing 4 Challenges.
Unlock Tranquilizer by completing 7 Challenges.
Unlock Slow Motion by completing 8 Challenges.
Unlock Temple Explosives by completing 11 Challenges.
Unlock Slayer by completing 13 Challenges.
Unlock Cloaking by completing 16 Challenges.

Unlocking scenarios:
Unlock Hold the Briefcase by completing 2 Challenges.
Unlock Capture the Case by completing 4 Challenges.

Unlocking Arenas:
Unlock Complex by completing 1 challenge.
Unlock Warehouse by completing 3 challenges.
Unlock Ravine by completing 5 challenges.
Unlock Temple by completing 6 challenges.
Unlock G5 Building by completing 9 challenges.
Unlock Grid by completing 11 challenges.
Unlock Felicity by completing 12 challenges.
Unlock Villa by completing 14 challenges.
Unlock Sewers by completing 16 challenges.
Unlock Car Park by completing 17 challenges.
Unlock Base by completing 18 challenges.
Unlock Fortress by completing 20 challenges.
Unlock Ruins by completing 22 challenges.

Unlocking Weapons:
Unlock Farsight XR-20 by completing 1 challenge.
Unlock Grenade by completing 1 challenge.
Unlock Shotgun by completing 2 challenges.
Unlock Falcon 2 (silencer) by completing 3 challenges.
Unlock SuperDragon by completing 4 challenges.
Unlock Laptop Gun by completing 5 challenges.
Unlock Remote Mine by completing 6 challenges.
Unlock Tranquilizer by completing 7 challenges.
Unlock Falcon 2 (scope) by completing 8 challenges.
Unlock Reaper by completing 9 challenges.
Unlock Cloaking Device by completing 10 challenges.
Unlock Devastator by completing 11 challenges.
Unlock Proximity Mine by completing 12 challenges.
Unlock Slayer by completing 13 challenges.
Unlock Phoenix by completing 14 challenges.
Unlock Combat Boost by completing 15 challenges.
Unlock Mauler by completing 16 challenges.
Unlock Callisto NTG by completing 17 challenges.
Unlock Crossbow by completing 18 challenges.
Unlock RC-P120 by completing 19 challenges.
Unlock DY357-LX by completing 20 challenges.
Unlock N-Bomb by completing 21 challenges.
Unlock Laser by completing 22 challenges.
Unlock X-Ray Scanner by completing 23 challenges. | Submitted by sneak64

Successfully complete all solo missions on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.

In any of the levels in the DataDyne Building go to the floors where you can look out and see cars flying. Shoot the glass and gaze out over the night sky. Shoot any of the cars with the CMP150 and they will blow up PS: Great way to kill people in the room next to you.

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