Press C-Up(2), C-Down(2), C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, C-Right, B, A, hold Z + Start at the title screen. The announcer will say "Goal" to confirm correct code entry.
Press Up, L, Up, L, Down, L, Down, L, Left, R, Right, R, Left, R, Right, R, B, A, hold Z + Start at the title screen. The announcer will say "What an incredible comeback!" to confirm correct code entry. Choose the "All Stars" from the team selection screen to select the Euro Stars A, Euro Stars B, Asian Stars, African Stars, All American Stars and World Stars teams. These teams normally appear only after the game is defeated in league mode. Note: Only two additional teams are available in the Japanese version of the game.
Keep tapping C-Down when running or standing still.
Stand still and hold C-Left.
When sprinting in any direction let go of everything and immediately tap Chip.
Hold Back after the ball is kicked.
Hold Forward after the ball is kicked.
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